108. Arabella

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While i do love having the guys around while i'm pregnant, i do miss doing stuff for myself. If they could, i'm pretty sure they would carry me to the bathroom and wipe my ass for me.

Walking? Not a thing anymore. If Luca can, he will lift me. Up the stairs, to the docks, walking out of the kids bedrooms. I'm waiting for the day i'm too heavy for him to lift.

Roman will not let me stand for more than five minutes. I can't cook. He refuses to let me cook, and while Roman is an excellent chef and can make every Italian dish out there, cooking is my free therapy and i don't have that anymore.

Asher will do anything to make sure i'm not doing anything. Putting the kids to bed? That's his job now. Showering them? His job also, showering myself? Yeah, he's took that onto his plate too.

It's exhausting not doing anything.

And i'm only eight freaking weeks. I have seven more months of this shit.

They did my blood tests to confirm i'm pregnant, and we did a test too. Luca wanted to keep it, i told him to shut the fuck up.

I sneak out of the bedroom, down the stairs and into the kitchen so i can start cooking.

Only, as soon as i pour oil into the pan, the back door opens. "You're not supposed to be-"

"Luca, i love you. I do. But i'm pregnant, barely pregnant okay, no symptoms yet, so y'all really need to stop coddling me because it's making me feel claustrophobic, okay?"

He pulls his gloves off, "What are you making for breakfast?"


"The new chickens just laid some, want me to get them?"

"Yes, and then i'm going to wake the kids up, one of you guys can take them to pre school and then i'm going to tidy."

"Be careful because i heard chemicals can-"

"Luca." I look at him. "I cleaned with triplets and they all turned out fine."

"My bad." He smiles as he walks out of the door again.

I use the eggs we had already to make some scrambled eggs, when Luca returns i use those too. I toast some bread while using up the last of the bacon too. I always used to eat this in the UK.

I put everything on the plates and then walk up the stairs, I walk into Matteo's room first, he was half hanging off his bed.

I shake his shoulder gently and his eyes open, "No school." Why is that the first thing he says?

"You're going school." I pull his covers down, looking at his bare legs, fake tattoos over them. Those transferable ones that you use water for. He wanted to 'look like papa Luca' so we got him these, i didn't think he we going to use the enitre pack on his legs.

I walk through the little archway into Ilarias room, she has such a bed head in the morning it's adorable.

She has one of those ladder beds with a desk and a wardrobe underneath it. I shake her gently too and she makes a soft sound before raising, "Morning mommy."

"Morning baby, i made breakfast."

"Eggs." She moves the hair out of her face.

"Get up." I pinch her tummy, walking out of their room and into Romeo's.

He was already awake, jsut staring at his ceiling.

"You okay?" I ask.

He looks over at me, "Yes. Are you making eggs?"

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