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"Khandavaprasth is the mighty empire built by the warrior sons of Pandu. Pandavas along with their dearest wife Draupadi resides in that newly built nation."

Bhadra: Draupadi, I heard a lot about her. The fire born princess with irresistible and unmatched beauty, wife of the Pandavas. Can you tell me more about her??

Yati: Ofcourse princess. She is one of the  most beautiful princess that I have met. Fierce just as fire, dark as the clouds, blue-lotus eyes with her beauty she can fascinate everyone in the world, just like you.(last words in a low voice)

Bhadra: What??? What did you say??

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Bhadra: What??? What did you say??

Yati: I said.... I said you are also beautiful princess.

Bhadra: No Yatisresht!! Nobody in the aryavart can compared to her.

Yati: (with an affectionate smile)' No dear. You are just perfect for my eyes. In my eyes you are the most beautiful, whom conquered this mighty archer Arjuna with just the justification of your beauty and valour. Still I was not yet fully convinced that the bards are just overglorifying you. But now after seeing you for the first time, the moment it's still in my heart refreshed. I should say one thing, bards didn't give justice to either to your beauty nor to your valour. You are not just described by words. Your are a mystery, your beauty is immeasurable by abscissa and ordinates. You are etheral illusion. My everything!!'

Bhadra: Yatisresht!! What are you thinking??

Bhadra: Yatisresht!! What are you thinking??

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Yati: No.. Nothing. So where were we??

Bhadra: Maharani Draupadi.

Yati: Yes. That's all about her. You will let to know more about her when you will meet her

Bhadra: How are you so sure that I'm gonna meet her??

Yati:(Arjun you and your stupid tongue) I can foresee the future Kanya!!

Bhadra: Really?? (How can he lie like this?? I'm very much confident that he is not a Yati. But if he is then he is right!!) Then tell me, am I gonna marry anyone??

Yati: What type of a question is this Kanya?? You are a princess and ofcourse you gonna marry.

Bhadra: With whom? (Concerned)

Krishna's Ruchi ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now