Chapter 13

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The rays of the sun began to blind my eyes. I turn my head to the other side. As the surface of my face brushes a warm, soft surface I open my eyes. I find myself laying on Christians chest. I lift my head a little . I look around his room and see the evidences of yesterdays adventures. A small smile appeared on my face, as I remember his soft lips combined with his rough touches exploring every inch of my body driving me absolutely crazy.
Cosa farò con te,Aurora?(What I'm gonna do with you)
Qualunque cosa tu voglia. (Whatever you please)
I turn my gaze to him. He's a sleep. So peaceful and beautiful.
I don't sleep.
I remember his words.
He's truly very handsome man. I run my fingers through his jaw. Then down to his neck and chest. I'm mesmerized.
What you do to me.
I carefully removed his hand from my back, which was already burning my skin. I sit on the bed, my feet hit the warm floor.
Why this place felt like home?
Suddenly, I look up and face the mirror on his wardrobe.
My hair.
They aren't straight like usual.
They are curly.
Yesterday's bathroom session exhausted me, so i didn't even bother to straight them. I nearly forgot what my natural hair are like. I play with few strands. It reminded me of my mother and the reasons that make me to straighten my hair everyday. I feel fingers caressing my back and dragging out of my dark place. Christian woke up.
"Buongiorno, bella addormentata" I tease. (Good morning, sleeping beauty)
"Nice to be one after all this time" he replies with the same playfull tone.
His gaze turns to my hair. His eyebrows frowned, but his smile was still on.
He's surprised, I guess.
He starts to play with my hair.
"I thought, big scary mafia boss, doesn't sleep"
"Big scary mafia boss thought that too" he says quietly still playin with my curls.
You brought his peace back.
Camilas voice plays in my head repeatedly. A small smile appears on my face.
"Are these your natural hair?" he changes the subject.
I nod.
"Why do you straighten them?"he asks. I look away. Darkness fills my head again. So many thoughts and memories wash over me.
Don't go there, Aurora.
He gets up, approaches me and gently kisses my shoulder.
"You don't have to tell me now" he caresses my hand and takes it into his. "Just dont straighten them anymore. I like it."
I quickly look at him with a nervous smile.
"What if I don't?" i ask.
"Please. For me"
My heart skips a beat.
Oh my, how could I ever say no to that?

Relations between Dalois and Rinaldis are kind of different now. Frankly speaking, it's my people's fault. They are being very cold with Dalois and they just treat them the same.
Ironically me and Christian are on good terms. We are a secret, but I'm pretty sure Elena knows everything. She always does. Him and Elena are strangely, pretty friendly.
Petite dates and long nights,sometimes at mine, sometimes at his. People are pretty impressed by my new look. Sofia says I look fresh and happy. And I am happy, I really am. Our relationship is chaotic, but it makes me happy most of the time. On the other hand, he makes me angry. He is bossy, like all Dons are, and he forgets that I'm not one of his minions. It makes us fight a lot. And not just argument, a literal fights. Including threats, knifes and guns. But of course, we never hurt each other.
I've been seeing his family, especially his mom. Camila is a wonderful woman. Every conversation with her makes me closer to Christian.
"You are not together, yet?"she playfully asks me once, when Dalois had a little family party. Christian hates them and accepted the invitation only because I forced him to and told him I'll go with him. Me and her are having a tea.
"Well, we haven't discussed it" and I technically didn't lie. I really have know idea. We never talk about it.
"He is scared"
I look at her with disbelief.
"He wasn't this cold. His father was training him to become Don since he was 10. He became a cruel child, not to me but to others. He loved his father, and his death crumbled his world. His heart roughed and I got scared that their might be no love for him, until I met you and saw him with you, the he looks at you"
"I think love is pretty strong word" i nervously reply, but honestly, I am actually confused about my feelings.
"Is it, mia cara?" She looks at Christian, who's eyes are on us,well, on me "Is it?"
I turn around and our eyes meet. He's having conversations with some of his family members, but he's looking at me. A small smile appears on his face. Not the devilish one, but the warming one. The one that makes my heart melt. I purse my lips to hide my smile, but I couldn't.
Maybe this isn't only sex?
They've been small accidents in our few clubs. Salvadors surely but slowly are getting closer, but the rat remains unfound. Elena turns on all her connections including FBI, so did I.
Christian made a great deal a with weapon magnate named Deluca. He's does business around the world, from Mexico to Japan. He's equipment is one of bests and if you're in good relationship with him, congratulations your gonna have all the kind of riffles, guns and any kind of weapons at your feet. Of course, for tidy sum.
No matter how friendly Elena and Christian are she needs to see the goods and the contact by herself.
Me and Elena are waiting for Christian and Delucas lawyer. Deluca is kind of a private person and doesn't come out of his comfort zone until it's necessary. I sit in front of Elena in silence. We haven't talked together for ages and this is kind of awkward.
"So?" she starts, "I see you and Christian worked up well."
"Um,yeah, we found some compromises" I answer keeping my voice cold and steady.
"Very pleasant once, I assume" she narrows her eyes.
She wants to say something.
"To the point Elena" I bark at her.
"Are you sure you can trust him?"
"Not more than any other person in here"
"Do you love him?"
"Elena there's nothing deep between us,stop" I bark at her. The truth is I don't know. I definitely feel something, but what exactly?
Elena suspiciously smiles and opens her mouth to say something, but she's interrupted by knocks.
"Come in" she shouts.
"Lena, let me introduce you to Nico" Christian says.
Lena, huh?
"He is Deluca's lawyer"
"It's an honor to meet you, signora"
What a familiar male voice.
My heart falls to my feet.
No...that couldn't be him.
I turn around and sharply stand up when our gazes met.
Those green emerald eyes.
His eyes are widen as much as mine. We don't dare to speak. I take some backwards steps to Elenas chair. For a second, I turn my eyes to Christians.
The fire was there.
My eyes come back to Noah.
"Take your sits gentleman" Elena orders nervously. Me and Noah or Nico or whatever his name was don't break the eye contact.
"Alright, let's start" Elenas sharp voice snaps us both into reality.
I send a quick text to Sofia, asking her to call me. Not a second passes.
"I need to answer this" whisper to Elena
"Bene" Elena replies.
As I'm walking to the door, Christian blaze I'm sure follows me until I leave the office. I'm sure he figured everything out.
"Oddio, you're my fucking savior"I exclaim answering my phone.
"What happened?" She asks.
I bite my tongue. As I told you no one knew about my past, Sofia included.
"Rory?Are you there?"
"Yes, um, it's really nothing Sof" I try to brush it off.
"Nuh-uh, bambina , you're going to explain this" she demands.
"Not on the phone"
"Alright, I'm at the gym"
I go to her. I explain her my situation, without mentioning useless details. After listening to my story, Sofia gives me one of her comforting hugs.
"Do you think Christian knows that that's him?"
"I think he guesses" I scoff.
"Hey, you really have nothing to worry about , have you?" she shakes me.
"Not yet" a deep, raspy voice answers instead of me.
We both turn around and acknowledge Christians presence. He's leaned on the wall, hands in pockets.
"I better be going" she whispers and I nod. When she passed by Christian they exchanged glances.While Christian face expresses complete indifference, Sofia throws at him a look of pure hate. When she leaves and Christian turns his gaze back to me.  He's silent, which makes the atmosphere even more excruciating.
"I thought you said his name was Noah" he finally speaks.
"I thought that too" I reply quietly.
He narrows his eyes.
"Should I be concerned about anything?" He asks and starts to walk towards me.
"What do you mean?" I fold my arms.
"I don't know.The glances you shared" he says coldly "Also, first love never really goes away, they say"
He stands in front of me, still hands in his pockets.
"The glances expressed shock and nothing else" I start to explain myself.
Why I feel like I have to explain myself?
He tilts his head.
"And about your second statement... whoever said , they're wrong" I whisper and look at his lips. In the same second he grabs my waist and crushes his lips onto mine. A kiss is rough and possessive.
"Have I told that you are mine? " his sentence sounds more like a statement either than a question.
"More than you acknowledge" I tease, "But in that case, you are mine, as well"
A smirk grows on his face, "Fair enough"
He gives me a peck.
"He should've not even dared to look at you" he continues
The way he said it scared me.
"Dared?" I asked and underlined the part that it was said In the past form.
Lord, please tell me he didn't do anything stupid.
"Well, it's not usual to talk about dead people in present tense, is it?" he teases and I know that No-Nico is safe and sound.
I lightly push him.
"Christian you can't kill every man that touched me" I scold him.
"Don't go giving me ideas, piccola" his grips tightens around my waist and leaned in for another kiss. But I move my face away.
"We need him for weapons,Christians, hold yourself together"
He purses his lips.He hates to be ordered. I let out a quite "please".
"I can't promise you anything, sole" he says "If he provokes me, I might not be able to hold myself "
I roll my eyes.
"The day just got better" he says cheerfully.
I blink at him twice and my lips form into smile.
"It's amusing you?" he tuts " Is that a way to behave with your boss? I guess, I have to teach you some manners"
"Christian, we're at work" i exclaim when he slowly started to direct me to the cloakroom "We could be seen"
"Non mi interessa cazzo, piccola" (I don't fucking care)
Me too.
He pushes me in. Our lips crush. He starts spread burning kiss all over my neck. He quickly bends me over a shoe drawer. I hear him unzipping his pants.
Oh, boy.
Taking down my pants, I finally feel his length inside of me. He comes in and out of me with all his anger and...jealousy? He always says that I belong to him. And he's right. In some twisted way I do belong to him. Maybe not my soul, but my body does. And his body belongs to me.There's no way that there are any other bodies that fitted each other more than ours. They are meant to confluence into one.

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