16. Roman

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Arabella was down early today. She hasn't said a word to me since i've been back, she looks at me blankly, sets food in front of me but then goes to eat at the end of the other table.

I hear her and Asher fucking, it doesn't make me jealous, i gave them permission too. When i caught her riding him, i watched the entire thing. She was more comfortable with him then she had been with me.

I liked it. He was giving her something i surely cannot.

It was just like how it was whenever we'd fuck the same woman. Just i was more jealous because i actually like Arabella.

And he didn't treat her like a fuck toy, he grabbed her food from the kitchen and walked upstairs to cuddle her.

I can't do that.

"Good morning." I clear my throat.

She ignores me, opening the refrigerator and grabbing a carton of cranberry juice. "Why are you ignoring me?" I take in her body, Asher's shirt hugging her hips, dropping to her knees, her feet bare, toenails painted pink and a gold chain around one ankle.

She opens the cupboard, pulling out a breakfast bar and then makes her way to the couch. I watch as she sits down, scrolling through Netflix until she finds something of her interest and then presses play.

Usually it's a chick flick, today it's a documentary.

I watch her as she watches the documentary, she sips on the juice every now and then, taking bites of the granola bar.

She didn't look back until someone walks down the stairs, from the footsteps i could tell it was Asher, i keep my eyes on her.

"Morning." He walks over, more like waddles, they must have been at it last night.

"Can we go to the ducks today?" She asks him.

"No." There's still a risk.

"I wasn't asking you." She seethes to me.

"I'm under his order, tián xīn." Asher sits opposite me on the island, "No ducks today."

She rolls her eyes and faces the TV again, Asher leans forward, my eyes drop to the bruise on his neck, "She's fucked you more than she's fucked me."

"Maybe if you weren't an asshole to her." He picks up a grape from the fruit bowl, "Why can't she go to the ducks?"

"Because the four men i killed were Irish, i'm think double are American, New Yorkers at that." I lean my elbows on the table.

"Have you told her?"

"She won't even look at me." I look behind me to the door opening, Luca walking in.

"Your brothers dead, Raphael." He takes his jacket off.

"Send his body back to Regno." I rub my eyes, "What happened?"

"Cardiac arrest-"

"Please don't talk about this stuff while i'm around." Arabella stands up, "Can we go to your hotel today?" She asks Luca.

"Yes. I need to make sure the casino is in check." I stand up, "Change."

She sets her cranberry juice on the counter and then walks away.

"So... she's still mad at you?" Luca asks, a smile on his face.

"We'll stay overnight at the hotel, let her do what she wants-"

"Okay, Roman." Luca sighs, "We need to discuss this."

"No we don't. You guys will just annoy me and i can't be bothered to deal with that shit." I stand up.

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