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CERISE AURELIA DIGGORY WAS NOT EXPECTING to fall for George Weasley — especially in the span of a year. Now, don't get her wrong, he was incredibly good looking and she could see why most of the girls in her year do fawn after the twins, but they were the most arrogant, annoying, pair of twits she had ever laid her eyes on. Not to mention, ever since they first met in their first year, they made it their mission to annoy the girl.

( Despite being friends for the first two years of Hogwarts. )

And if they couldn't get any worse, George saved her life during the Quidditch World Cup, and Fred thought he deserved a 'thank you'.

( He did deserve one, but Cerise didn't fancy giving him one; She was way too stubborn. )

When they get told that Hogwarts was hosting the Triwizard Tournament, all hell breaks loose at Hogwarts — the twins, more determined than ever, try to get the girl to help them make a potion so they could enter, she did help but she knew what would happen anyway.

Cerise still hadn't thanked him for saving her life, and Fred, being the genius that he was, sets them up for the Yule Ball — she owed it to George anyway ( Fred's words ). So, as a thank you, she agreed to be his date to the ball.

She was unaware that the decision she made would make old feelings resurface, and if things couldn't get any worse, Professor Trelawney decides to make them Divination partners.


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A/N: I am so excited for you guys to read this fic!!! It is completely different to 'Trust Me', Cerise is nothing like Cassie.

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