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Arjun is teaching some detailed techniques to satyaki and Pradyumna. For Arjun's surprise Pradyumna is the most excellent student that he have ever seen. Even the way he lift the bow have some unique grace. He is very sure that one day he will be the best Archer of the world maybe more brilliant and perfect than him. He was proud of himself being the guru of the mighty warrior.

Pradyumn stopped his practice in middle.
"Gurudev, allow me to go back to the palace."

Arjun: But the session is not over. Where you want to go now?

Pradyumn: It's Friday! I need to go to Rajyasabha. Bua will be waiting for me!

Arjun: But why Bhadra? I know she use to participate in the Rajyasabha but why you need to go? I mean you are so young for this.

Pradyumn: There is no young, no old, no men, no women. All are equal in dwaraka. Father ordered bua to teach me for political affairs. So as a part of my education she wants me to go to the rajyasabha regularly. If I miss any day, she will kill me for sure. I'm scared of her. I'm sorry gurudev but I need to go.

Arjun: but why Subhadra? I mean you should learn all these from scholars.

Pardyumn: my bua is the top tier scholar of dwaraka. Her words are final in the court. No-one have the dare to reject her words, not even father and tatshree.

Arjun: But how Subhadra? I mean she is just a girl. How she can make decisions? I mean after king the queen should be the one who should take decisions. But here not the queen but the princess?

Pardyumn: Each and every queens of the world were once princess gurudev! Every kings in the world raise their female child to be proper suitor for becoming the queen of a kingdom. Here also, my fathers and grandfather did the same. It's was their dream to see their beloved princess to be the queen of some nation. Not only theirs but is the dream of her kingdom.

Pradyumn left

Pardyumn's words were ringing inside Arjun's ears. 'Every kings in the world raise their female child to be proper suitor for becoming the queen of a kingdom.' He soon remembered his third wife Chitrangada. "Chitra!!" a small gasp escaped from his mouth as it's been months he remembered about his warrior beauty. Soon he remembered Pradyumna's words. "Subhadra! Did mamashree wants her to be a queen? Did Bhrata Balram too? Wait! What about Madhav? He too? Then did he... For me...  I.. 

After sometimes

But Subhadra! Seriously, her words are final in dwaraka? I mean she is just a princess.

"Just because she is a princess it doesn't mean she don't have any rights on the political matters of a kingdom parth"

Arjun turned to see his Madhav standing behind him.

Arjun: but what are you doing here? I mean there is a rajyasabha going on and the king is wandering outside the palace

Kanha laughed at his words
"What you said is right! But not in Dwaraka. Rajyasabha will be fine without me. Dau and Ruchi is there. They will take care of it. "


Kanha: Every queen was a princess Parth.
He repeated his son's words.

Arjun: Madhav, don't you want Subhadra to be a queen?

Kanha: We should not expect anything until it approach us. I didn't want her to be a queen nor did she! Well I can't deny the mind of Dau and father. They have so much expectations for their ladli. And you!! You broke it Parth! How could you?


Arjun: I... I'm sorry. I didn't want to let down anyone... I..

Kanha started to laugh loudly! Arjun stood confused there!

Kanha: Paarth! I'm just kidding, but what I said at first is true. It was Dau's dream to be seen her as  a Maharani. But she doesn't have that fate in her horoscope I guess.

Arjun: I'm sorry Madhav, I can't give her the luxury of a queen or an empress. All I have in my hand is love.

Kanha: Love is the most precious thing in the world Parth. And I'm very much confident that you will give her all your love. I don't need anything else. Just your love is enough for me and for her too.
He placed his hands on Paarth's shoulder and said.

Arjun: I promise you Madhav I'll cherish her will all my love. I'll always keep her close to my heart. I will make a mayachakra with my love so that she will never be able to escape from it.

Kanha laughed at his words.
"Alright, now my lovesick boy, let's continue your practice, your student is waiting for you.'

Arjun soon realised that Satyaki is also there. He smiled at himself.

Hey guys. I was so focused on the IPL game today. So didn't put much effort on today's episode. I'm sorry. Tomorrow I'll definitely try to cope up my deed.

Love you all

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