Chapter 11

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Me and Sofia went to Elenas office.I tell her everything Salvador said. Her face darkens with each word. She caresses her chin and falls into her thoughts. I'm just leaning on the table and trying to figure out what is going on inside her mind. Elena is one of most clever people I've ever met in my life. Her mind works is such a twisted way, sometimes it's hard to even understand her.
"It's one of Dalois" she finally speaks.
"What made you think that?" i ask. My chest tightens .A very bad feeling and thoughts of betrayal wrapper around my throat.
"We didn't have rats before they joined us"she continues, "Coincidence?I don't think so."
"What should we do?" Sofia asks,"Break the alliance?"
"No. Not yet. We still need them for equipment and their people" she says, "Don't talk to them if there's no need to and don't trust them with anything."
Now I feel like a traitor. I'm about to go on a date with a possible rat.
No,it couldn't be him.
It can't.
For some mysterious reason,i trust Christian with my life.Me and Sofia are about to leave,when Elenas voice stops me.
"Aurora" she says and I look her way "Be careful,miele."
Her tone is more full of concern, than waning.
Fuck, she definitely knows. She knows. She knows that there's something between me and Christian.
I just nod and hold my tears back like I always do. Last time I cried was when I was 13 and my father beat my mother because soup was too cold.And then he beat me for crying. After that every time I wanted to cry, I remembered his hard hand on the back of my head and it stopped me.
As I quickly walk into the hallway I bumped into a wall. A wall with the most charisma aura.
Oh boy,will he ever stop doing that?
"Are you ready?"he asks.
"For what?"
"The date?" he replies confused "Are you alright?"
I try to hide my indignation with a smile.
"Yes" I lie.
"We really need to discuss your lying habit" he says in serious tone "Now let's go"
"Yeah, um, about the date" I start to think of ways to avoid it "I can't today"
"I didn't ask if you can or not"
"But the problem is that I really can't" I reply .
"The problem is that I didn't ask"
The fire in his eyes appears.
"I'm not going anywhere, Christian" I announces.
All men think that "no" is actually a "yes".
He narrows his eyes.
"Is this whole drama about the rat thing?" He asks.
I don't reply and I don't have to. He reads me like a book. Frankly, it really frightens me and makes me feel valuable.
He walks toward me. I take a few steps back and hit the wall. He puts his one hand in his pocket and with other one he leans on the wall.I look aside to escape his gaze.
"Look at me,Aurora" he orders. I noticed that he calls me by my name when he was serious or angry. I obey . But, surprisingly, his gaze isn't angry,it's quite gentle.
"Even if I am the rat,the last thing I would do is hurting you" he speaks.
"It's not about that, Christian" I sigh.
"Then what is it about?"
"If you are the rat, then seeing each other can be considered as a betrayal"
There, i said it out loud.
He frowns.
"You need to trust me" he says.
Don't let him to get in your head.
Sofias words appear in my mind,but I brush them off. I trust this man. Maybe should've not but I trust him with my life.
"Now,let's go" he says and takes my hand. i don't protest and follow him to his car.My heart is racing.
Both for excitement and anxiety.This whole "relationship" stuff is kind of stressing. I relax a bit when I see that he took me a cozy cafe, instead of a luxurious restaurant I thought he would.
"Do you bring all your dates here?" I tease when we walked in.
"I never had a date" he answers.
He whispers something to waiter, who tells us to wait a bit.
"Yeah, sure" I say with sarcasm.
"I am not lying, Aurora"
He really didn't? Weird.
The same waiter approaches us again and shows the way to our table,which is already ready.A bottle of wine,meat,salads and everything that could be eaten are on the table.
"I didn't know what you like so I ordered a little bit of everything" he confesses.
"I think I'll figure something out" I smile. He removes the chair for me so I can sit.
The is the side I've never seen of him and I would be lying if I say that I'm not complete adoring it.
The dinning hall is in brown and crème colors,which are very pleasant to eye.The tables are wooden without tablecloths.The interior is in a vintage Italian style with beautiful photographs of Sicily on the walls.
"Me and my mom used to come here a lot" he says, satisfying my curiosity.
"Where did your dates took you ?" He asks playfully.
I press my lips. I'm not ready for this talk. But i started this, so this is kind of my fault.
Me and Noah never went anywhere,so answer was similar.
"Nowhere" I reply, hoping he would stop asking, but I assume wrong.
"Why?" he tilts his head.
Because he was ashamed of me.
i don't answer.
"Haven't you been in a relationship?"
"I have" I say hastily.
Shut up, Aurora.
"Tell me" he insists.
"I don't want to talk about it, Christian"i say and it came out a little bit harsher than I expected.
He narrows his eyes and sighs.
"After my dads death, my mom had a stroke. We managed to take her to hospital and stabilize her,but I couldn't leave her alone. People don't heal fast after stoke, so she stayed with me for a while until she was fully able do to everything independently , that's why I had all those make up stuff"
Oh boy,he's been through a lot.
He lost his father and nearly his mother.
He had them at least.
"I am so sorry,That happened to you" I say and give him a reassuring squeeze to his hand.
He shivers. I never noticed the way his body responses to mine.He looks at our hands and starts to caress mine,then his eyes gaze up to me.
He wants my story.
I inhale deeply and start.
" I was an unwanted child. I was a burden to my parents. Well, mostly to my father, who put all the money on alcohol.He gave an ultimatum to my mother. It was either him or me. Even though my mom might've loved me, she loved my father more. I knew who she will choose, so I ran away. I was 14. Dealt with bad people and got a lot of debts. To pay their money back,they made me sell my body.For over a year it was my job, until...until I met Noah"
When I mention Noah's name Christian jaw clenches and he squeezes my hand a little tighter, but I continue "He was one of my clients.I was 15 and he was 20, but in a very short period, somehow we managed to fell in love. Everything happened fast. Maybe even too fast. Soon, i lived under his roof. He helped me a lot with my debts. Everything was finally good"
I swallow. Tears were forming in my eyes, but I couldn't cry. Not in front of Christian. He doesn't push me and waits until I'm able to carry on.
"But he cheated on me" I try to sound indifferent but my shaking voice gave me out.His eyes darkens.
"Stronzo" escapes his mouth.
"I am thankful to him,but my pride couldn't let me stay with him anymore, so I appeared on streets again.Then I met Elena" a small smile appears on my face.
"This is why you have this trust issues" he clarifies. More to himself, than to me.
Not knowing how to answer, I just nod.
"And also you are not a virgin" he randomly announces.
What the fuck.
I can't believe he said that. I even choke on my wine.
"Since I worked as a whore ,no"I reply playfully.
"Don't call yourself that"he says softly.
"Is that the only part of the story you heard?" I joke.
"No,but that's the part that irritated the most"he confesses
"Well, it's not like I wanted to be one" I say deafeningly.
He smiles, while shaking his head.
"A thought of other man touching you makes me want to find every one of them and burn them to the ashes"
I click my tongue "How romantic, Daloi. Possessive much? "
"Especially with you, tesoro"
I take huge sip of my wine to hide a stupid grin growing on my face. There is something about possessing people, that I find so fucking hot. After all, it's better to have someone jealous and possessive, either someone who doesn't care at all, right?
"Is that a problem?"i ask going back to "virginity" topic.
"What exactly?"
"Me not being a virgin"
He pauses for a second, before answering.
"Well, if not consider the fact that I want all the bastards that ever laid a finger on you gone, not really to me, maybe my family will not welcome it, but they don't have to know " he says.
Family? He wants me to meet his family?
An awkward silence feels an air between us.
"Sometimes I wish that things could've been a bit different" he continues.
"What do you mean?"
"You know,like, to feel like a normal 19-year-old"he says, "Stressing over exams,going to parties, having meaningless sex"
I giggle. He purses his lips to hide the smile. And he fails.
"I don't know about the first once,but meaningless sex?" I pause to make an intrigue"I think
I can arrange that"
The air, which was filled with awkwardness, suddenly turns to hot and thick one. I think,I even hear him gasp. Lust mixes with the well known fire in his eyes. His pupils dilated with desire. He looks at me the way predator looks at his prey.
"Then let's get the fuck out of here" he growls softly.

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