Chapter 10

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After an hour of fighting I finally convinced Christian that I'm fine and I am able to get to work.
Is he always so considered with everyone he fucks?
"I brought some of  your clothes," he says and gives me a bag, "In case you, you know,  decide to stay longer."
To stay longer, huh?
I smile and narrow my eyes. I open the bag. He shows me what he thinks I could wear together.
"Pretty good taste for the Don," I say.
"Clothes are important too," he replies, "You can make people see you however you want them too."
"You are a true control freak" I whisper, running my fingers through the clothes.
"That I am" he states proudly.
"So, you want me to stay here forever?" I randomly joke.
He looks at me confused and then realization hits him.
"Ah, so you had a little chat with my uncle," he chuckles.
I just giggle at him and are eyes lock. For a moment I forget how to breath. I can't even move. Everything else blurred and only his image is as clear as a day.
"I want to take a shower," I announce, not being able to take the sudden tension growing between us.
With a head gesture he lets me  know to follow him. His bathroom is ridiculously huge, just like his entire house. He gives me a towel, leans on the wall and stares at me.
Okay kinda pervy.
"Would you mind leaving so I can take a shower?" I asked.
"Can you do it alone?" he asks jokingly.
Definitely a perv.
"Just leave," I chuckle and shoo him away.
After I take a shower, I go back to the room. I look into the mirror. There's a bruise on my neck I didn't notice but I knew who gave it to me.
Bruto. (animal)
I suddenly see Christian's reflection. I feel a little exposed, because he's fully dressed in one of those suits he has  and I just have a towel wrapped around my body on my body. He proudly looks at the hickey. I slightly hit him with my elbow. He rubbed his stomach to ease the pain.
"Why?" he asks me.
"How am I supposed to go to work now?" I turn to him.
"Well ,you don't have to," he says, bringing back the topic we fought about the entire morning.
I narrow my eyes with annoyance.
"Alright, just come with me." he says defeated.
I follow  him to the guest room where I stayed the first time I was here. He opens the drawer, puts his hand in pockets, and says  "You can find some makeup stuff here."
I'm confused . Why does he have them? I mean, I don't mind guys who wear makeup but he doesn't look like one.
Another woman's?
"Who do these belong to?" I ask, weird feeling growing in my chest.
"Does it matter?"
"Yes, it does," I bark at him,
"Aurora you need to calm down" my inner voices warns.
"I'm not going to use the makeup of someone you fucked."
Calm down my ass, inner voice.
The thought of him with another woman makes  me angry. It doesn't take too much time to realize that the weird feeling growing inside of me was jealousy.
Well, than I'm seriously fucked.
"It was my madre's when she stayed here."
I feel a little ashamed, which should've made me to shut my mouth, but curiosity wins.
"Why did she stay here?"
His eyes darken and his jaw clenches . I hit a nerve that I should've not.
"I'm sorry, we may not talk about this if you don't want to," I say softly.
He kisses  my forehead as a reply and leaves. A multiple shivers run down my spine.
What are we doing?
Love made me suffer in my past. I can't let myself feel weak, not in my position. Plus, we are from different mafia worlds. I'm an assassin, he's a Don.
Maybe I'm just overreacting. I'm sure that he doesn't overthink this deeply.
It's just an attraction. Just an attraction.
I cover  the hickey and I'm finally ready. We leave the house. Being in the same car with him makes my anxiety rise, even though this is not the first time. His presence takes up so much space that I'm not able to breathe.
He always does that to me. Makes me feel out of breath. Out of mind.
My foot starts to tremble. He turns his gaze from the road to my foot. I can feel him getting annoyed by the movement so he pus t his hand on my thigh. He looks back on the road. I was not trembling anymore but my anxiety was killing me from inside. Its on a verge on the exploding when he starts to gently caresses my thigh.
Oh boy.
"We are going out  after work," finally he breaks the silence, dragging me out of my thoughts.
"Dove?Perché?" (where?) (why?)
"Just to spend some time together?" he clarifies.
This man can't  be more confusing. Or maybe I am the confusing one.
"What are we, Christian?" a question escapes my mouth. I'm terrified but also impatient to hear the answer.
"I thought you would be one of those who doesn't like putting labels," he says. I don't answer. I don't know what to say, because I've never been in a normal relationship. The one relationship I had was with a guy was ashamed of me and cheated on me.
Well I guess this means we're non-exclusive than. I think it's better that way.
No feelings.
No commitment.
Just satisfying each other's needs. I like that.
Aurora, calm down, nothing even happened.
"How about I go first and you will come, like, in five minutes?" I tell him, when we reach the base.
"Doesn't Elena know that you stayed at my place?" he asks.
I just silently nodded.
Elena does, but others don't.
"Even if she didn't, why does that scare you?"
If only he knew that it's not Elena I'm scared of. I'm sure she wouldn't even mind my relationship with Christian. The truth is  I'm  scared of dragging myself into a thing I'm totally not ready for and might regret in the future. I want to escape  but he takes my wrist and puts me back on my seat.
"I didn't say you could leave," he demands.
Here we go again.
I hate when he orders me around
"Answer the question."
Another command I don't want to carry out.
My phone rings.
God bless Martin Cooper and others who created smartphones.
"Don't answer,"
Another order  but it's  too late. I already took the phone.
"Aurora, where the fuck are you?" It's Sofia and she doesn't sound calm at all.
"I'm entering the building, why?" I answer  and leave  the car. Christian followed  me.
"Elena is furious,"she announces, "Hurry up!"
Me and Christian enter the building and go straight to the basement. When we show up I catch some surprised looks but they are brushed off once Christian looks  at them with a mind-your-own-fucking-businesses-or-I'll-take-your-eyes-out look.
Elena walks out of our "interrogation" room with pure anger in her eyes. She utters some curse words and turns to us.
"Ah, finalmente ho deciso di presentarmi?," (Finally decided to come)
"Qual è il problema?" I ask. (What's the problem?)
"Salvador speaks only Spanish," she says and ruba her forehead, "And I'm the only one here who knows it but I can't get a word out of him."
That's odd. Elena can get information from anyone. She has a talent of making people do whatever she wanted. Not a surprise she's a Don.
"I can try," Christian says.
"You speak Spanish?" I ask.
"No, but you do."
He must've noticed it when we were on the roof and I tried to overhear the conversation between Salvador and the mysterious woman in a mask.
I just nod.
"Than, you two, go and get the fucking information from the bastard or some pretty assess are going to get kicked and I'm not even joking," Elena says and points at us. Me and Christian glance at each other and I look at him with believe-me-she's-not-joking look.
"Fácil," I answer in Spanish and watch  everyone's face slightly impressed, except Elena's. (easily)
We walk into the room. Some of mine and Christian people were standing their with their guns loaded. Salvador is tied up on the chair.His clothes are red and his whole face was mutilated by numerous blows .The blood came from both of his nostrils and ears.He looked terrifying even for me.
"Qué belleza" the Spanish man exclaims when he caught me with his eyes. (What a beauty)
I look  at him with my death stare.Christian catches  my expression immediately.
"What did he say?" he asks.
"I didn't hear it well"I lie. He narrows his eyes and turns his gaze back to the bastard.
"¿Voy a hablar contigo, princesa?"he asks me and I couldn't help but wrinkle my nose in disgust. (Am I going to talk to you ,princess?)
Christian sits  on the chair in front of the Spanish man to make him understand that I'm not the one he is going to talk to. I wonder if Christian understand Spanish.
"Alright,my friend,there's only two ways for you" Christian starts, "Either you don't talk and I vanish you from this world, or you cooperate and no one gets hurt"
He lies .I knew he does .The fire in his eyes gives it off.
Someone is definitely going to get hurt.
However, i translate his every word.
"Princesa, ¿puede decirle a estos caballeros que no me asusta? No tengo miedo de los cabrones" he says.(Princess, can you please tell this gentlemen that he doesn't scare me.I'm not scared of little fuckers.)
"¿Qué tal si te lavas la boca sucia española primero, imbécil?" I answer impulsively. (How about you wash your dirty Spanish mouth first,asshole?)
A small smile touches the Spanish bastards lips.
"Me encantan las mujeres con temperamento"he says. (I love women with temper)
"Stop talking to him Aurora" Christian orders furiously.
Uh oh, someone's mad.
I translate what Salvador said and it makes Christian to scoff.
"Last time when someone made a similar statement ,the entire village was burning in flames" Christian says and puts on a smile. A devilish one.
I heard that story.It was more a rumor. After Christians fathers death,Dalois power was a little questionable and one man wanted to take advantage of the situation. Stupid decision. Man started to put anti-mafia movement idea in other peoples heads.He organizes the first public meeting and made some dangerous statements. The next day the entire village burned down. I didn't know it was exactly him.Well,now the title of being one of the cruelest Dons is justified.As I start translating I noticed worry in Salvadors eyes,but his skepticism is stronger and his brain is too small.
"Dile que no tengo miedo de sus amenazas, princesa" he says .(Tell him that I'm not afraid of his threats, princess)
If he calls me princess one more time, I swear-
Christian stands up and hits him right in the face, so hard a tooth flies out of his mouth.
"Call her princess one more time, and you'll forget about solid food."
Oh my god,I knew it ,I fucking knew it.
Christian looks at one of his people.The guy brings  a laptop and gives it to Christian. He runs his hand through his ha and than writes a code. After few clicks he turns it to Salvador.It's a live recording of some woman doing dishes and a little boy eating pasta. I turn my gaze to the Spanish man.His face expresses  the purest form of fear.
"Oh,do you know them?" Christian mocks "Aren't these your little boy and your beautiful wife?"
"I swear to god if you touch them-"
Salvador spoke in English.When he realized it was to late.
"Now we talk English,don't we?" Christian says "So continue.What you wanted to do with me? Considered the fact of you being tied up?"
Salvadors eyes water.
"Please,don't do anything to them.They don't know anything" he begs.
"Well,you better start talking, and if I catch a slight notes of a lie, I won't hesitate to call my people and order them one thing they were hired for" He leans near to Salvador and putting t his hands on arms of the chair, "To kill."
He is amazing. Surely whatever he was doing was bad, but he is amazing.
I always get what I want
Yep, now I see you do.
Salvador told us everything he knew. We have a rat.The rat  gave some information to Salvadors already.Our secret bases,our clubs e.t.c.They are planning an attack.War was inevitable.
"Bene" Christian says.
He takes me by the shoulder and turns  me to the door.When we are  about to exit he looks at his people and nods .
Andres Salvador is dead. And now some soldiers fo inside to clean everything up.
"Send Salvador a "Ciao" from me" Elena says, which is translated as send Andres head in a cardboard box.
And the war will officially begin.
Me and Christian leave the basement and  are walking to Elenas office.
"You aren't going to kill his wife and son,are you?" i say and stand in front of him.
"I haven't decided yet" he answers.
I look at him with disapproval. Yes, I am a killer. A cruel and cold one, but I never raised a hand on innocent people and especially kids.
"They are enemies, tesoro" he says and puts a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Christian, his wife is not a assassin or associated with my mafia in any way and his son is barely 10" I scolded, "They are harmless."
"Now, yes, but the boy will eventually grow up and when he finds out what happened to his father he will seek for revenge."
He might be right, but I guess some stupid mother instinct kicked in.
"Please"I whisper.
He sighs heavily.
Guess I'm not the only one who had weakness for the word.
I need to use it often.
"Alright,now go" he says" You need to talk with Elena"
I smile widely.I step on my toes and kiss his cheek.I want  to leave but he takes my hand and brings  me back to him.
"Not the right place" he says  and gives  me a peck. I take his by the shirt and pull him into a kiss. A real one.
You asked for it, diavolo.
"Santa Madre"a female voice exclaimed. We were so busy devouring each other that we didn't notice Sofia. We push each other away and look  at Sofia. She is shocked.
"What the hell is going on In here?" she continues .
"What is going on?" i repeat "Nothing is going on."
Sofias jaw is  dropped and her eyes are narrowed.
"Let's go,Sofia" I sigh and walk towards her and take her by her shoulder "I'll explain."
"Oh you better do" she says.
I tell her about me and Christian.She doesn't interrupt me,mostly because it made her speechless.
"And when were you going to tell me?"
I don't speak.I was not going to tell anyone, yet.
"You wanted to keep this a secret from me??" she asks, "Why?What is happening with you and this boy?"
"Everything is a little messy and happened too fast. Also, nothing happened"
"Nothing?!" She exclaims, "You would've eaten each if I hadn't show up and you call it nothing?!"
"Tell me one thing, did you sleep with him?"
"No, of course not. I mean not yet"
"Come on, Sofia, we are not in a relationship or something" I say.
Sofia doesn't say anything.She just looks at me with concern in her eyes.
"Sof,say something"
"He is going to break your heart" she announces.
What the fuck.
"You're taking this too seriously" I complain.
"Rory, you like this guy" she says.
She went too far.
"I'm most certainly don't"
"Cazzate, don't lie to me" she barks, "I saw the you look at each other" (Bullshit)
"Please,don't come at me that shit." I rub my temples.
"It's not shit,Aurora." she scolds .I have never seen her this serious, " This is serious .And I am truly worried about you."
"I thought you like Christian"
"I don't like him messing with you"she nearly shouts, "Guys like him always tend to break girls heart."
I don't answer. I have never been with a guy in a romantic way,besides Noah.Sofia is much more experienced in this, so she could've been right.
"Look,I'm not the one to tell you what to do, nor you ever would listen. Just an advice, don't let him get in your head."
I nod.
It really happened too fast. A week ago I hated that men and now I'm scared to get caught when kissing him.
What if I never hated him?
However one thing is clear that this is not just an attraction.It's deeper.
I'm falling.
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hi friends<3
I'm so sorry for not posting for long time.
School, exams e.t.c. Iykyk.
However, since it's summer hopefully I'm going to post regularly.
Read, write comments, vote.

your humble author ;)

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