The Separation

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It's been a year since Arjun and Subhadra got married. Arjun grew closer to everyone in dwaraka. Especially with Satyabhama, Pradyumn and Satyaki. They became very close.

On the other hand, the relationship between Arjun and Subhadra also grew a lot. They became more comfortable with eachother. Subhadra started to develop more feelings for him. She started to love him.

As one year completed, Arjun decided to stay the rest of the penance in Pushkar. Subhadra requested Arjun to allow her to be accompanied with him. Arjun, who just gone mad Bhadra find this as a better choice to be with her together. He agreed with a pleasant heart.

The day before their journey

Bhadra was happy to go with her husband at the same time sad for leaving her family members. This is the first time she gonna get separated from her family. The whole dwaraka was in deep sadness. But they tried  their best to hide their feelings as they don't want their princess to be gone heavy heartly. There was celebration all over dwaraka. There was dance, music everything. Arjun also got to know the talent of subhadra in arts. He thought that devi Saraswati was standing infront of him. On the other hand, Bhadra was too shy to look up to her dear husband. Arjun also got this opportunity to get to know the talent of Ashtabharyas and what surprised him most was even Balaram sang for his dear sister. Krishna's melodious flute tune is still ringing on his ears. He knew the entire dwaraka loves his wife more than anything. He pledged to take good care of her. As this is last day of Subhadra in dwaraka, she decided to spend the night with her brothers.

Next day Morning

All are at the entrance of dwaraka to bid goodbye to their favourite princess. When she came with Arjun, all their heart's dropped. It's the first time they are seeing her in kashaya vastra without any ornaments other than her mangalsutra. Still she is looking heavenly. Balarama was so sad so he palaces his hands on Krishna's shoulders hardly trying to compose himself. Arjun and bhadra came forward and seek everyone's blessings.

All of them cried together

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All of them cried together. She went to her dau and was about to touch his feet but he pulled he towards a tight hug. She too hugged him back. He placed a kiss on her right cheek.

"Take care Gudiya, I'm gonna miss you a lot.!"

Bhadra: I love you dau.

Dau: Love you too gudiya. Arjun take care of my gudiya or else you will face my mace.

Arjun gulped.
"I'll Bhrata!"

Krishna chuckled at his reaction

She moved to Krishna. Krishna too hugged her and placed a kiss on her left cheek.

Kanha: Gudiya, take care of my Parth well. I'm gonna miss you.

Bhadra nodded in response.

Kanha: Parth, take care my gudiya too or else not only you gonna face dau's mace but my Sharanga too.

Arjun looked confusedly at his Madhav. Later both broke into a laughter.

All the kids came and hugged her.
Bhadra: I'm gonna miss you all!

Kids: we too bua!!

They started to cry.

Bhadra: I thought you guys are my kids. But you are crying like weak persons. It doesn't suit you. Pradyumn take care of everyone in my absence. I rely on you.

Pradyumna: I will bua.
His voice chocked.
Bhadra pulled him to a hug
"Dear, you are the eldest in physic, so don't be weak boy. I'm gonna miss you the most. Love you"

Pardyumn: love you too bua

Although Arjun knew how close Pradyumna and Subhadra is still somewhere in his heart generated a spark of jealousy.  It is visible in his eyes. Kanha noticed and tried hard to supress his laugh.
Kanha: Putr, it's time for them to go. Let her go dear

Pradyu released the hug and she came near Arjun bid one last goodbye and started to depart. As they both were walking to the place without even sandals the entire family felt so sad for her.

After walking some distance Bhadra stopped. Arjun too noticed her. She turned to see her brothers. But her heart broke when she saw her brother's in teary eyes. They opener their arms towards her. She rushed towards them and jumped on their embrace and hugged them like there is no tomorrow.

The trios emotional state made everyone in tears. Arjun too got tears on his eyes. This is the first he saw his Madhav in tears. Not only Madhav but Bhrata Balarama too. He is the most toughest guy in the entire aryavart but for his siblings he is softest one. Moreover, he thought Subhadra as a string woman but she too fail to maintain her posture.

Kanha: Gudiya, I'll come to meet you regularly. Don't worry.

Dau: Gudiya, me too. I can't sleep well without you baby.

Kanha: My food will be devoid of taste in your absence.

Dau: Gudiya, don't worry. We will be okay after sometimes. Don't make Arjun depressed. Do every duty as wife with all dedication.

Kanha: I love you to the infinity baby...
He kissed all over her face. Dau too.

Bhadra kissed them back. Finally she returned to Arjun and they went to Pushkar.

Throughout the journey Arjun was just staring at Bhadra. But she was just looking at the ground to compose herself.

Arjun: Bhadre, Are you okay? Do you need any rest?

Bhadra: I'm okay Parth!

Arjun: But you are devoid of sandals. Your feet might be hurting lets rest here.

Bhadra: I'm good Parth! She smiled at him in assurance

Arjun: You love you siblings too much don't you.

Bhadra: They are my life Paarth! I can't think of a life without them.

Arjun: What about me? (In concerned tone and curious eyes)

Bhadra looked at his eyes. Then looked down in a shy manner and said: Now you too!!

Arjun blushed at her words!! They proceeded to Pushkar.

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