Chapter 15

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Everything was done according to my plan. All the soldiers from other bases are now in the main one. The place became crowded, but we have another problem.
The rat.
I have an access to everyone's phone, even Dalois, even Christians. Of country none of them knows. But i can't find anything. I'm going crazy about it. At some point I even started to think what if I am the rat.
I was checking yesterdays security cams to find anything suspicious, when Elena calls me.
"Si?" I pick up the phone.
"To the basement" she barks at me, "Now"
She drops the call. I rush quickly into the basement. Christian and other assassin are outside the torturing/interrogation room.Everyones faces are pale and confused.
What on earth is going on here?
When I put my hand on the door handle, Christian stops me.
"What?" I ask.
"Tesoro"he starts "I want you to stay calm"
I make a confused grimace.
"I assume you are not ready, but you need to know"
"What's going on, Christian?"
He moves my hand from the handle, to open it himself. And when he does...oh dio.
She's tied up to a chair and Elena is standing beside her with fury on her face.
"What the fuck is going on?" I exclaim, repeating my earlier question.
No answer.
I move near to Elena.
"Why is she tied up?" I ask calmly, masking my panic.
"She's the rat" Christian speaks.
What? No!
"How many fucking times do I have to tell you that it's not me?" Sofia utters.
"Oh, shut up" Christian scoffs, "Who's this then?"
Christian takes out his "laptop of fate" and shows the video. I take it from his hands. It's from the night I got shot. A record from street cams. I moved it forward to the party where the women who had familiar voice takes of her mask.
I gaze at her with disbelief.
No, it's not her. I would've known her voice from millions.
"ITS MONTAGED" she shouts.
"STOP IT!" Christian shouts back at her.
"Shut up, you two" Elena finally speaks, which is hard for her.
I give the laptop back to Christian. I kneel In front of Sofia and cup her face, caressing her cheeks.
"Tell me it's not you, Sof" I say.
"No" she mouths and shakes her head.
I look right into her eyes.
She says the truth. She says the truth.
My gut never lies.
"It's not her" I announce and look at Elena.
"We can't trust her just because she denies it, you know it " she says.
"Well, trust me when I say it's not her" I snap.
She rubs her forehead.
"Christian,please, take her away" she commands.
Take me away?
"What?No!" I scream, when Christians hands snake around my waist.
"No, lasciami stare" I try to get out of his grip, hitting him with every part of my body, so he can release me. (Get off of me)
When we appear on the other side of the door, I have to calm down. Christian finally releases me. Everyone looks at me with understanding. I guess we are all in shock. I proudly raise my chin and walk out of the basement as if nothing happened, right into Elenas office. Christian follows me. I sit on the armchair and dug my fingers into my hair and stops breathing. Christian puts his hands on my shoulders. Gently messaging them.
"Fiato, sole , fiato" he whispered.(breath, sun, breath)
"It's not her" I say when I stabilize my breathing.
"Well, the proofs-"
"Fuck the proofs" I cut him off, standing up, "it's not her"
"Don't you ever interrupt me again" he scolds.
I lean on Elenas desk.
"Scusi" I whisper. I look away and look back at him.
"What is going to happen to her now?"I ask frightened, not sure if I wanted to know.
"incaprettamento"(the killing of a victim by tying him up,generally used to kill mafia traitors)
I gasp and close mouth with both hands. Tears start to fall down my cheeks. First time I actually cried, after all this years. I forgot how it feels. How tears burn your cheeks and eyes. How your vision and mind blurs. Your bones refuse to carry your muscles and lungs refuse to inhale an air. You want to scream, but despair can't allow you to make a sound.
Before my tears blinded me, I saw in Christian eyes is worry and shock. Suddenly, I find myself in his comforting embrace. I realize that we never actually hugged. Nor me or him are that type of people, but to be honest, I needed one for so long.
Isn't he showing too much feelings for the one he just fucked ?
Well, I don't care at that point. I am glad he does.
"I'm so sorry, sole" he says, "But she has to face the consequences of her actions"
The door opens and Elena walks in. Me and Christian reflectively push each other way. I quickly whip my tears off.
"You didn't-"
"No we didn't kill her yet, If that's what you're asking"
"Elena, please, you know she's innocent"
"Go home" she orders, "Rest. We'll discuss this tomorrow"
She walks past me, sits on her desk, wears her glasses and starts to look through her papers like nothing happened.
Sofia is not only my friend, but also hers. Andreas family is very known In our world. They are all assassins, and Rinaldis always used their services. Sofia wanted a permanent job and Elena gladly agreed. She become not only her assassin, but also her loyal friend, so her being so calm about Sofias upcoming verdict. I couldn't believe her reaction.
I aggressively walk out of the room and only heard how Christian says goodbye to Elena and follows me.
"I'll drive you home" he says.
I don't say anything. I don't have the energy.
He drives me home.When i try to open the door to my house, my hands start to tremble and keys fell out of my hand.
Merda. I can't even hold a key.
I want bend over to pick up the keys, but Christian is quicker. He takes the keys and opens the door for me. We walk in. I'm barely able to stand anymore. My feet refuse to carry my weight. As I'm about to fall, Christian steadies me.
"Maybe you want to take a bath first ?" He asks and hugs me from behind, "To relax your feet"
He kisses my shoulder, but for the first time my body doesn't react.
"No, i want to go to bed" i reply coldly.
"Alright, sole" he kisses my head and directs me to my bedroom. My entire body is aching as I start to remove my clothes.
"Let me" he whispers. Christian helps me out. He takes out an oversized shirt from my wardrobe and dresses me like I'm child. I would've laughed, if I didn't want to cry so much.
"Go to bed and try to sleep" he orders and kisses my forehead. I lay down and he covers me with a blanket. Then caresses my cheek as a farewell. I take his hand. Usually, I would love to stay alone, but not tonight.
Not when I have him.
"Stay" I request.
"Sole, i can't" he says, "Weapons are going To be transported today and I need to be there"
"Stay" I whisper ignoring his words.
"Aurora " he utters in serious tone.
Time for the secret weapon.
He inhales an annoyed,deep breath.
"I need to find a way to ban that word" he takes out his phone.
"Zio(uncle)...Sì, lo so, ma penso che dovremo farlo domani(Yes, I know, but, I think we will have to do it tomorrow)...Because I said so...Okay,9 am...Alright,ciao" he puts his phone back "Satisfied?"
I put on a lazy smile.
He starts to text to someone.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Texting Elena that I moved weapon transportation due to some...problems "he gazes at me.
"I am the problem?" I ask with fake offended voice.
"You can't even imagine"
I smile as answer. He sits on the armchair near the bed. I stand on my elbows and frown.
"Lay down with me" I demand.
Another annoyed face.
He removes his costume.
"You are lucky, you're sad and I hate to see you sad" he says as he lays next to me and brings me closer to play with my curls. I wrap my arms around his torso. He shivers.
Oh my, I love the way he reacted to my touch, but I'm not in a mood to tease him. All I think about is Sofia.
"It's not her" I whisper:
"Sleep, sole" he says. I pretend to be asleep, but I can't make myself to even relax my body for a bit. Meanwhile, Christian sleeps like a dead man. To distract myself from disturbing thoughts of upcoming events of tomorrow , I start to  admire this man. A man that possibly makes me feel something, I thought I would never feel from a man.
Loved and in love.
In love.

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