v | double agent

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act one, chapter five.
"double agent"

DAHLIA DID HER BEST to ignore the curious looks being shot her way as she waited patiently near the hangar. It was an uncommon sight to see her around the hangar, for she tended to stay away because of past incidents (which may or may not have had to do with her and Fareeha Amari attempting to sneak aboard the airship and join the older agents on a mission when she was sixteen years old.) She half-expected Commander Morrison to come storming out of the HQ Building, scolding her for hanging around a building usually only occupied by field agents and pilots.

Finally, after what seemed like lifetimes of waiting, Dahlia began to hear the distant roaring of an aircraft engine. She glanced upwards, watching as the ship slowly descended from the sky, landing on the runway several hundred meters away from her position. It slowly rolled into the hangar, and Dahlia had to cover her ears in order to block out the overwhelming sounds coming from the engine. The door hissed softly as it came unlatched, and out came the team one by one. Thankfully, they seemed unscathed, and Dahlia guessed that the mission had been an easy success.

Ana Amari was the first one off, and upon noticing Dahlia waiting near the entrance of the hangar, the Captain shot her a questioning look. Dahlia simply grinned in greeting, waving in her direction. Ana looked as though she wanted to say something, though her attention was shifted elsewhere as an agent escorted a restrained man out of the aircraft. With one last glance in Dahlia's direction, Ana followed the supposed prisoner out of the hangar.

Although curious about who the prisoner was and what exactly happened on the mission, Dahlia was more focused on her own mission. She waited patiently as the rest of the agents unboarded the airship; a few of them mumbled hellos to her, and she'd respond, but really she was waiting for one person. He was the last one off, his shoulders tense and his pace brisk. Dahlia perked up at the sight of Genji, and she went to call out to him, though he pushed past her as if she didn't even exist. Frowning, she followed after him.

"Genji!" She reached out and grabbed him, pulling him to a stop, and immediately she regretted her actions. She was shocked to feel warmth being emitted from the cybernetic armor that covered his arms, and she sucked in a breath of surprise and released her grip. She saw him tense at the contact, a hissing sound coming from his suit as his fists clenched at his sides.

He whipped around to face her. If looks could kill, although she wasn't able to see his face, she knew that she'd be lying lifeless at his feet. "What?"

Suddenly nervous, Dahlia swallowed and shuffled her weight back and forth. "Did you... find anything out?"

Genji sighed, shoulders heaving and suit whirring loudly as he did so. "Your father was a double agent. Talon killed him when he no longer wanted to work for them."

The world swayed around Dahlia as his words met her ears, and for a moment she was certain that she misheard him. Or perhaps this was his way of playing a cruel joke on her. She shook her head in denial. "What? You're lying."

This angered Genji. "You dare question my honor?" He snapped, taking a step towards her. She cowered away and lowered her gaze to the floor. She had to focus on the earth below her feet in order to stop herself from losing her balance. Her heartbeat roared in her ears, her throat suddenly so dry that she found it hard to speak.

"It can't be true... He wouldn't..."

"It is true," Genji responded flatly. She glanced up at him, only to see him shrug his shoulders as if what he had just told her wasn't a big deal. She went to call him out on it, annoyance overcoming her distress momentarily, though he had already turned to walk away. He took a few steps, then paused, and he looked back over his shoulder.

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