Chapter 23

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I can see the horror forming in everyones faces. Numerous whispers fill the room and are becoming louder.
"Don Daloi would never do such a thing" I hear someone say to another, not believing to what I say.
"Silenzio" Elena commands. She's calmer that I thought she would be, but I know she screams for the inside. (Silence)
"How have you discovered it?" she asks when everyone stops talking.
"I saw his texts with Alejandro Salvador" I show her Christians phone.
She frowns.
"How he knew about the dossiers?" She asks.
"I told him about them yesterday" I say nervously.
Elena raises her eyebrows.
I'm dead.
"Please don't be mad" I whisper.
"That is not the case...he was with you, right?"
Oh. Maybe not dead.
"Right?" Elena repeats.
Wait. He was with me. Which means...
"Which means that he couldn't take pictures of them" i suddenly realize, "Which means that I was right, he isn't alone"
"So we have another rat too" Marc clarifies.
"Apparently" Elena stands up "And maybe, just maybe, If the rat confesses now I will be gracious and they will die fast. If not, then expect no mercy"
This is Don Rinaldi.
Everybody remain quiet. I look through everyones pale faces, trying to find anyone who would show any signs.
"And what about us?" one of Dalois soldiers asks.
"It's up to your authorities now" Elena says.
"But if you stay" I suddenly start, " We would have higher chances. Your Don, may be smart, but there's more of us in count. If you stay we may turn them down"
Noises of approval became higher with my each word, but they silence when Luca got up. He sighs. I can't imagine how much embarrassment and disgusting he must feel right now. His own nephew betrayed him.
"We bring our sincere apologies for causing trouble" he starts, "Dalois are at your service"
I look over Elena, who is already proudly glancing at me. She gestures her head as if "go on", to which I nod.
"Eccellente" I look back at Luca, "But Dalois are going to train outside the base and come in only with someone from Rinaldis accompanying them, i hope you do understand" (Excellent)
"Si, singora" Luca nods.
A small smile appears on my face.
"Alright, you heard her" Elena speaks, " Dalois out, Rinaldis stay"
Room starts to empty. Luca comes to me.
"I understand how much you'd like to have the traitor to yourself, but my family, especially me, would be grateful If we have him for ourselves" he announces. I look over Elena who nods in response.
"You will have him"
"Grazie" he says, "And again, I am really sorry"
I nod and smile. Luca leaves the room too.
"I'm sorry to take over" I say to Elena.
"You did great, miele" she smiles " It seems you have Rinaldi blood in you"
I have never heard anything more pleasurable.
Except... you completely disarm me.
Apparently, my expression changes because, I'm suddenly in Elenas comforting embrace.
"Oh , miele, I can't imagine how much it hurts" she caresses my back.
It burns, Elena.
He burned me. As he promised.
"He will pay for it" she says freeing me.
But do I want him to pay?
"Now, go to your soldiers"
Yes, my soldiers that's what is important now. I walk out of the conference hall and walk to the gym where one half of our people were practicing, while the others were outside, keeping our safety. This situation with Christian made me to forget what's really important to me. This people and this family, friends. In the end of the day they are the only people I have and will have by my side. But there's only one missing. I take my out my phone and text Sofia on her secret number.
It's safe now.
Come back.
I'll explain everything.
She doesn't reply, of course, due to her safety.
I hope she's okay. I really miss her.
The following days were hard. I had to somehow combine my lack of sleep,morning shifts, practicing and finding the other rat. And above all this I was afraid. Yes, afraid, because now Salvadors had too much information. How could I be so stupid to tell about those dossier? I feel even more guilty than after killing my first person.
I have to find these rat.
When I return from my shift and walk into cloakroom, I suddenly hear noises. I walk directly to them and see Celia.
"What's going on?" I ask, making her to flinch.
"Morana" she says with fake cheerfull voice, " How was the shift?"
Did she just change the subject?
"Answer the question, Celia" I bark at her.
"I-I was just trying to find some bandages" she lies,"I hurt my hand, while practicing"
I tilt my head and put on a disbelieving grimace. I look down and see her bag. She tries to move it under the chair, but I'm quicker. I open the bag and some clothes in them. As if, she packed for something. Or more correctly somewhere.
"Going anywhere?" I ask sardonically.
"This are my dirty clothes, I'm taking them home wash" she says and maybe could've fooled me, but I feel that she hiding something. Why would someone pack dirty clothes so nicely?
I walk toward her.
"Lying to me is very dangerous" I rasp.
"Being this close to me is more dangerous" she says and suddenly holds a gun under my chin. I close my eyes in annoyance.
Why won't she just shoot me?
"It's you" i say and slowly move my hand to the back of my jeans, where was my gun.
"How'd you know?" She says sarcastically, "I thought you are smarter"
"Oh, don't worry about my thinking abilities" I take the gun and shoot her. Not vital. I need her alive. She's not going to die easily. She deserves a slow agonizing death, like any traitor deserves. She collapses on the ground and grunts .
"You can only imagine the things I'm gonna do to you" I say. Suddenly, she moves her foot and knocks me off mine. She gets up and runs to the exit. I quickly take the gun and shoot. It's her leg this time.
I get up and run after her. I'm going after the bloody marks she made and then they stop when I walk into a small dark room, which was our archive.
What the fuck?
I turn on the light and red liquid drops on my gun. I look up and she's there, holding her with hand and feet. I lift my gun to shoot, but her foot hits me. I feel dizzy and everything goes black. Last thing I see is her smirking face.
I open my eyes, still feeling a little dizzy. I feel a huge headache and try to rub my head to ease the pain, but I couldn't. My hands were tied on the headboard. When my vision fixes I realize, that i have no idea of where i am. I try to untie myself somehow, but I don't succeed.
"Oh, good morning" the door opens and Celia comes in. She can't step on her right foot, "Or how you, buongiorno"
How we say?
"Where am I and why the fuck am I here?"
She takes a chair, flips it and sits on it.
"I can't tell you where are you, but your here because I kidnapped you" she explains.
"Kidnapped me?" I hope my phone is okay and Elena already tracked me.
"Are you deaf?" she asks annoyed.
I start to grunt of headache.
"Don't think that I get pleasure of babysitting you" she rolls her eyes.
"Then why are you doing this?"
"Because you are a pain in ass, sweetheart."
"Then why won't you kill me?"
"Because I promised you boyfriend" she emphasized "your boyfriend".
Boyfriend? Is that how everyone saw us?
"Sorry did I hit a nerve?" She asks with a fake concern.
"Who ordered you?" I change the subject.
"Sweetheart, you're asking too much questions" Celia says rubbing her temples, "By the way, we need to leave soon"
"Leave? To where?" Elena will be here any minute, so I'll just play the part of the victim for a while. 
"What I told you about questions?" she says standing up from the chair.
"If you untie me, I will let you to run away this time" I promise, already feeling that Elena is in the area.
She laughs.
Good. She doesn't have a clue.
"You are quite funny"
"Well, than it's not me that you should be running away now" I explain in amused tone.
"What do you mean?" she tenses.
"Did you break my phone?" I asks, knowing well she didn't. How did I know that? Call it sixth sense.
"No" her eyes widen, "Meirda" (shit In Spanish)
Is it me or she just swore in Spanish?
She runs out of the room.
"Too late" I shout and laugh.
She comes back with a jacket on. She unties my hands from headboard, and I use the advantage. I hit her, throwing her to the side. I'm about to run of the room, she takes my hair bringing me back to her.
"Not so fast, sweetheart" she says and I hit her nose with my head.
"Fucking bitch" I hiss at her.
She tries to hit me, but I block her. She runs to me and hugs my waist and we both appear on the floor. This time she successfully hits me. But the entrance door gets broken.
"Well, well" I hear Elenas voice.
Celia quickly gets off me and directs her running feet the window. Several bullets through in the air, and I move to other side not to catch one. She evades every bullet.
She is good.
She breaks the window and flies out of it. Everyone except Elena runs after her.
"That girl is good" she voices my thoughts"How are you, miele?"
"I'm glad you found me" she helps me to get up.
"I'm glad you suggested to put those new microchips in everyones phone" she unties my hands. She caresses my cheek and forehead, which is bruised.
"You need ice" she says more to herself.
"I'm fine, mom" I tease. This time she only smiles. Weird.
"We lost her" Emma, which was one of our assassins says walking into the room.
"You what??" Elenas smile disappears," You all are so fucked right now and I am not even kidding"
Poor Emma.
"Tell everyone we are returning" she orders.
Emma quickly runs out. Me and Elena walk out of the house. It's in the middle of nothing.
"You needed to do one fucking thing" she barks at everyone, before getting into the car.
We go back to our base. Elena calls Marc and Eric to her office with us. She gives me some aspirin and ice. Then she turns to her cousins.
"What the fuck happened there, Eric?" Eric literally flinches.
"We ran after her" Eric starts, " We were this close to catch her, but Salvadors appeared"
"So what?" Elena asks.
"Elena they were too much of them and that little shit was there too" Eric says.
"Christian?" I gasp and everyone looks at me "I meant Don Daloi?"
"Si, Morana" he says, "As you said he was a traitor"
A traitor.
"Find info on her" Elena says sitting on her chair, "I want to know everything about her. Every little detail. Birth, age, hometown, family, what she eats,drinks-"
"We got it" Marc interrupts.
"Scusi, Don" Marc whispers, "The order will be done immediately"
"You may go now" Elena says in calmer tone. Marc and Eric left the office. And Elena turns her sight on me. Judging me with eyes.
"Don't look at me like that" I say, not bearing the disapproval in her face.
"Aurora, he is a traitor"
"Yes, and I'm in love with him!" I shouts.
"I know, it's fucked up" I continue standing up "I can't do anything to fight this feeling. This whole thing just drives me crazy. I can't sleep, I can't eat or drink" I sob.
Elena never seen me getting emotional. She is purely shocked.
"I am weak" I whisper. She hugs me and I burst into tears again.
"You don't have to do this, miele" she whispers, caressing my back.
"No" I says, "I have to. That's the least I can do for you and this family"
"Aurora, you are part of this family" she reassures me "Families don't own to each other anything"
I smile.
"You don't have to come with us" she says, "I don't want to see you hurting yourself, by seeing him getting hurt"
"Maybe that's what I need" I whisper, "Maybe I need to see him suffer as much as I do now. At least physically"
"In that case, get a grip" she says her tone much serious now. I heard notes of disappointment in her voice. She doesn't want me to come with them. That much I realize, but why?
I nod and whip my tears.
"We have to find Salvadors" I says, "Maybe it's time to use some FBI connection?"
"I already did and there are on it" she responds, "Now go and see if my lazy ass cousins are doing anything or not"
I chuckle. "You are too harsh with them"
"I am the Don, Aurora, and If I want them to obey , I have to be harsh, cousin or not" she says, " Maybe one day you'll understand. Now go. I have a work to do."
She moves to her desk and takes a blank paper. Then takes her pen and starts to right.
"What are you doing?" I ask walking to the door.
"You'll find out when the time is right, miele" she says without taking her eyes off the paper.
Being secretive is not really In her nature, but my head is too messed up to care.  I just nod and leave.
Something else disturbs me.
Why won't Celia just kill me?
Why she promised to Christian that she won't ?
That makes me question everything he ever said. I'm so confused I don't even what to believe in. 
Maybe not everything between us was fake, as he claimed.
Because I fucking love you.
Something isn't adding up here.

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