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Arjun trying his best to focus on the meditation which he fails eventually everytime. Soon he surrender himself to his mind and started to think about the princess of Dwaraka.
Is what I heard about her is true?? Is she that beautiful?? Is she that cunning and brilliant?? Is she that perfect girl with all qualities??
Impossible, nobody can be like this in this world.

"I guess something is really torturing you, yati sresht"
The voice made him to comeback to reality

"Madhav!!" Whispered himself

Kanha: Atleast when you reached here I thought you will search for me first Parth. I'm dissapointed!! ( Dissapointed look)

Paarth: Madhav! How you know it's me??

Kanha: not only in this get-up. I can recognise my bestfriend from any angle, Parth(with a warm smile)

Paarth: Maadhav,.... ( He ran to him and hugged him tightly) I'm so happy to see you after such a long time. (With teary eyes)

Kanha: Me too Paarth!! But what are you doing in middle of the storm. You
are full wet

Paarth: I was meditating Madhav.

Kanha: or trying to meditate??

Paarth got tongue-tied. Wait!!! Did he know my mind. Oh god!! Don't make him to read my mind. My wild thoughts on his sister?? No no ... Hey Mahadev help me

Kanha smiling towards Paarth reading every word from his thought.

"Tell me Paarth!! Why you are here in this disguise??"

Arjun explained everything to Krishna starting from the stolen cows to the marriage with Chitrangada...

Kanha: so literally this is not really a penance rather establishment of relation with powerful kingdoms. Isn't it Paarth?? Or Something else(winking at him)

Paarth blushed.
"Madhav, look at you!! You are completely drenched now. It's because of me and I swear if Bhama came to know about this she gonna kill me

Kanha: Anyways she is gonna kill for sure after knowing what you gonna do next!!

Paarth: What I gonna do next Madhav??

Kanha: Parth, it's festival season in Dwaraka. Tomorrow I'll come here and we can go together to the festival and I'll show you the beauty of Prabhasa and Dwaraka later. I need to go now or else Bhama gonna kill me for sure.

Paarth chuckled at this comment of his Madhav.
They both bod goodbye and Krishna left for palace.

Paarth is in deep thoughts. It's strange!! Madhav didn't catch my thoughts. Thanks Mahadev.

Subhadra's chamber

Subhadra is standing near the window watching the stormy rain intensely. Why am I feeling this weird?? Is something bad gonna happen?? Why can't I sleep?? It seems like someone is repeatedly calling me but who is it?? From where I hear this sounds??

Soon she heard the sounds of her bhratashree's horses.

Bhrata?? Where he is going now?? Is there any problem?? But there is no sign of any attack , then where is he going?? (Thoughts conquered her mind)

Next Day


Balram: Revati, are all ready??

Revati: No arya, Chitra is still getting ready

Balram: this girl!! What happened to her?? She is never this late nor she is interested in getting up family but why?

Revati: it's mine and Rukmini and Satyabhama's order. Don't forget that she is a young lady. She should dress up like a princess. She is always interested in minimal jewelleries. I know she is beautiful and there is no jewellery in the world that can make her unmatchable beauty to another end. But as a sister I can only make her to get up with full ornaments only in these types of occasions and I'll not spare this golden moment.

Balram: You are right Revati, and ofcourse she is a princess. What you did is right

Bhama: and also, there will a lot of princess and queens, they will think that Dwaraka can't even afford to buy ornaments for their only princess. I don't want that. And also all should tremble by seeing our Bhadra's breathtaking beauty. She is unmatchable just like me (proudly)

All chuckled at her comment

Rukmini: You are right!! I will only make her to wear everything as it is getting late you all go to the mountain. We will be there soon.

Satyabhama: no jiji, we Ashtabharyas will go together. It's what Swami told to me

Rukmini: What about Subhadra??

Revati: Let her come with her dasis and nephews. We shouldn't be late. Let's go.

Rukmini looked at Balram and he gave her an assuring look. Soon they all left.

Subhadra's chamber

"Why they always do this to me?? I told to them a hundred times I hate this."

Anasuya giggled at her princess statement.
"Raajkumari, today there will a lot of princes and Kings, who knows if you find your future life partner."

Subhadra glared at her

She lowered her eye with a mischievous smile on her face.

Bhadra: Anasuya?? You don't even have respect to your Princess??

Anasuya: You only told to me Raajkumari not to respect you in private as am your friend. If you don't want I'll apologise now...

Bhadra:!! You are just like my brother. I hate you ( pouted face)

Anasuya: love u too Bhadra

Bhadra smiled at her response.

After sometime everything got over. Anasuya made her to turn to the mirror. Even she herself was awestruck by her look.
"Am I this beautiful??"

Anasuya: Subhadra you are the most beautiful girl I have seen. Not only me even the apsaras are not even a rival for you. But I'm sad for the disaster that gonna happen there in the festival

Bhadra: what disaster?? What is going to happen??

Anasuya: I'm 100% sure all the Kings and Princes will fall on their knees by seeing their beauty. ( A huge gaspe) what if someone abduct you (her hands on her jaws)

Bhadra: It's too much Anasuya. Let's go

Anasuya: No, I'm serious bhadrey. I'm really concerned about you now

Bhadra: I'll kill you by my hands only. Let's go to festival. We are already late .

They too left for the festival.


Guys it's gonna happen soon. Are you ready??????

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