Rain came

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The first rain of this year touched the foothills of dwaraka. All the people are enjoying and happy as the monsoon arrived. But some are concerned as it takes nearly 4 months  for ending. Especially farmers are happy that the monsoon came at the same time if it is too much rain then it can affect the crop productivity. But they have immense amount of faith on the King. They knew nothing bad happened in dwaraka yet and it's gonna be same. As long as Vasudeva's trio will be there they will be mighty and happy.

Palace also welcomed the first rain with much respect and happiness. The princess is observing the rain through her window. She is really a nature lover. The curved ends of her lips makes the rain to dance more on the soil of dwaraka.

Suddenly she reminiscences the past. The times when she and her brothers wait for the first rain and playing and dancing in the rain at Mathura. It was an unexplainable moment for her. Soon the curve on the ends of her lips started to grew. Within a second she ran towards the rajyasabha. As her palace is separated from rest she needed to bounce with the ran drops for some seconds which she did merrily.

Soon she entered the rajyasabha. All are stumbled to see their princess there. They were eagerly waiting for her before some minutes ago but she asked her brothers that she will not be present as she isn't feeling good. But what made her to come here now?? That too like a quarter of her clothes drenched in water.

Kanha and balram along with Vasudeva too stumbled at her action.

Soon Vasudeva broke the silence
" What's wrong dear?? Why you come here now?? You told you won't be participating??"

She went near to her brothers at the top middle of the court.

She did Pranipat to her father and brothers. Then turned towards the sabha.
"Pranipat, I'm sorry to interrupt the sabha but i would like to declare something today!!"

All are confused with her words. Kanha and balram looked at each other and then at their dad.

Subhadra continued

"The sabha is over. You guys can go!!"

All started to murmur in disbelief. Some are asking what's wrong with the princess, while some why it is cancelled whereas some but we haven't put forward our complaints, lasts some as you order, princess!!

Kanha: Ruchi, what are you saying?? We have been in the middle of a conversation!! How can you cancel it (concerned)

Ruchi without acknowledging her brother: all can leave now.

Soon she turned towards her brothers and pulled both of them by holding their hands and ran from there

All the sabha members chuckled at her behaviour. Kanha and Balram didn't resist her action rather follow with it. Vasudev stand still until they left from their sight. Soon reality hits him. He ran towards them followed by the ministers. They searched everywhere for the trio. But didn't get them. Suddenly they hear some laughs and went towards that place to find the siblings playing and dancing in the rain.

All stood dumbfound there. After sometime a minister said to vasudev.
"You are lucky to have these kids as your kids! Look at them. Look at the bond they share. The elder ones are ready to go any extent to make the younger one happy. Even beyond their time and limits."

Vasudev: you are right mantri, my children are a blessing to me
(Looking at them proudly without even blinking)

Another minister: but don't you think it's the time for our princess marriage?? She is the gem of Dwaraka. But we should do her Kanya daan

Vasudeva: No, it's not the time. She is still a kid. I can't marry her off this early.

Min 3: Rajpitha, for each and every father's their girl child will not grow. They will be kids but not for others. She has now grown into a beautiful maiden. She is one of the most beautiful princess in the whole aryavart and all the kings and princes are eagerly waiting to win her hand in her swayamvar. She is Dwarakaratna, Dwaraka's pride. We should arrange it soon..

Min 1: Yes what you said is true. We cannot bear to see that smiling face but for our own deed we shouldn't spoil our princess life Raj pitha!! She is the auspiciousness of Dwaraka and we should share this auspiciousness with some other dynasty too sooner or later

Vasudeva is quite for sometime. : Yes, you guys are right!! But who will be a perfect partner for my daughter. She is such an incredible person. Who can win her hand in her swayamvar?? (Concerning tone)

"Someone out there will soon hold our Raajkumari's hand Raj pitha"
All turned to the kulguru there.

Vasudeva: Pranipat kulguru

Guru: Kalyan ho!! Look I have gone through rajkumari's horoscope and I found some interesting things.

Vasudeva: what is it kulguru??

Guru: She will be married by the end of the monsoon season.

Vasudeva: what?????? This early??? How??? I mean we just discussed here. But I haven't even discussed with Kanha or Ram.

Guru with a mischievous smile: do you think anything will happen without your son's knowledge??

Vasudeva smiled as a response.
"But who will marry child, gurudev?? She is too perfect for any Kings or Yuvraj"

Guru: I know Vasudeva, our child is very special. She will only choose her righteous husband. Don't worry, she will be the daughter in law of a very noble and prestigious household. She will be the one who gonna guide the entire aryavart in the future. She gonna play a big role in the changes that gonna happen in the world in future. (With concern yet warm look)

Vasudeva: what are you saying gurudev?? I can't understand anything?? Will my child be happy after her marriage?? Whom will she marry??

Guru(with a smile) : don't forget who she is Vasudev. She is the pride of yadhavas, Yadhavi , teh Princess of Vrishini race, Vrishini who are great and famous for their tremendous sacrifices. She too uphold our race's pride and strength. She gonna be the epitome of love and caring. You should be proud of your daughter Vasudev. (Choking in between)

Vasudeva was happy learning about the future of his child but too sad as something is not okay with teh Guru's words. He looked at her keenly and admired her.

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