Chapter 24

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Dante, our analytic, said that gathering the info might take some hours, maybe a day. I informed Elena about it. She also insisted that I stay at hers tonight. Honestly, I don't mind. Christian knows where my apartment is and it's risky going back there.
In the morning me and Elena are driving back to our base. I found safer road, but it took longer to get to the there.
"Anything new from Sofia?" Elena asks.
"I texted her and told her to come back" I replies,"But she didn't reply"
"Don't worry,I know her, she's just being careful" she reassures me, seeing my concerned expression "She's on her way"
I silently nod.
When we reach the destination, we both go  to her office. She calls Marc and orders to bring Dante and Eric with him. I have a shift, but I really want to find out who that bitch is.
After few moments there is a knock.
"Entra" Elena commands and Dante, Marc,Eric appear in the room .(come in)
"Buongiorno, singora" they speak in unison.
"Let's see how buono it is" she leans on the back of the chair and folds her arms. Men look at each other. They become paler and paler within every second.
"Parlare" Elena snarls. (Talk)
"W-we didn't f-find anything" Dante stutters, "There was n-nothing on h-her, like, s-she never even e-existed"
Run, Dante, run.
"That's it?" she asks sardonically, "You found nothing?"
"Si" Dante turns into ghost.
Elena opens her mouth, but I cut her off.
"Check Spanish database"
"Cosa?" Eric and Marc asks.
"When she kidnapped me and I told her that my phones is tracked she cursed in Spanish" I glance at everyone, "Why would an Italian curse in Spanish?"
"Can you do it?" Elena turns to Dante.
"Well, it will take more time, because I need to crack-"
"Can you fucking do it or not, Dante?" Elena growls.
"Si, singora" Dante puts his laptop on the desk and starts to work.
"Bel lavoro" Elena tape my shoulder.(good job).
Everyone, except Dante, are walking around nervously.
"So?" Elena asks after a while.
Dante grinned.
"Spanish people are smart" he starts, "But not enough"
He writes something for the last time and leans on the chair, but he suddenly shifts in his sit.
"Don, you might want to see this" Dante says.
Elena quickly walks towards him and leans down to read whatever was written on the computer.
"Porca puttana" she whispers, "She's Salvadors daughter"(Holy shit)
"Illegitimate daughter to be correct" Dante corrects her and Elena slightly hits him on the back of the head for it.
"What?"I literally run to her. I look on the screen and start to read.
Celia Salvador.
"Her real mom was Monica Lopez, who worked and strip club" Dante says,  " I suppose Salvador had too much fun. Monica died in childbirth and leaves Celia with Salvador. And Salvador, I suppose, didn't want anyone to know about her since this info was really hard to find"
"She's a spy" I say after reading the info.
"Spanish spy" Eric clarifies, "Those are professionals and are not to be fucked with"
"Don't justify yourself" Elena hisses, " The only thing you fucked is your job"
Dante and Marc both cover their mouths to hold their laughs.
"What are you two fucking laughing about ?" Elena says, "Did I say a joke or something?"
They both calm down. I would've laughed at this, if not those disturbing thoughts.
Spanish spy.
What has Christian in common with her?
"Can you find her?" Elena asks Dante.
"Since we have her picture now, I guess"
"Stop guessing and start working" Elena barks,"Fucking find her"
She's not in the mood today.
"Si, signora" he says,  "I assume she's still here, and if she is I'll find her"
"Don't disappoint me, Dante" she points her finger at him.
Dante gulps and turns to his computer.
I'm deeply in my head, trying to figure out what kind of game Christian is playing. Elena sits near me.
"Something bothers you, miele?" she asks quietly.
"It's Christian"
"What is it?" she asks a little annoyed.
"When Celia kidnapped me, she told me that she won't kill me because of Christian." I stop for a moment trying to process everything myself, "Why won't kill me because of him?"
I look at Elena, who has a blank expression.
"This whole thing drives me crazy." I rub my forehead, "He tells me he loves me, then turns out he is a traitor and I was just a part of his game."
"Maybe he lost in the game he was playing?"
I arch my brows.
Does she mean that he fell for me? That he didn't lie about his feelings? That maybe he truly loves me?
"I found her" Dante exclaims,"Paragon Hotel"
"Creepy place" Marc says.
"The abandoned one?" Eric asks.
"Si, it was closed on 2008" Dante confirms, "Economic downturn"
"Enough of history classes" Elena turns and stand in her "Don" posture "Gather 5 groups, one is going to stay here, to keep the base safe, while we'll take the others with us. Bring the other 5 to conference hall to discuss the plan, capito?"
"Si, singora" we all say in unison.
"Andare" she says,  "It's time for Salvadors to understand, they messed with wrong people"(go)
Eric gathered the group of 23, which are going to stay at the base. 20 men and 3 women. Men are
going to be on the ground and 3 women on the roof as snipers. As much as I found the idea ridiculous, I understand that Salvadors aren't like us. There are men only . Maybe they have few women analytics, but solders are only men and it would be hard to fight with,since men are physically stronger than women. So I don't argue with Eric. Then we divide the other 4 groups and take them to the conference hall. The lights were turned out, but the monitor on the table was on, so all of us able to found our places. I take my usual place near to Elena.
"Well, Dante, showtime " she exclaims.
"So, everyone, we were able to locate Celia and we suppose that her and Salvador are at the same place" he clicks some buttons and a holographic picture comes out"Paragon  Hotel. The abandoned hotel. There are four floors in total and a huge ballroom on the ground floor. A great place to gather everyone and that's pretty much it"
Some pictures appear on the screen. The ballroom is truly beautiful place. I can imagine 1800's people organizing there balls there.
"So any ideas how to get in?" Elena asks.
"It's almost impossible to enter unnoticed" Dante replies, "If  Salvadors are really there than, they'll put securities all around the place and judging but it's locating, they're going to have the privilege"
Elena purses her lips. She hates when people making the problem even more difficult, without giving a solution.
"I think the safest way is to send someone to explore everything." Dante says, " And after sometime we'll know their weak spots and only then make a move"
"Too long" Elena says and waves her hand.
"What if we get it from the roof?" I suggests,  "I don't think that Salvador would bring that much people. Dante, can you please check if there's a ladder to the roof from the outside?"
"We can't underestimate them" Eric says,  "What if he brought that much people?"
"Well, if they did, we'll just attack" i shrug my shoulders "Who doesn't risk, doesn't drink champagne"
Everyone turn their gazes to Elena.
"Don?" Marc starts, "Should we take the risk?"
A small,infectious smirk appears on her face.
"Well,I love champagne" she looks at everyone, "As Clark Olofsson said "Let the party begin""
After an hour we reach the area near the hotel. Everyone gets out of the cars.
"We are going to walk from here" Elena says, "It's too risky to continue with cars"
The hotel was located on a cliff and surrounded by trees.
We walk up there for another hour. Everyone, including me, get tired, but the sweet feeling of revenge is too tempting.
Finally, we are here, hidden behind the trees and bushes.
"Dante said the ladder is on the backside" Eric whispers and we all follow him. There are some Spanish men standing.
I order my soldiers to put silencers and load their guns. And I do the same.
"We need to shoot them at the same time, so there won't be too much noise" Elena says, "And in 3,2,1"
It's clear now.
"I'll check if anyone is up there" I say and start to go up. On the last step I carefully raise my head.
I show everyone that it's safe. When everyone gets up I already found the door and walk down the stairs. Everyone quietly enters to the buildings and then to the 4th floor.
Get into the building.Check
"We have to divide" Elena says, "Eric and Marc you check the fourth floor." she gestures the entire floor, "My group is going down on the third. Be quite, don't put me down this time"
Marc and Eric nod and start their way.
I turn to her, waiting for her order.
"Your group stays here"
No, not this again.
"Your group stays here" she repeats.
I furiously glare at her as she leaves. She disappears from my sight.
"Stay here" I say to my group. I can't just stand there and do nothing.
"But-" Xavier ,one of our soldier, wants to stop me, but I am already going down on the stairs.
I load my gun on the way. Elena is on the third floor checking everything, so I'll skip it. As I reach the second floor I hear talking noises. I hide behind the stair and slowly move down.
"Do you think they would find us?" a men asks with strong Spanish accent.
"I highly doubt it" a voice I would now from million replay.
My heart sinks.
I close my mouth with my palm to hold my gasp.
"They have nothing on us, so it's quite impossible, singore" he continues.
I carefully raise my head to see who is he  talking to.
Alejandro Salvador.
Thank god Alejandro isn't facing me.
"It's because you did such a great job, chico" Alejandro taps Christians shoulder and he smiles. But it's not genuine. I know it's not. And as if he felt me, suddenly our eyes lock, but he quickly looks back at Alejandro. I sit back on my place.
I'm fucked.
"Now I have to get downstairs and see what others are up to" Alejandro says and I hear his steps fade.
There's a complete silence. No one is  there, but im not sure I heard Christian leave. I raise my gun and walk around.
He didn't say anything about me to Alejandro.
Suddenly, I feel something from behind, but I don't manage to turn around.
"Shh, it's me" I gasp and Christian puts his palm over my mouth, "It's me"
I stabilize my breath and he removes his palm.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" he looks around, making sure no one is here.
"I think I have a pretty good fucking reason to be" i hiss back.
"You shouldn't be here" he runs his hand through his hair "Shit, we didn't agree that way"
"What?What are you talking about?"
He takes my hand and starts to drag me somewhere "What are you doing?"
"Shut up" he whispers.
I fight back, but he holds my hand like his life depends on it. Finally, we reach to something like storeroom and he pulls me in.
"Stay here and under no circumstances leave until I tell you to, capito?"
Why? Is he trying to protect me?
Maybe Elena is right.
"I'll let you know when I will start taking orders from traitors" i hiss back, and watch his jaw clench.
"Well, I guess, you have to take this ones" he growls.
His glance turns from my eyes to my ear, where is the microphone. He lets down my hair form the ponytail to close my ear with them.
Why he does this?
One second he says that he doesn't care and on the other he does everything to hide me.
Suddenly, I feel his fingers on my cheek. He runs them down to my chin. I shiver. I miss his touch.
I miss him.
"" he leaves and closes the door.
"Christian!" I shout, but immediately shut my mouth. I try to open the door, but Christian leans a chair on it. Thank god this is  the kind of door that has a glass window in the middle. I find a fire extinguisher on the wall and break it. I unlock the door and get out. I turn on the microphone.
"Eric,Elena everyone is on the first floor be careful"
"Aurora?" Elena whispers, "I told to stay on the 4th floor"
I don't manage to respond and hit into Christian.
"Cazzo" he exclaims, "Can you do as your told for once?"
And again as I open my mouth a female voice cuts me off.
"What's going on here?" I turn around and see Celia with a raised gun.
"Look who I caught" Christian rasps and takes my wrist, "Salvador would be happy"
What the fuck?
I can't believe that I for a second thought he is trying to protect me.
"You fucking bastard" I hiss at him and try to run, but he puts his hands around my waist and drags me down to the first floor.
"Aurora,please, save some energy" he whispers into my ear, so only I can hear. "I hope you might need it"
I give up. However, Christians grip is too strong.
"Boss" Celia says, as we reach the ground floor, "I think you might like this"
Everyone, including Alejandro, turn to us and exclaims in victory.
"Que cosa tan hermosa que trajiste aqui" one of their soldiers says.(What a gorgeous thing you brought here)
Christians grip tightens and he throws a warning look at them.
"Enough" Alejandro demands, with a deep voice but a wide smile on his face,"Christian, my chico, leave her to them"
With a hand gesture two of his men came to take me.
"Bring her to me" Alejandro orders and adds with a mocking tone,"I want to chat, with the strongest assassin in the entire Italy"
Christian hesitates for second, but passes me to them. They handcuff me, and i manage to hit one of them with the back of my head. The man grunts and brings his hands to his nose. Blood is all over his hand, he wants to hit me, but Alejandro stops him.
Mine and Christians eye lock again. He has this same expression , when I put Eric to his place.
That's my girl.
I can hear him say that. As an answer, I smirk at him. Two men take me to Alejandro.
"Morana" he greets me, "What an honor"
"Can't tell the same" I say.
"Ah, bold one" he glances to Christian. To which Christian doesn't respond in anyway.
"So how is it that a woman is one of the most talented assassin in the entire Italy?"
Another mock.
"When you kill so much Spanish people as I do, there's no other way around" I narrow my eyes and smile a bit.
"I can't believe your still alive with that sharp tongue of yours" he sounds quite surprised. How he expects me to be with my status? Shy and quiet?
"I can't believe I am here and your still not dead"
Alejandro starts to laugh, "So you mean you're alone here?"
He puts my hair behind my ear. I look at Christian, who closes his eyes and sighs.
"And what is this?" He asks looking at my microphone.
"I'm in touch with our analytic" I lie.
"Oh really?"
"Believe me, I don't need anyone to kill a retired Spanish asshole"
Everyone gasps. Alejandros face frowns and becomes scary. In matter of a second, he takes me by my jaw and squeezes it.
"If I were you, I would put that tongue behind your teeth" he growls.
I hear a gun loading.
"And if I were you, I would take my hands of her" Christian says and raises the gun at Alejandro.
"Chico, what do you think you're doing?" Alejandro says calmly, "I thought we had an agreement"
"Si, and the part of it was that she won't get hurt" we lock eyes again.
What are you doing, Christian?
"Ah. Entendí." Alejandro says taking his hand off me and looks at us  "Young love" (I understood)
Christian puts his gun back into his pants.
At this moment I'm not able to take my eyes off him, nor he is.
"Love makes people crazy, doesn't it?" Alejandro says and raises his gun at Christian. I gasp and try to get out of the Spanish mans grip.
"Calm down, Morana" he says without looking at me "I'll be very generous and give a chance to save him"
I look at Christian, who shakes his head negatively.
"You order you people to come out, unarmed"
"Like hell I am"
"Well, then blow a farewell kiss to your boy" he says loading the gun "I'm counting to 3"
"1" he starts.
I look at Christian, who is ready to embrace death.
Maybe he's ready to die, but I'm not. Tears form in my eyes. Christian nervously shakes his hand, trying to prevent me from making the decision.
"3" he was about to shoot.
"Okay,okay" I shout, "You win"
Christian sighs.
"Like i always do"
hi friends<3
This chapter is longer than I planned it to be, but I still hope you're gonna love it. Originally, there were two short chapters, but I decided to combine into one, because, personally it looked better this way. However, let me know your opinion in the comments.

your humble author ;)

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