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Arjun was sitting on the ground looking at his love. He was admiring her beauty under the ravishing moonlight. Soon a strand of hair fall on her face covering her eyes. He tired to remove that hair strand without affecting her sleep. But the gentle touch on her beautiful skin made her open eyes. She stared at him. He too. Later he realised the situation and within a fraction of second he removed his hands form her face.

She stood straight. Both were sitting awkwardly there. Soon Arjun broke the silence
"Why are you sleeping here??"

Bhadra: If you want something again. I don't want you to disturb my sakhis. I'll be here only. You can just call me

Arjun felt bad. He realised his mistake

Arjun: No I don't want anything. You can go and sleep.

Bhadra:  what if the water pot got empty??

Arjun: I can manage. It's early morning. You should get some sleep. You can go

Before Subhadra could say something he swift to his hut.

After staring at the hut for a few minutes she left.


At Dining hall

Kanha: Where is Ruchi??

Revati: She is still sleeping.

Dau: What?? Did she forget she need to serve the Yati?? Revati why you didn't wake her up??

Revati: I tried, but she didn't want. It seems she didn't sleep properly. She is looking tired.

Kanha: Don't worry Dau, I'll go and wake her up


Kanha entered her chamber and looked at his dearest sister with eyes full of affection. He grasped yesterday's situation. Soon the smile on his face faded. He didn't want to disturb Ruchi's sleep as she is surely tired.


Arjun is waiting for Subhadra by faking meditation under the tree.


He opened his eyes with love to see his friend standing infront of him. His lips curved into a bright smile.


On the other hand, Krishna's expression was not in fond.

"Paarth!! I gave you the permission to trick my sister at your wish. But it doesn't mean you should hurt her in this way."

Arjun thoughts
What?? Madhav came to know about what happened Yesterday?? Did Subhadra said to him??

Kanha: "No Parth, she didn't say to me. As I said earlier, not even a leaf will fall off the ground without my knowledge." With a mischievous smile

Arjun looked down in embarrassment. Ofcourse, Who he is?? But why he always trick me??
"When your leelas will end Madhav!!"

Kanha: Not so soon. If my leelas gonna end, then it should be my death.

Arjun: Why are you saying such type of dreadful words?? I'm just joking!! And it's hurting for me

Kanha: I thought you only have eyes for my sister..... I guess you have your eyes for me too.... (Side glancing at him)

Arjun: Madhav!!! Both chuckled together

Kanha: Parth!! You should remember one thing. Subhadra is not just a sister to me. She is my first child. If anyone hurt her in any way, I'll not stood and watch it. I know you were so eager to meet her yesterday but the path you chose was little embarassing. I don't want that again. You should give her respect.

Arjun: I know Madhav, even I felt bad for my own act. I really want to apologise to her but my costume didn't allow me to. But i can't resist her Madhav, she is forming a ln illusion all over my cells.

Madhav thoughts 'She is only illusion, what do you expect more Paarth!'

Arjun: I'm sorry for behaving that way. I'll not repeat it. I'll try my best to control myself

Madhav: I know how much you love her Paarth!! Now let me go and get ready for the Council meeting. After the meeting Ruchi will come here.

Arjun: As your wish madhav. I'll wait for her.

Both smiled and hugged. Krishna left to the Rajyasabha.

Krishna POV

Dau: I'm very much impressed with your decision bhadrey!! You will make an amazing queen.

Vasudev: Yes dear, you are not just Dwarakaratna, you are the true gem to the whole aryavart

Kanha: She will definitely!! (With a faint smile over his face)

Bhadra: Now stop praising me. Kanha Bhaiya!! What's wrong with you?? You are praising me?? And Dau don't try to butter me rather you try to butter your mouth. (Winking at him)

Dau twisted her ear.
Ruchi: Aah!! It's paining bade Bhaiya!! Leave me please!! (Puppy face)

Ofcourse, who will not gonna melt at that cute little face and especially she called him Bade bhaiya. Game over.

Dau: Just this time!!

Bhadra: love you sweetheart!! (Kissed his cheeks)

I got jealous literally. I pouter

All chuckled at my behaviour.

She hugged me tightly and kissed on both of my cheeks
Me too kissed her back.

My gudiya!! I love her the most!!

Bhadra: Pithashree, Dau, Bhrata I need to go to the Yatisresht.

We all nodded and she left.


Days passed, weeks passed, months passed. I developed a great bond with the Yatisresht. He is totally different form any other Yatis that I have met. I started to spend most of my time with him. Hearing his amazing stories and experiences made me to attach with him more. Now I feel like I enjoy his company the most. He is bringing smile unnecessarily to my face. I'm dreaming about him 24*7.
Is this love??

With what Rukmini bhabi told me, I can relate everything with me now. How she felt for my brother, that feeling I can understand now. I hated to love. I don't want to need a company other than my family members. But he changed everything. How is this possible?? A mere Yati turned my heart to a full blossom, which wishes to bloom only for him.

But, what about my future?? What if my parents came to know about this?? What about dau?? Kanha bhaiya?? Bhabhimaa?? Bhabi?? Moreover, what will he think??

Your love gonna incomplete subhadra. You just gave your heart to a Yati, a sanyasi that too to someone who pledged his entire life for bramhacharya. It's impossible

Her moon like face slowly became sad.

"Chitra!! "

She turned to see her best friend coming towards her

"Bhabi!! What are you doing here??"

Rukmini: Actually, that's my question.
What are you doing here?? It's almost 6 you need to take dinner to the Yati!!

'Oh yess! How can I forget??'
"I'm going soon Bhabi!!"

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