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They turned to see Kanha and Satyabhama standing there. Bhadra rush towards them and hugged them.

Bhadra: Bhratashree, Bhabi, i thought you forget about me.

Kanha: it's been only 3 days Ruchi. And you are saying I forget about you? Then what will happen when you will go to Indraprastha??

Bhadra lowered her eyes. Yes, it's the time for them to go back to Indraprastha.

Kanha: Parth, are you ready to go for Indraprastha.

Arjun: actually I forget about that Madhav.  If you haven't tell me then I should have stayed here only for rest of my life.

Bhama: I guess my nanadrani made you to forget about the movement of kaalachakra. This much influence of you Chitra to my dear friend.

Bhadra blushed..

Kanha: Bhama, prepare my gudiya for presenting infront of her in-laws. I'll take care of Parth.

After sometime all are ready. Arjun and Subhadra were in Royal dress after a year. Bhadra looked heavenly beautiful in that bridal style. Arjun can't take his eyes of her. ..

Kanha: Parth, promise me that you will always look after my dear sister very well.

Arjun; Madhav, I already assured you. Nothing to worry. Trust me.

Kanha: I know Parth, but one more thing never make her angry.

Arjun: why she should be angry? She is a replica of you. I can't think her being angry

Kanha: Parth, don't underestimate her. She may be like me but you should also remember one thing. She is not only mine sister. She is Balaram sodari too. She is short tempered like him and her anger is uncontrollable. Without our presence, no one will be able to pacify her. So beware of her anger.

Arjun thought for sometime and assured him with a nod.

After sometime

Kanha went to Bhadra and asked her to give her hand. She gave it. Soon he took a piece of thread from his angavastra and tied it on her right wrist.

Bhadra: Why this bhaiya?

Kanha: just... For your protection and also you can remember me with this.

Bhadra smiled and pecked on his cheek.

Bhama: if the love-showerinh between the siblings end then we can proceed to Dwaraka.

Bhadra looked at Kanha

Kanha: don't worry gudiya, you will be loved in Khandavaprastha by everyone. King Yudhishthir messaged me that they are really waiting for your arrival at the palace. Give all kind of auspiciousness to Khandavaprastha and make it a prosperous land Ruchi. I'll soon be there with dau . Love you.

He hugged her. Bhama also hugged her and both of them bidded bye.

Arjun and Subhadra proceeded to Khandavaprastha in the chariot given by Kanha. Bhadra noticed the silence of Arjun along with his deep thought filled faced.

Bhadra: Arya? What happened? re you okay?

Arjun: I'm fine priye! He gave a fake smile to her. Bhadra got it.

Bhadra: Don't lie. Tell me what's wrong?

Arjun: how can you say that I'm lying?

Bhadra: I'm not just your wife Parth but also your friend. Now tell me, what is bothering you?

Arjun: Draupadi!!

Bhadra: What happened to her?

Arjun: you don't know anything about her. She is a short tempered girl. And seeing you with me will make her heart-broken

Bhadra: Why? Isn't common to have a guy multiple wives?

Arjun: Yes it is. But not for me. Especially now I'm bringing you to Khandavaprastha breaking her vow.

Bhadra: Vow? Which vow?

Arjun: during our marriage, Draupadi took a vow from us panduputras as none of our wives are allowed to enter Indraprastha other than her.

Bhadra: What?? By why such a vow?

Arjun: because she was insecure. She is our common wife. She sacrificed her life for us. So, we also need to sacrifice something. She will be the oy queen of Indraprastha.

Bhadra: so?? I'll not be able to live with you?

Arjun: no, no dear. I can't allow that. I can't live without you. I can make draupadi understand. She will understand. She can't say no to me, no to you. You are her Madhav's sister. She can't reject you.

Bhadra started to feel tensed


What if she rejects me?? What if I can't enter in the palace of Indraprastha? Does I need to sacrifice my life? Would I be able to spend my rest life with him?? What I will do now?

Arjun: Priye, don't worry. She is not a cold-hearted one. She will definitely accept you.

I gave a small smile to him but my heart is saying the opposite. Something is going to happen. I can experience a bad omen.

After 3 days of journey we reached Khandavaprastha. The city is different from dwaraka. As a newly built empire, it's progress is impressive. All the natives of the place welcomed me with warm smiles and greetings along with beautiful flower rain over our head.

Prajas: hail Princess Subhadra
Hail queen Subhadra

Hail Rajkumar Arjun

hail Princess Subhadra
Hail queen Subhadra

Hail Rajkumar Arjun

hail Princess Subhadra
Hail queen Subhadra

Hail Rajkumar Arjun

hail Princess Subhadra
Hail queen Subhadra

Hail Rajkumar Arjun

hail Princess Subhadra
Hail queen Subhadra

Hail Rajkumar Arjun

hail Princess Subhadra
Hail queen Subhadra

Hail Rajkumar Arjun

I'm so happy with all these people. I saw some gathering near the gate of the palace. I can see 4 young men with an old lady standing there.

These 4 guys must be panduputras. The one with the highest crown with a calm and composed face. It will be definitely Maharaj Yudhishthir. The one next to him is very huge. The built of him only made me to confirm who he is. The other one is so handsome and dark just like my Parth. He must be the elder twin. And the last one will be definitely Sahadev. Arjun explained me about everyone well versely. As I understood everyone at one shot only. And the old lady with beautiful face which resembles my father is definitely his elder sister Rajmata Kunti..

Guys finally Subhadra arrived at Khandavaprastha. From now on I'll be creating a new book for her further journey as it's almost 60 chapters happened here. I don't want a long book. Hope you guys will be support me.

Thanking everyone who supported me throughout this journey. Love you all. Thanks for supporting my book. Love you all again Nd again

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