Chapter 5

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We return to Italy the next day. My head is a mess. All I can think about is Christian.
What if his men didn't wake up?
And he didn't go to the hospital?
What if he bleeds to death?
Why do I care?
So many questions.
We need to take our new amigo to our base
, so Elena can interrogate with him and to celebrate our successful mission.
"Good job, girls," she says and pours champagne to all three of us.
I am still on my nerves.
"Aurora, miele, are you alright?," Elena asks me.
"Yes, yes, just a little sleepy," I lie. Elena didn't believe me, of course. She looks  at me with those lie detecting eyes.
"Well, actually, I have news that might wake you up," she says  with a very weird expression, which make me feel like the news is not so pleasing.
"Merda," Sofia whispers. (shit)
"What?" I ask, looking at her.
"Oh, no.No, no, no, no, no," she says  and walks to the door, "I am out."
She left. I turn my gaze to Elena.
"So?" I ask.
"Well, you see, I know about the interaction with Dalois you had in England," she says  in a serious tone, "This was not the first time and I came to a great conclusion for both families. An alliance."
My face expresses  pure shock.
"An alliance with who?" I asks  a question that I already knew the answer to.
Elena narrows  her eyes and tilts her head.
"Why Elena?" I ask.
"Because," she replies , "We have the same target and not working together, meaning, interfering with each other which might lead to serious problems between families, and I don't want it."
"I'm not going to work with him," I say.
Elenas brows arch.
"Aurora," she scolds.
"You can't make me," I says.
"I am the Don, Aurora," she says, "My orders are not to be discussed."
"Not. Gonna. Happen," I utter.
"That's so unprofessional. You know this job is not to be mixed personal problems."
"Oh, there's nothing personal about this, Elena," I chuckle, " I hate him."
The door opens behind me.
Speaking of the devil.
It was him. I felt...relieved? I glance at his foot. It looks  okay, but he's limping a little . For some what reasons, a wave of anger hit me at the same time. He notices my confusion and it makes him smirk.
"Have I interrupted anything, signora?" he asks politely.
He can talk like a human.
"No, we were actually talking about you, come in," she says and turns her gaze to me, "Aurora, sit down."
I want  leave. I was about to, but I couldn't question Elena's authority, especially, in front of another Don. A man. 
Christian is surprised.
He sat down on the other armchair next to me.
"You know each other already, don't you?" Elena says.
"Yeah, we've seen each other a couple of times," Christian glances at me.
I didn't exchange eye contact with him, because my mind was replaying the kiss and got afraid that he will know it.
"Well, you are both important for this mission," she continues, "I know you have some...issues, but I want you to work together."
I open my mouth to protest.
"It's an order," she cuts me off , "You're free to go."
I quickly run out of the office. I need to find Sofia. Oh, she's so dead.
"You knew about it, didn't you," I ask her, entering the gym.
"Sort of," she hesitates.
"Sei una tale stronza," I exclaim. (you fucking bitch)
"Aurora, Elena ordered me," she explains.
"Well, I don't care. You should've told me," I hiss back.
"I'm so sorry, but Elena is right, Aurora. Our families should work together, to help each other."
"Cazzo," I whisper.
"Why do you care about him so much?" she suddenly asks.
"What are you talking about, Sofia? I hate that man,"
Sofia looks behind me. I felt him, before I saw him. I turn around.
The man had an ability to appear at the most inopportune moments.
"I guess I have to go," Sofia whispers into my ear.
"No no no no, please, stay," I beg but she leaves, "
We stand looking at each other. The air became so hard to inhale.
"I thought friends should not lie," Thank god, Christian breaks the silence.
"What do you mean?" I ask harshly, folding my arms.
"You just told your friend you hate me," he  playfully raises his eyebrow and his head cocks to the side.
I'm not in the mood to fight with him, so I just roll my eyes and start to walk to the exit.
"Don't do that," he says, grabbing my wrist.
"Don't do what?"
"Roll your eyes on me,"
I can't help but to quickly glance at his lips.
"Or?" I asked, moving near him.
"You don't want to know, piccola, believe me," he says.
Oddio, don't I?
His body is so near to mine. His lips just few inches away-Aurora,stop!
"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you." He pulls away.
"Us," he says.
I raised my eyebrows.
"Since I am the Don, it's inadmissible to talk back to me," he continues, "It's going to question my authority."
"So? I should obey all your commands and wishes?"
"Yeah. Pretty much," he says.
You wish, Daloi.
"If I find your orders irrational or not useful I will not obey," I hissed.
Maybe this was not the smartest thing I've ever done.
I turn around to leave but he roughly grabs the back of my neck and brings  me back to him, forcing me to look right into his eyes. It's seems like his entire strength is concentrated in his hand.
"I promise, Aurora, if you don't obey, I will have to do things you might not like," he says.
What a gentleman.
He lets me go. I rub  my neck with my palm to ease the pain. He takes my hair up and touch the back of my neck. This time the touch is  gentle. I feel goosebumps all over my body. I reflectively look at him.
What is  that in his face? Guilt?
"Scusi, tesoro," he whispers and leaves.
Okay. He is bipolar.
I find a mirror to see if he left a mark or not and he did.
Me, Marc, Eric and Elena tried to beat the information out of Spanish men. But still got nothing. This Spanish people have a thick skull.
While we were trying to at least get his name , Rinaldis and Dalois start to train together and surprisingly we all somehow got along.
Christian was not coming to the training. He had some other work. But he was coming at the end of the day. Not sure though if he was coming to have a report from Elena or to see me. It doesn't matter, because we still saw each other. And every time we did, either we almost killed each other or almost fucked.
I wake up early. My mood is awful, because the man we caught in England killed himself somehow tonight. Christian's people were watching him. Not surprised though.
Speaking of the devil.
Just got a text message from him.
"Be ready in 10"
I hope he is not coming here. I assume that he might have texted the wrong number and I ignore the text. I did my entire morning routine. After 20 minutes, I get out of my house. I lock the front door and turn around.
Familiar car.
His back was leaning on the other side of the car. He turns his gaze to me.
"I thought I said in 10," he says, turning his all body.
"Never limit women's time, especially in the morning," I say.
His hands are in his pockets. He looks down, closes his eyes and lifts his head up. Than he sighs and looks at me again.
He is annoyed. And hot.
And He really doesn't like when someone doesn't follow his orders.
"Alright, get in the car," he finally says.
Not so fast, Daloi.
"I have my own car," I reply. He pokes his cheek with tongue.  Yes, I enjoy annoying him more than anything.
He put his hand on the car and looked at me with his death stare.
"Get.In.the car, Aurora," he orders.
I gaze at my car, than back to Christian.
What if I just run to my car and quickly drive away?  But what if I stay and annoy him even more?
"How about the magic word, Christian."I raise my eyebrow.
He hesitates for a second. It's unusual to see him in that state.
"Please," he rasps.
A huge grin spreads on my face. I close my eyes, embracing the victory.
I just made him beg.
"Okay, but I am choosing a song." I say walking to his car.
"Bene." (Fine)
I get into his car. It's Mercedes.
I love Mercedes.
"Maybach?" I utter, "Not bad."
"You are interested in cars?" he's surprised.
He begins to drive.
"Elena loves them," I confess, "She read me about cars instead of fairy tales when I was little."
"When you were little?" he asked.
"Yeah I was little, weird right?" I teased.
He chuckles.
"Well, not so little. Maybe like 16 or something"
"You are not her daughter," it's not a question.
I shook my head.
"Then who are you to her?" he asks, completely and utterly confused.
"We are not blood related." I clarify.
He's speechless. He opens his mouth multiple times to say something.
How come he doesn't know that?
Elena's work, of course. She doesn't want people to know about my past. She's the only one who knows about it, and she made sure it'll stay that way.
"I love this song," I change the subject and turn the volume up. Aerosmith's "Crazy" is playing on the radio and I'm such a sucker for rock music.
"Aerosmith? Buon gusto," he smiles. So do I. (Good taste)
I begin to sing the lyrics. His expression is amusing. He hummed the melody.
The devil is into music? Interesting.
He doesn't seem the kind of guy that, even has a time for listening to music, moreover know any specific groups or singers.
We finally reach our destiny.
"I have to go to shooting range" I say, as I walk out of the car. Today we are practicing shooting.
"Bene, I'll join later" he locks the car and it beeps "I need to see Elena first. I have to apologize"
"Grande Don Christian Daloi? Va a perdono? Devo segnarlo nel calendario," I tease. (The Great Don Christian Daloie? Is going to apologize? I have to mark it in the calendar)
He laughs and as we enter into the building, our ways part.
Did we just had a normal conversation? Without bickering? Did he just laugh?
I enter the shooting range. My people are checking the guns. So do Christian's. Two of my girls stand to shoot. I suddenly heard a laugh. I turn my gaze to three guys. They were Christian's ,of course.
"What are you laughing at?" I step near, "Tell us. We all love to laugh."
I fake a smile.
The guy hesitated to answer.
"It's just...never mind," he says, looks over at Gail, one of my girl assassins. A smile formed on his lips.
"You doubt my people, boy?" I tilt my head.
"No,signora, it just looks funny," his friend answers.
"She'd be a better cook I bet." the other friend "jokes".
My blood starts to boil.
"Oh really? Well, your mouth better be shut then."
I feel Christian presence. The way my body reacts just to him is scary. Anyway, since his here, I guess I should've stopped scolding his people. And I promise, I was about to.
"Oh really? Well, your mouth better be shut then."
"Okay, calm down," the guy says ," We just think that man assassins are more...effective?"
How he dared to say that when I was standing right in front of him?
That's it. Let's see what you're made of, boy.
"You were one of the people looking after the Spanish man tonight, weren't you?"
He shudders to my tone.
"Stand in front of the target," I say and showe him the way, "Your punishment."
"The hell I am," he chuckles.
"I thought you said women assassins are not effective" i say sardonically "Or were you telling lies?"
He hesitates, but, eventually, stands in front  of the target. I take my gun out and point at him. I start smell his fear. He knows who I am and what I am capable of. That expression of him is enough for me. I pull the trigger. My bullet just slightly hit his shoulder. He screams in pain.
"Enough!" the devils voice says.
The guy came near Christian.
"Boss, she-"
Christian harshly takes his shoulder. The guy hissed through his teeth.
"It's just a scratch, you deserved much more," Christian barks , "Go clean it and come back to work."
"Si, boss," the guy whispered and disappeared.
He gazes at me.
"You should've killed him," Christian said. I can't say if he is serious.
"I didn't want my 100th kill to be this easy," I joke.
"Next time just inform me," he says , "Don't shoot my people."
Wow, what a quick change of mood.
"He should've behaved," I reply.
"None of your concern, piccola, capito?" he said.
"How is it not mine, If he insults my people?"
He doesn't speak. Now, he is annoying me.
"And about the nicknames," I say and notice his brow raise, "Don't call me by them in public."
He takes few steps forward and stands so close I have to lift my head to look at him, while he's loose down at me.
"You want me to call you by nicknames in private?" he asks in seductive voice.
A sentence can't turn you on, can it? But the manner he said it with, made a certain area between my thighs vibrate. The thought of me and him in private occupied my mind.
"Call me Morana. Like everyone does." I ignore the question. Try, to ignore it.
"I'm not everyone, piccola," he says and uses the nickname on purpose.
I purse my lips and tilt my head as a sign of annoyance.
"How about the magic word?" He throws my words at me.
Touché, Daloi.
"Please," I say quietly, so only he can hear me.
"Okay," he said, " But it should go both ways"
I raised my eyebrows.
"I guess you shall call me "boss" than."
"Elena is my boss." I snap.
I scoff, knowing the reason why  his dirty ass mind chose that specific word .
He narrows his eyes.
"How about a deal?" I suggest.
He makes an intrigued face.
"If you hit 10 in 5 targets, I'd call you singore," I declare. I don't know why I was sure he couldn't do it.
He immediately takes a gun from my hand. With a light speed, he shoots the targets.
Five tens.
"Did I do it well, Morana?" he puts the gun back into my hand.
"Si," I reply.
Ugh. I can't believe I'm doing this.
"Si, signore," I roll my eyes.
"What did I tell you about rolling your eyes?" he asks, moving closer.
I bite my cheek to hide my smile.
Why do I even want to smile?
I ignore his question and leave. He promised to do something, if I rolled my eyes again.
So what would've happened to me if I stayed?

hi friends<3
Sorry, I haven't posted for a while. School is a bitch. But I guess I will post much often now. I might post the next one in few hours.
Also I would love to know what you think about this story. Let me know in the comments.

your humble author ;)

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