vi | kiss the chef

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act five, chapter six.
"kiss the chef"


AS THE DAY CAME to an end, Dahlia was both relieved and uneasy. She was more than thankful to finally be done being a bloodhound (she had seen enough needles and enough blood to last her a lifetime) though the thought of heading to McCree's dorm for dinner made her tempted to hide in the medbay for the rest of the night. She lingered near her station, taking her time to clean up the rest of her supplies. She was exhausted, and she hoped that she could perhaps use it as an excuse to go back to her own dorm rather early. She was looking forward to her dinner with McCree, for she liked the kind cowboy, though referring to it as a date only made her nervous.

    She knew that dinner would be good for her. After the dream she had the night before and the confrontation she had with Genji in the medbay, she needed to take her mind off of the ninja. Confusing thoughts about him swam constantly through her mind. If she was able to have a good time with McCree, maybe then she could have a clear head.

    Dahlia was nearly ready to quit procrastinating, finally working up the courage to leave the medbay and head over to McCree's dorm, when Dr. Ziegler appeared from her office. She greeted Dahlia softly, a warm smile spreading across her lips.

    "I heard from a little birdie that you have a date with McCree."

    Dahlia groaned inwardly. She was convinced that the Overwatch agents gossiped more than high school girls. Nothing happened around the base without everyone else knowing. "Who told you? Was it Lena and Hana?"

    "No," Dr. Ziegler said with a shake of her head. "Jesse told me. He seems excited."

    "I thought I'd give it a shot," Dahlia responded, shrugging. She decided not to tell her the real reason behind her acceptance. She trusted Dr. Ziegler, though she knew how close she and Genji were; she was worried that if she told the doctor about the dream and confusing thoughts, she would let it slip to Genji one way or another. Dahlia stepped away from her desk, moving to exit the medbay. "See you tomorrow, Dr. Ziegler?"

    The doctor nodded and sent her yet another smile. "Yes, see you tomorrow, dear," she said, seeming almost distracted. Dahlia decided not to question it. With a deep breath, she left the medbay. It was now or never, she realized, and she felt both excited and anxious as she began to make her way towards the dormitories.




    "You seem distracted, Genji," Dr. Ziegler commented as she sipped at her coffee. Billows of steam rose from the dark liquid, fogging up the glasses that sat on the bridge of her nose. Her eyes watched as Genji's fist twitched at his side, taking note of his tense posture. He didn't respond, which only furthered her suspicions. "Do you know?"

    Her question grabbed Genji's attention. He looked up at her; she could imagine his eyes squinting suspiciously beneath his visor. "Know what?"

    "Oh, I guess not," Dr. Ziegler mumbled and took another sip. She had expected Genji to know about Dahlia's date with McCree already, for news traveled fast around the base; she suddenly felt guilty for bringing it up. She wasn't fond of spreading Dahlia's business around, especially to Genji.

    "What are you talking about, Angela?" Genji questioned slowly. He ran a hand down the cybernetic sleeve that covered his organic arm, something that he had done numerous times already. Dr. Ziegler wondered if it had something to do with the fact that Dahlia had taken his blood earlier that day. The thought made her smile softly to herself.

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