Broken heart

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Krishna got shocked by her words. He didn't even imagine it. On the other side, Arjun was not sure whether she gonna accept him or not, but he prayed to every gods he knows for getting a 'Yes' from her side. But dissapointment ran over his each and every cells. His heart shattered into pieces by her words. His eyes clouded without even trying. He want to ask her why, but his words stuck on his choking throat. He looked at his Madhav with a tearful eyes.

Krishna understood the pain inside his eyes

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Krishna understood the pain inside his eyes. He turned to his dearest one with a surprise on his face. But before he could say anything she stormed out of the place. He stood in confusion. He is very sure that Subhadra likes Arjuna, but why? Why did she rejected??.

He looked at his Parth, held a hand on his shoulder and said "Parth! Don't worry!! I'll sort it out!"

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He looked at his Parth, held a hand on his shoulder and said "Parth! Don't worry!! I'll sort it out!"

Parth: But Madhav, she... She don't loves me (lowering his head inorder to hide his tears from his best friend)

Krishna understood his best friend's dilemma. He reassured him
"I'll talk to her! You come to my chamber later! Bhama will guide you there!"


She rushed inside her chamber and shut her door, lean close to it and started to cry. She felt her knees on weak and sat on the ground with her back balancing the door. She folded her legs and brought her knees together tightly and hide her face inside it and started to cry loudly.

SUBHADRA'S thoughts

Why did he do this?

How can he do this?

He don't have any idea how much he played with me? I loved him all with my heart, but I... I tired to supress my feelings as he is bound to bramhacharya, he... He should have told to me that he is not a Yati. He ....he is a Rajkumar he.. he should have just told that to me. I would be so much happy but he played with my feelings. I'm so dumb to fall on his net. I loved him so much so that the times when I tired to forget about him or get rid of my feelings for him it... it nearly killed me. All because he is yati. Yati!! Yati!! Yati!! How stupid you are Subhadra? How stupid! Even though you have your own doubts about his whereabouts and  still you thought he may be a Yati. How idiotic you are Subhadra!!

 How idiotic you are Subhadra!!

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(Don't mind those hands)

Suddenly she heard a knock on her door. She didn't want to open the door. So she kept quiet. But the intensity of the knock is increasing time by time. She knew who is behind the door. She doesn't have an option other than to open it. She wiped her tears and opened it. But for her surprise, it was not the one whom she expected. It was none other than dear father. Emotions ran over her, she can't hold anymore. Seeing her dear father's face she broken down. She ran and hugged him tightly, shedding tears on his bare chest.

Vasudeva git shocked by her reaction. He hold her tightly, caressed her hairs. Gave a smooch on her forehead.

"Gudiya! Don't cry like this. Even a single drop of tear from your precious eyes will make my hear to sink in ocean."

Subhadra doesn't want to listen to his words. She cried even more
"Pitashree, what will I do? Why this is happening to me!! What is the sin that I have done?"

Vasudev: What are you saying dear? You are not happy with this proposal?

Vasudev: What are you saying dear? You are not happy with this proposal?

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At that time Subhadra recognised what she said. She released the hug and wiped her tears, looked at her father with guilt.

Vausdeva: What is it putri! Tell me! I told you if you don't want this marriage I'll not make it happen.

She wanted to shout out that she don't want this marry Duryodhan. She loves someone else, whom broke her heart and made her a puppet. But she can't! It will hurt the people who loves her. Even though her father doesn't support the proposal at first now he agreed with it as there was constant pressure from Balaram's side. Even he felt this is a better proposal for her as he gonna be the next Samragini. What would a father wish other than the best for his daughter? 

She can't broke his heart. She can't broke her dear dau's heart. For her own happiness she can't betray her family. She decided

"I'm.... I need some more time. Father, I need some time to think".

Vausdeva: If so why you were crying like this. In my entire lifespan I haven't seen you crying like this, other than the day when her brother's left for Gurukul.

Bhadra: I was not in a mind set to think of my marriage. I just got over empowered by my emotions. That's it. Nothing else. 

Looking down

Vausdeva hugged her.: Putri, your happiness is our happiness and don't forget that we want the best for our gudiya. Even if it's me or you dau. He has all rights to do what ever with your life more than me. Because it's not us your parents brought you up, it is your brothers. They was always on either of side of you from the moment you born and they will be there for you till there last breath. Even if you want to break our heart. It's okay. We can accept it but your brothers, they will not. They loves you more than their souls. For them you are everything. Remind that.

She stared at her father with a long pause. He left. Still she gazed into his fading figure with his words striking on both of her ears.

"They loves you more than their souls. For them you are everything."

"They loves you more than their souls. For them you are everything."

It's the time for her to choose.

What will she do??

Whom she accept Balarama or Krishna??

.What will be her fate??

Do vote guys.

Hari Ohm 🙏🙏

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