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The whole month passed with happiness and joy all over dwaraka. Especially in the palace evryone got a very good bait to tease their beloved princess. First time in her lifetime she lost at arguments with her family. Slowly Arjun and Subhadra also started to enjoy the life. They became more closer and was comfortable still some void was there. Arjun decided to open to her.

Arjun: Bhadra,  I need to talk to you about something serious

Bhadra: What is it Rajkumar?

Arjun: This is it! Still you are calling me Rajkumar

Bhadra: Then what should I call you?

Arjun:  All my wives used to call me Arya except you. (With a small chuckle)

Bhadra: I know... But I.. I need some more time.

Arjun: I know Bhadra, everything happened so fast but why do I feel like we were so close before our marriage. I mean you used to speak to me with much ease and less tight heart when you used to come to me when I was disguising as Yati. Frankly, we both are awkward with eachother.

Bhadra took a deep sigh.
: I know rajkumar, but i don't know I feel some awkwardness when I'm near you. Thts why I'm asking you for some time.

Arjun: I can understand you. You can take you time ( with a sad smile got up from the sofa and move towards the door)

Bhadra: Rajkumar!

Arjun: What is it Bhadre?

Bhadra: If you don't mind you know... We can be friends. I think this is the better way to start our relationship.

Arjun with a happy face: as your wish Rajkumari, but under one condition.

Bhadra: What is it?

Arjun: I call you Bhadra but i feel a gap with the rajkumar. You know what I mean!!

Bhadra: Hmm. But what should I call you?

Arjun: hmmm.. let me think!!

Bhadra: I got one. my brother is a close friend of yours and he calls you Paarth. Why don't I too call you like that?

Arjun: but am I too old for you to call me like that?

Bhadra: Ofcourse, what I can do, it's my fate. (With a deep sigh)

Arjun looked at her concernly, the joy around his face vanished

Bhadra: I'm sorry.. I was just joking.
I'm so happy to be a part of your life

Arjun looked at her in a surprise. She just gave him an assuring smile.

Arjun: Thank you dear. Me too. It's some good deeds that I have done on my previous life that I got you as my wife.

Bhadra looked at him with a wide smile. : I need to go Pradyumna will be waiting for me.

Arjun: I guess you are so close with Pradyumna.

Bhadra: Not only Pradyumn, all my nephews and niece are in a tight relationship with me.

Arjun: But they are not with me.

Bhadra:Don't worry they will. They just need some more time

Arjun smiled at her.

They both went towards the garden to find all Krishna and Balabhadra sons standing there waiting for their dear bua. As they saw her they ran to her and hugged her tightly.

Arjun looked at their bond and became so happy

Bhadra: I'm sorry. I caught up with some works that's why I'm late.

Samba: Whether that work has anything to do with our mamashri?

Both Arjun and Subhadra denied it with bashful attitude.

Arjun just blushed.

Bhadra: Let's go! We are already late for the practise.

Arjun: What practise?

Pradyumna: Sword fighting what else?

Arjun: what? Rajkumari is good at sword fighting?

Ulmuka: Not only on sword fighting, she is best at every weapons. She is also one of our gurus. (Proudly)

Arjun  was stunned by his words. Ofcourse he heard a lot about the valour of the Vrishini princess but he never thought she will be a scholar at every weapons.

Pradyumn: Let's go bua.
He pulled her and went towards the practise arena.

Subhadra looked at Pradyumn in confusion. They started practise, Subhadra observed the tension between Pradyumna and Arjuna. She saw many times Arjun tried to start a conversation but Pradyumna showing his disinterest. This is not the first time she have noticed this heat wave between them. She decided to break it.  She called Pradyumn and Arjun and went near a tree.

Bhadra: What's going in between you guys?

Arjun: What are you talking about?

Bhadra: I'm talking to you Pradyumna. I observed your attitude towards him. Why are you behaving like this?

Pradyumna: I didn't do anything wrong bua. I answer all his questions. I don't think I denied Rajkumar in any way.

Bhadra: Then why you are addressing him Rajkumar?

Pradyumn: Because he is a Rajkumar. What else I should call him bua?

Bhadra: Pradyumna, don't you know who he is? You are calling me bua but not him. Why?

Pradyumn: i... I need some more time for that. I haven't adjusted myself with this marriage.

Arjun: Do you don't like me?

Pradyumn: I don't have any special affinity or hatred towards you. Then why should I answer that question.

Subhadra got irritated by his words

Bhadra: Pradyumna, is this the way to talk to elders. Ask forgiveness. Now!

Pradyumn: Bua. But me!

Bhadra: I said now! (Shouted)

Pradyumn: I'm sorry Rajkumar.. I mean.. Mamashri...

Arjun: No dear, no need to apologise. You didn't do nothing wrong. I know the over care towards your bua made you to behave like this towards me. But you are my Madhav 's child. You are like my own only. It's the duty for the elders to forgive younger ones silly mistakes.
He put his hands on his shoulders and

Bhadra: I'm giving you both some space. Clarify whatever going on between you guys. I need you two to be pretty close. Putr, you are not only my nephew but also my best friend. K know you have some misunderstandings. I want you to clear everything.
She caressed his hair and then left for
giving them privacy

Hope you liked it.

Ohm namo bhagwate Vasudevaya

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