Chapter 2

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Elena calls us to her office. I can't imagine how mad she might be.
"What the fuck happened in the club?" she screams as we walk into her office.
She is definitely mad.
"To say I'm disappointed means to say nothing"
"Elena, I know you're mad, but it's not our fault," I complain, "there were other people who were after him. That motherfucker and his man scared him off!"
"This motherfucker?" she asked and shows a picture on her phone.
Cazzo. (Fuck)
Their family is feared in the mafia world and pain in our asses. We're not rival families, but it's doesn't make us allies as well. Both our authorities are at daily competition. While Rinaldis are getting their income from drug trafficking and infiltration of legitimate businesses, they specialize in stock manipulations and tax frauds. They also own many clubs and markets around the Italy. But that's not why they are so respected in this world. Alfred Daloi had half of the politics in his pockets. Just one snap of his finger and the elections go with completely different path.
"He is Alfred Daloi's son?" Sofia asks instead of me because I am busy looking at the photo.
That's why his face was so familiar.
"Christian Daloi," Elena replies. "After Salvadors killed his father, he became the Don. The cruelest in the family ever seen. Crueler than his father."
And that's he was at the club.
He seeks revenge too.
"I thought after his fathers death they would be much lesser problem to us. And they were for a moment. But believe me when I say this young man is not inferior to any of current Dons."
I wonder how young is he. Not that I care, but still.
"However," I say when I give the phone back to Elena, "it's his fault we failed."
"She just has a crush on him," Sofia jokes with a smirk and narrows her eyes. Elena looked at me with pure shock.
"The hell to the no," I deny, "he is everything I hate about man. He is arrogant and selfish. He treats women like objects that should obey his every command."
"And you got that imagine just for talking with in for two seconds?" Sofia asks. Again trying to mess with my head on purpose. She loves this mindfucking games. That's one of her skills. She can fuck up your entire mind by just talking to you.
"You talked to him?" More shock washes over Elena. We all look like we are teenagers from a movie.
"Yes and yes" I reply, "Oh yeah, and nickname's he gave me? Disgustoso" (disgusting)
"He gave you a nickname?" Sofia says with surprise.
"Yeah, why?" I asks.
Sofia can't manage to answer, because capo and consigliere came in. Mark and Eric. They are Elenas cousins and very valued members of this family. Both perfectly trained and smart.
"Come in, guys," said Elena. "You two, out!"
Me and Sofia get out of her office.
"So?...why?" I repeat.
"When mafia bosses give you nicknames, that means that they will do anything to get you."Sofia answers.
I start laughing. That was the funniest thing I have ever heard.
"I am serious, Aurora," she says.
"I think you read too much wattpad," I say and we both start laughing. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My only day off. Well, until Elena calls. I woke up at 12:22PM. My bed is warm so I stayed in for another hour, and then I decided to get up. I crave some Starbucks coffee today . Even though I am too lazy, I get out of the house. I order my favorite coffee from my favorite cashier Amy.
"As usual, right?" I say while taking out my wallet.
"Your order has already been paid," she hesitates to say the next sentence, "actually, he said your all orders have been paid."
"Who?" I ask confused.
"Ciao, piccola," said the familiar voice.(Hello, baby)
I didn't have to guess twice.
Christian Daloi.
I turn around and face his masculine chest. I look up and saw his annoyingly attractive face.
"Posso unirmi a te?" he ask in  polite manner, which didn't suite his character at all. (May I join you?)
"Se dico di no, ti uniresti a me?" I ask and cross my arms on my chest. (If I said no, would you still join me?)
"Si," he says proudly.
And the pig is back.
"Then why are you asking?" I chuckle.
"People say it's polite," he explaines, ""now come with me."
I follow him. Why? I don't know, I guess I was just curious. Or maybe it was the fact of him being Don.
We sit on a table near the window.
"You know, I am very capable of paying for my own coffee," I say when we make ourselves comfortable.
"A "thank you" would have been enough, piccola," he sounds annoyed.
"Stop!" I command.
Commanding Don. Really smart, Aurora.
"What exactly?" he asks.
"Calling me "piccola". I have a name," I reply.
"Well, do you mind telling me?"he asks.
"Are you serious?"He knows where I drink coffee but doesn't know my name? I doubt it.
"Do I not look serious?" he frowns.
"Aurora," I utter quietly.
"Aurora," he repeats and looks into my eyes.
It makes me uncomfortable, but I am not going to let him know about it. So, I don't break the eye contact. He blinks and I know I won. So I smile In victory.
"Okay, Aurora, I will still call you however I want," he breaks the silence.
"Well, I don't want you to," I comment.
"Well, I don't care," he says.
I am so annoyed that I can't even utter something back. He caught my annoyance.
"So, Aurora, you are Elena Rinaldi's assassin," he says, accenting my name again, which makes him even more annoying.
I am in complete shock. Is he joking with me?
"What the...?" I am so confused, " How do you know that?"
"How old are you?" he asked, ignoring my question.
"Old enough," I state folding my arms and leaning back on the chair.
"Old enough to be the most feared assassin?" he chuckles.
"Counter question," I say and narrow my eyes, "Are you old enough to be the cruelest Don?"
Shivers run down my spine when I said it out loud. The cruelest Don.
I am scared of him but I am scared of how far he will let me go with my confidence. This man can kill me at any moment, and here I am bickering with him. He smiled with his devilish smile. His eyes lit up with dangerous fire.
"I am pretty cruel, especially when someone defies me," he announces.
"I am 18." I answer, being a little bit worried of the fact that If  I continue this way I might get the taste of his cruelty.
I can tell he is pretty surprised, but he hides it quickly.
"Good girl" he says seductively "I'm 19"
Well that's impressive. I thought he was 20 something, near his 30s. 19? And the cruelest Don? I wonder what made him this way.
But the "good girl"? Am I a dog or something? That make me lose my shit.
"Listen to me ,now bambino , I am 18 but my body count is 98 and I'm not talking about the number of my sexual partners. I would not hesitate to increase the number to 99, so don't provoke me or I won't pay attention to such conditionality as the fact that you are the Don, capito?" I announce angrily.
Who the fuck he thinks he is?
Don or not, this little shit needs to know how to respect people.
I run out of Starbucks and stand in front of the entrance for a moment. My body is burning. Probably because of adrenaline ejection. Anger runs through my veins and I am panting. Did I really say that to him? Oddio. I'll be lucky not to be dead my this evening, I guess.
"Instead of threatening me, be more attentive to your things. It's much more useful," I hear Christian saying from behind.
I shudder. He handed me my phone and I take it aggressively.
I walk a little and realize something was on it. I looked at it. A phone number written on a sticky paper. Beautiful handwriting.
Aurora, focus!
I turn around and look at Christian. He is still proudly standing in front of the cafe, waiting for my reaction. I fake a smile, crumple the paper and throw it into the trash bin beside me, without even looking. His face is confused.
Something new.
I turn back around and continue my way.
A week passes. I feel relaxed but  my thoughts are occupied by him. I'm not able to do my job, sleep, or eat without thinking about him. This feeling of hate is eating me alive.
It's Sunday again.
I decide to go to the library. It is my safe place where I can clear my mind and relax. I am walking through bookshelves, hoping to find a good book to read. My eyes stop on my favorite one - "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austin. Maybe it's weird that someone like me would ever even consider reading something like this, but I love that romantic stuff. Especially written by Austin. Ugh, she's an incredible writer and such an inspiration for women. I lift my hand to reach it, but it was too high for me. Why do people even make these bookshelves so high.? Suddenly I felt warmth coming from behind me. A familiar one. I wasn't even scared and didn't turn around. A hand touches mine before reaching the book. Cold rings on the fingers give me shivers.
Oddio. If only that wasn't him.
"Don Christian," I greet when I turn around, "weird to find you here."
" Christian," he says and lifts his head, "You're so small, piccola."
"My height is average," I comment, "Are you stalking me, big boy?"
Did I just call him "big boy"? What is he doing to me?
"I would never think that a cold assassin would read Jane Austin. I bet you read Bronte, too, and Hardy" he changes the subject.
"I would never think that someone like you even knows these names," I tease.
He puts his hand on the shelf behind me, blocking me from moving to the right.
"Well, maybe you would have if you didn't throw away my number," he says and hands me the book.
I laugh. His face has the most scary expression, but I don't stop. I am enjoying the annoyed expression on his face.
"Did I say something funny, piccola?" he asks and put his other hand in the left side of my head, caging me.
It makes me a little nervous. I don't like being crowded, but act unbothered.
"The fact that you thought that I wouldn't throw it away, that was funny," I laugh.
He looks at me with a death stare.
Oh, he would have strangled me right now.
"Look, I'm not interested, okay?" I confess, "Go find someone else to mess with."
I pass under his left hand and finally get out of that "hand-prison". I am about to leave when I hear my phone ringing. It's not in my hand or in my back pocket. The sound is coming from behind. I look at Christian. He turns off the call and unlocks my phone. He l chuckles  and types something in it, "For the scariest assassin, it's pretty dumb not to have a password on your phone, don't you think?"
I run at him and try to take my phone back. He reacts very quickly. He presses me to the shelf, putting one hand on my waist and the other one roughly takes my face. He kisses me. Aggressively and passionately. At first I try to push him away, but he is much stronger.
I give in.

Aurora (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now