v | warmth

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act six, chapter five.


THE QUIET OF HER bedroom and the comfort of her bed never felt more welcoming to Dahlia than it did that night. Dr. Ziegler was kind enough to send her to her own dorm to sleep, advising her against straining her wounded arm too much though assuring her that it would heal by the morning. Dahlia couldn't imagine what strenuous activities she could partake in before the morning that would cause more damage to the wound, but she didn't bother questioning the doctor. The sooner she was able to lay in her own bed and sleep, the better.

    Apart from her exhaustion, Dahlia couldn't help but feel disappointed towards the fact that Genji hadn't come to visit her again throughout the day. She knew that he must've been busy, though she found herself getting hopeful after he'd promised to come see her again. There was something about the ninja's company that she just craved- a high that, since the first time she felt it, she'd been longing to feel again. She wasn't going to dwell on his absence, however, for at that moment she wanted nothing more than the comfort of her bed.

    As soon as Dahlia returned to her dorm, she wasted no time before retreating to her bedroom. She didn't bother undressing from the clothes she was already wearing before she collapsed onto the bed with a long sigh. She tugged herself beneath the covers, and her eyelids drooped shut as soon as her head hit the pillow. Immediately, she felt herself drifting off to sleep, her fatigued body yearning for the rest. Her relaxation was cut far too short as a sudden knock on her bedroom window caused her eyes to snap open. Fear consumed her, for there was no reason anyone on base would be knocking on her window so late at night. She slowly pulled herself from bed, grabbing the first object she could find in order to defend herself. It happened to be a shoe, and although she knew that the footwear would do little to nothing to defend her in a dangerous situation, she still clutched it to her chest as if it would. Dahlia moved towards the window cautiously. She half-expected an Assassin to break through the glass panes as soon as she stopped in front of it. She immediately felt herself relax, however, as a familiar green glow illuminated the dark compound outside.

    Dahlia groaned, throwing open the window just as Genji appeared on the other side. "You scared the shit out of me, you stupid ninja," she scolded him with a frown. "I have a door, you know!"

    "That would be no fun," Genji said and shrugged. He climbed through the window and into her room, immediately freezing upon noticing the shoe in her hand. "Why are you holding a shoe?"

    Dahlia dropped it, scowling. "I had to defend myself! It's the first thing I could find."

"With... a shoe?"

"Did you just come to criticize my decision making or do you have an actual reason to be climbing through my window in the middle of the night?" Dahlia questioned. She wasn't exactly against the idea of Genji visiting her, for it had been something that she was looking forward to all day, although she would never admit it out loud to him.

"You said you wanted to see me, no?" Genji stated matter-of-factly.

"I thought you meant that you'd come visit me in the medbay or something," Dahlia said. "Dr. Ziegler told me to rest, you know."

"I can leave, Kistune, if that is what you want," Genji offered, moving in the direction of the window.

"No!" Dahlia silently cursed herself for sounding so desperate. She clamped her lips shut with a nonchalant shrug. "I mean, you can stay if you want."

Genji's shoulders shook with a laugh, and she inwardly groaned as she realized that he picked up on her desperation. "I thought so."

Dahlia said nothing more. She collapsed onto her bed once more, sighing in content as her body relaxed into the soft mattress. She longed for sleep, yet she craved Genji's company at the same time. She was torn. Her eyes closed, she didn't notice Genji take a few steps towards her bed.

"You know," he hummed; she could hear the cheeky smirk in his voice. "Last time I was here, you had just woken up from a very interesting nightmare, hm?"

Dahlia groaned loudly. Her dream was something that her mind often drifted to in times of boredom- it was as if her subconscious refused to let her forget it- though she had hoped that Genji would have forgotten about it by now. Unfortunately for her, however, he hadn't.

"Not a nightmare," she mumbled, her voice muffled by the blanket she had buried her face in. Realizing what she said, she groaned again. "Stop bringing it up."

"Why?" Genji seemed genuinely intrigued. If she wasn't so worried about hiding the blush that surely tinted her cheeks, she would've shot him a look of confusion. "You do not have to be ashamed."

Dahlia rolled over to look at him, surprised to find him already standing over her bed. His suit illuminated the dark room, and she swallowed as she once again recalled the dream that had pushed it way back to the forefront of her mind. "It's embarrassing. I don't want to think about it," she said, looking away. She sat up and slung her legs over the edge of the bed. She was doing her best to look everywhere but the ninja who stood in front of her, though it proved to be difficult. His presence only made her long for the high she felt whenever he touched her. She stole another glance in his direction, groaning as she noticed him staring down at her in silence.

"Besides, you standing over my bed like that isn't helping one bit," she added, her voice no louder than a whisper.

Genji perked up. It was obvious that he heard what she said, despite him asking: "What did you say?"

"I'm sure you heard me, with your superhuman hearing and all," Dahlia grumbled. How she got herself in this situation, she did know. She suddenly wondered if an Assassin showing up at her window instead of Genji would've somehow been better. At least she hadn't had any confusing- and somewhat arousing- dreams about any of the Reaper's Assassins.

"I am not helping?" Genji questioned innocently, though his words held a teasing tone.

"No," she responded through clenched teeth. She squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to tear her thoughts away from Genji. She suddenly felt the mattress dip around her, and her eyes shot open to see the ninja's hands gripping the sheets on either side of her. She swallowed nervously, eyes darting to his glowing gaze that was now right in front of her. He leaned close, and she felt the cool metal of his faceplate touch her cheek as he whispered in her ear.

"How about now?"

As his soft voice met her ears, she suddenly felt weightless. She let out a sigh, her entire body trembling as a shiver ran down her spine. She brought her bottom lip in between her teeth; she knew that she was unable to ignore the sensations that he gave her any longer. She had to chase that high, and she could only hope that he was willing to give it to her. "Don't you dare start something that you can't finish, ninja."

Genji chuckled in her ear. "I have every intention of finishing it, Kitsune, if that is what you desire," he said lowly. Dahlia paused for a moment, attempting to regain her composure, then nodded. She expected Genji to act as soon as he felt her nod, though he didn't. She felt him pull away, and her eyes fluttered open to meet his glowing gaze in confusion. "Are you sure, Dahlia?"

She did her best to ignore the tightness of her chest at the sound of her name falling from his lips. She bit the inside of her cheek, hoping that he didn't notice the faint smile that appeared on her lips. "Yes," she said.

Her verbal consent was all Genji needed. Immediately, he dipped his head back into her neck. She sucked in a breath of surprise as the cool metal met her clammy skin. Genji's arms wrapped tightly around her torso, leaning her back so that she laid flat on the mattress. His fingers danced along the skin of her hip exposed by her ridden up shirt. He hummed softly, the sound muffled by her neck. Dahlia wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, pulling him close and allowing herself to be engulfed in his warmth.




might fuck around and post an uncensored ending to this chapter in my extras book if anyone wants to read idkidk :P

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