Chapter 14

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Our secret bases are constantly getting under attack. We reflect them well, but it can't go on like this for long. Both of our families meet in the conference hall to discussing our further steps to deal with Salvadors. Me and Christian are sitting next to each other. Which is not a great Idea, because since the meeting is emergency one, I happened to be  at the gym, so now I am wet and sweaty,wearing shorts and a top, which Christian hated according to the fact that he now pokes his tongue on his cheek and shakes his head . I notice that he usually does that when he's angry or annoyed.He puts his hand on my thigh. And moves his hand up and down. Slowly. Torturing me with his touch.
Grazie Dio we have high tables.
If he doesn't stop now, I think I'm going to have an orgasm. And guess what he doesn't. He starts to move his hand up my shorts.
"Stop"i whisper barely keeping my voice steady.
He doesn't. He moves his hand under my shorts, which makes me to gasp. He leans to me.
"Next time, you wouldn't dare to wear this, piccola" he whispers into my ear.
Oh my,this is bad.
He finally reached my area.
Suddenly I feel someone starring. It's one of Dalois assassins.
Cazzo,what was her name? Celia?
Her eyes are narrowed and there's a weird expression in them.
I know that look.
I am very familiar to it, thanks to the man who's now gently rubbing my clit.
Jealousy? Why she would be jealous?
"So what is your suggestion ,Marc?" Elena asks.
"I think we should send some small, well-trained groups to each base" Marc replies.
I remove Christians hand, so I would be able to speak without moaning the words. He groans in disappointment.
No fucking way I'm letting my people die.
"Uh-uh"I voice negatively "I'm not sending my people to a certain death"
"Your people?" Eric asks.
My heart fell to my knees, but my gaze remains calm. My eyes narrow.
"Since when you own Elenas assassins ?" Eric continued.
"Fun fact, Capo , you don't have to own people to call them yours" I talk back, which is not allowed.
"Watch your  mouth, Morana" he says  "I am the one to decide what to do with them"
My blood is boiling and not only mine. Christian hand turned into a fist.
"Enough Eric "Elena scolds.
"No, Elena, you gave her too much freedom and now she lost her mind"
"How the fuck I am the one that lost it, when you are the one who puts this people in danger?" I stand up  and gesture everyone around me.
"That's none of your fucking business" he move near me "Know your place, Morana"
Know my place?Oh, that's it.
"It's my business, since your too incompetent to do it right" I announce.
Dead silence.
"Cazzo cagna" Eric rasps and raises his hand. (Fucking bitch)
I freeze.
"Cazzo cagna" my fathers voice echoes in my head.
Erik doesn't manage to do anything. Within a second, his front part presses to the wall, his hand gets twisted on his back by Christian.
"Keep your hands to yourself, asshole"
"Alright, boys, calm down" Elena says and takes Erik out of his grip while I desperately trying to hold Christian back and to move him out. His body is tensed and hard. My physical strength isn't enough, so I used something more powerful.
"Let's go, fiamma" I seductively whisper a nickname that came first to my mind,  putting my hands on his shoulders and gently massaging them. He quickly relaxes. I like that my touch has so much power over him. I easily get him out of the room. I take him outside so he could have some fresh air.
"Christian, what were you thinking?"i asked concernly "Eric is very powerful man, he has many connections, plus the alliance might be questioned now"
"Fiamma, huh?" He grins.
"What?" I need a second to process and then I remember  "Oh that,well, I needed to get you out of there somehow"
His grin turns into a small smile, which makes me want to smile back at him.
No, no ,no. Stop smiling, Aurora.
"Don't do it,I'm trying to be mad"I say, holding back a chuckle.
"Why flame?" he comes near.
"Because sometimes there's a fire in your eyes, and sometimes I think that its flames might burn me"
"Oh believe me they will, piccola " he says with a bit weird tone, which I ignore, and raises my face with his index finger.
"You should've not made Eric angry Christian" I try to remind him that I'm mad.
"No one is allowed to touch you, ricordi ?"(remember?)
"I can stand up for myself" i whisper.
"Yes, sole , I know that usually you can, and I didn't want to interfere...but you froze"
I stop breathing.
"You looked...scared" he continues, "Why?"
I look away.
"Look at me" he demands and I do. Tears already filled my eyes. I'm not the crying type, but anything connected to my family makes me highly emotional. And I'm not fully mad about. It reminds me that deep down I have a soul.
"Tell me" Christians voice snaps me back to reality.
"My father" i whisper.
"My father" i say louder.
One tear escapes my eye.
"Did he hurt you?" he asks and whips my tear away.
I nod. Disgusting memories of my father throwing a plate at me brushed over me. You see, there were lumps in the porridge. A darkness takes me by the throat, making hard to inhaleS
I can't do this anymore.
"Let's not talk about it and go back" i say.
I fake a smile and turn around to go back in, but Christian takes  me by my waist and presses  against his warm body.
"You don't have to pretend with me, sole"he says and kisses my forehead. Something unfamiliar warmed my chest.
We go back. Everyone's already there,waiting for us. Eric is sitting too, silent and angry.
"Say" Elena orders  and slightly hits the back of the head.
"I sincerely apologize,Morana" he mutters  "What is your suggestion?" He fakes a  smile.
"Withdraw all groups from the bases"
"Are you crazy?"Eric asks "if we do that than, we are going to loose our bases"
Everyone frowns.
"Yes, but we are going to save our people.Their plan is to kill as many people as possible, and not to take our bases.That conquest is just like bonus for them. Plus, we need people here.To protect our main base,si?"
Elena connects her two index fingers and puts them on her mouth. Classic Elena Rinaldi thinking pose. She smiles, which means she made her decision.
"Okay, do that"
Eric is annoyed, but he couldn't disobey. After all the decisive voice is hers.
I glance at Christian, who's proudly gazing at me. He looks away and whispers under his breath so I wouldn't here.
"That's my girl"
But I do.
Mmm.His girl.
hi friends<3
So this chapter and the next one are going to be a bit shorter, because I didn't want to mix up the events, but after all it's about the quality and not the quantity;)

your humble author ;)

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