Chapter 7

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Salvadors are in Italy. "How dare they?" you ask. The Spanish mafia won't calm down until Italians are alive. It's a century-old feud. I start to use all my connections but can't find anything .They are smarter this time.
Me and Christian are not on good terms. He avoids any private conversation with me and interacts with me only when needed.
This is what I wanted, didn't I?
The guilt is eating me from inside, but my pride won't let me apologize. Deep inside I know what I did was right. He is a Daloi and I'm with Rinaldis. Our relationship would've been a disaster. So, this is a right decision. At least I thought that way, before I started to notice him more than I used to. The way he's with his people. The way he talks to my people. He is... respectful? He treats everyone equally.
Once I saw one of his men hitting on Sofia. I wanted to shoot the guy, but then I saw Christian scolding him and forcing him to apologize. And he apologized too. Sofia looked at me with "you saw that?" expression.
I am sure this happened, because of what I said. Even though he hates me, I know my words affected him in some way. Another wrong assumption.
It's one of those days I stayed late, because I needed some paperwork to be done.
I decide to leave , when suddenly I hear noises from the shooting range. I load my gun and enter
the room.
One of Christian's assassins.
She got scared.
"Scusi," I say and put my gun in the back of my jeans, "What are you doing?"
"Cleaning the guns," she says.
"Now?" I ask.
Well, I kind of don't see anything to clean them with.
Maybe she hasn't started yet.
"It's a punishment," she says.
Oh. That's not exactly how I thought he punishes women.
"Let me help you then," I say.
Or you gonna be hear all not, sweetheart.
"Boss will be mad," she announces urgently.
"Isn't he always?" I chuckle and took a gun to start the work.
"Oh, don't say that," she says with a smile.
"Why?" I question.
"He's actually one of the best bosses this family has ever seen," she confesses , though I can't say she's sincere or not, "We all respect him very much. I'm sure you noticed it.
Well, I can agree on that one.
"He is very fair. He is also very respectful, especially to women. Never heard a woman talk badly about him."
"Really?" I'm kind of in shock.
He's not as bad as I thought?
"Yeah. He can be really mean at times though, but you wouldn't know," she says. I would not say she sounds nice, but I ignored it.
"Why wouldn't I?" I ask.
"I'm sorry it just came out. I wasn't thinking."
"No, no it's fine. Tell me," I says.
"Well, I'm having a feeling he is not indifferent towards you," she said, again in annoyed tone.
"Actually, everyone has that feeling."
"Perché ?" (Why?)
"Well, he is getting very angry when he talks about you with others."
"I don't think that that's a good sign," I laugh.
"He's getting angry at himself."
"Oh!" I breath.
"He says that you drive him crazy and stuff," she continues.
Why is she so annoyed?
"Never saw a woman to occupy his mind that much."
Now she sounds upset.
We're they together?
"Did he have other women?" I ask.
What a cliché question, Rory.
"Just one-night stands," she smiles and looks up, like she remembered something,
Alright, they slept that much is clear.
Why do I care?
"But never saw him even look at other women since he met you." Her smile drops. Something is definitely wrong, but I ignored it again.
My heart stops . I feel so guilty.
He really cared about me and I just hurt him.
"Che cazzo sta succedendo?"the voices scolded. (What the fuck is going on?)
Me and Celia shudder.
Christian. What the fuck is he doing here?
"Nothing. Just helping her to finish her job," I reply.
He don't even look at me.
"It's not her job," he says, "it's her punishment."
"Le mie scuse, signore," Celia utters . (My apologies,
"Lascire," he says, "You'll finish this tomorrow." (Leave)
Celia literally runs out of the hall.
"Well, that was rude," I speaks.
"Don't tell me how to be with my people," he replies rudely and looks at me, "Why are you here?"
Well, at least he looks at me.
"I...I wanted to...," He narrows his eyes, "Apologize."
He scoffs.
"For what?" he asks.
"For breaking your heart," I answer.
Wow, the confidence I have to say this.
He evilly giggles.
"In case you haven't noticed, I don't have one."
"That is not true," I says , kind of angry, and move closer to him.
"How come?" he asks and steps back, "You just saw the girl literally run away in tears. You think the respect I have gained was by giving gifts? It's the fear. Don't be naive."
I step forward.
"They respect you because they adore you," I say and I really mean it. "You are a great boss. I saw the way you talk to them and the way they respond. Also, the way you seek revenge for your father? Only a loving son will do that."
He doesn't say anything.
"I'm sorry for telling-"
"I don't care, Morana, forget it," he cuts me off and steps away, "I really don't care about you and anything connected to you."
"Alright," I said, "Maybe I was not so wrong."
I leave. Heartbroken. Another man fooled me around. Or maybe it was me fooling myself.
I guess I deserved this.
I walk home, because my car broke down. I walk fast, that's why I should be home in like 30 minutes. Suddenly, I hear someone cursing in Spanish. I can recognize it because I know Spanish. Elena taught me. She always says "If you want to win against your enemy, you need to know your enemy".
I go to the direction of those noises.
I was right. Andres Salvador. Capo Bastone. He was the son of Alejandro Salvador. The Don.
He's talking to some woman. For a better view I climb on the roof. The woman is dressed in a black suit and she wore a mask. Her voice is so familiar to me.
"Cazzo, Aurora," someone says from behind.
I nearly scream when I see Christian sitting beside me.
"Idiota," I whisper, "They could've heard- Wow great now they're gone. Good job, Don." (idiot)
"There," he says.
He stands up and gets off the roof. I follow him.
He takes my hand to help me out. We quickly walk, pressed to the wall.
Hand in hand.
When the building ends , he stops . Carefully, he looks behind the wall. Spanish motherfuckers sare there. Suddenly, we gaze at our hands. He caresses my hand and then drops it, pretending that didn't happen .
What just happened?
Aurora, focus.
We try to eavesdrop on the conversation. It's something about finding the secret bases. Our secret bases. They are planning an attack. My phone buzzes.
The voices immediately stop. Christian angrily gazes at me. He sighs and then loads his gun. So do I.
"Che lo spettacolo abbia inizio," he whispers. (Let the show begin)
Bullets flew in the air. I'm pulling the trigger not even looking at the target, but still hitting everyone who came on my way. I gaze at Christian his out of bullets fast, so takes his gun out.
"Hey!" I exclaim and drop him my second gun. He catches it and kills two Spanish people running towards him. He nods as a "thank you".
I feel something hit my hip, but at that moment I didn't care. Adrenaline took over my body. We took everyone down except Andres.
Shut where is that woman?
Christian raises his gun to his head.
"Well, well look who we have here?" he says and then pulls the trigger two times. Andre screams. Both of his feet are damaged.
I feel weakness and a terrible dizziness.
"Aurora," Christian utters. I hear concern in his voice. I lean on his shoulder and try to stand still. His one hand snakes around my waist, while the other was aiming Andrea. I put my hand on my hip and look at it.
Red. Blood.
I was shot.
Maybe if I was normal I wouldn't care. But I had hemophilia, so every scar can be lethal for me. No one knows about it, except Elena and Sofia.
Not now. Not here.
Last thing I remember, before I loose my consciousness, is Christian's fading voice calling my name and me falling into his arms.

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