vi | breathe

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act seven, chapter six.


HER BODY FELL TO the floor with a sickening thud. The gunshot resonated deafeningly through the metallic helmet that he wore over his head. A chorus of gasps came from the agents around him, though he barely heard them. He was focused only on her limp figure, waiting, praying that she would get back up. Seconds passed that felt like lifetimes, but she lay still. Suddenly, all he saw was red.

Genji yanked himself out of the Assassin's grip and sprang to his feet. He reached for the masked being that had been holding a gun to his head only moments before. He wrapped his arm around their neck, his vision blurry, and threw their figure away from him. He heard something crack as their body hit the floor, though he didn't stop. He dove towards the Reaper, fueled by nothing but blind rage as he once again caught a glimpse of the limp body of his Kitsune. Right before he reached the Reaper, Genji was intercepted by Viper. The snake lashed out towards him in the blink of an eye, shoving him towards the ground. Another gun was shoved in Genji's face as Viper laughed coldly.

"I can do it," he hissed. It was as if the serpentine mask was mocking Genji as the ninja stole another pained glance towards Dahlia's body. "Just give me the order."

"No," the Reaper objected, surprising both Genji and the snake. The ghastly man reholsted the weapon he'd used to shoot Dahlia, then nudged the limp body laying at his feet with his boot. "We've had our fun. Vixen was stupid- she should've known her sacrifice wouldn't change a thing. But let them consider this a warning." He looked up at the group of Overwatch agents before him, his voice raising to echo off the walls of the otherwise silent room. "We'll be watching, and all must die."

With that, the Reaper called for the retreat of his Assassins. He lifted into the air in a billow of black smoke, gliding through the air and disappearing from the room with one last chilling laugh. Slowly, the Assassins followed after him; Viper, however, lingered near Genji.

"It's too bad she chose you," he hissed with a sneer, glancing down at Dahlia's limp body. "She would've had a future with us."

Genji said nothing. Although there were countless words he wanted to scream at the snake, none of them managed to form on his lips. He was thankful for the mask that covered his face, for he knew that his vision was now blurry not because of rage, but because of the tears that had formed in his eyes. Viper shrugged, turning away from Genji and leaving without another word. As soon as the last Assassin left the room, Genji launched himself towards Dahlia. He could hear Sojourn barking orders towards Reinhardt and McCree, telling them to gather a team to scout the perimeter of the base and make sure the Assassins were truly gone, though he paid no attention to it. He focused only on his Kitsune as he pulled her head into his lap, running his fingers down her cheek. Her skin was still warm; he wasn't sure how much longer it was going to stay that way.

His heart hurt. He often forgot that there were parts of him that were still human within his cybernetically enhanced body, but this was a painful reminder. The heart of a man still beat inside of him, and as he stared down at the lifeless body of his Kitsune, he was sure that it had been torn in half.

Dr. Ziegler was by his side in a heartbeat. Her voice echoed through his head, but he couldn't make out a single word she was saying. He gazed blankly down at the bullet wound in her chest. Scarlet blood had gathered in a pool where her body had been laying, and now it was slowly beginning to stain his suit. What confused him, however, was the fact that all the blood seemed to be coming from the wound in her arm- the area where the Reaper had originally shot her. Although the fabric of her uniform had been torn on her chest and a bullet was embedded in her skin, not a single drop of blood leaked from the wound. Angela reached out to press her fingers to Dahlia's neck, checking for any sign of life. Not a single word was spoken between the pair, though they shared a look of confusion as the faintest pulse could be felt.

Genji reached up and covered the wound on her arm. Blood immediately seeped through his fingers and stained his hand red. Then, suddenly, a bright flash of blue light grabbed Genji's attention. The wound in Dahlia's chest had begun to glow, growing brighter and brighter with each passing second. Genji watched as a wispy being began to form around the wound; it slowly took the shape of a fox, standing to its feet and launching itself into the air. As it did so, it seemed to lift the bullet out of the wound with it. The bullet was completely void of any blood, and it glistened in the fluorescent light as the being dropped it on the floor beside her body. The fox then bounded through the air towards her arm. It laid itself on Genji's hand, causing him to lift it from the wound as surprising warmth came with the wispy being's touch. The fox wrapped itself around Dahlia's arm; it covered the bleeding wound and emitted her skin in a brilliant blue glow. Then, a few moments later, the glowing light dimmed. The wound was gone, along with the fox. A dark tattoo replaced it, taking the form of a tribal-style fox wrapping gracefully around her bicep.

Genji was speechless. Dahlia looked completely unharmed, as if she hadn't just suffered two bullet wounds. Yet she still didn't breathe. Dr. Ziegler reached towards her neck, once again checking for a pulse.

Then, Dahlia's shoulders heaved as she sucked in a deep breath.




The steady beeping of her heart monitor was the only thing he could focus on, the constant up-and-down movement of her vitals bringing him a small sense of comfort despite the unnerving stillness of her body. He feared that if he looked away for even a moment, the fox would suddenly undo whatever magic it had used to heal her and her heart would stop beating completely.

Dr. Ziegler stood at her bedside. For the past several hours, the doctor had performed numerous tests on his Kitsune and the tattoo that had somehow magically appeared on her arm. Though it was all in vain. Nothing could explain what had saved her life. It was obvious that the lack of answers was frustrating Angela, for she let out a soft groan for what seemed like the tenth time that very minute.

"It worries me," she mumbled as she ran her hand along the tattoo on Dahlia's arm. Genji wasn't sure if she was talking to him or herself. "It saved her life, yes, but at what cost? I fear that she is still in danger."

Genji knew that she had a point, but so far it seemed as though the fox had no ill intentions with his Kitsune. It healed her wounds and disappeared back within her body, where it had come from in the first place. Surely it wouldn't have saved her life only to bring her more harm. "I am just grateful that she is alive." A string of Japanese curses flew through Genji's mind as his voice shook when he spoke. Fear still caused his heart to hammer uncontrollably in his metallic chest, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He hated showing weakness, but he had almost lost her.

"As am I," Dr. Ziegler assured him with a knowing look in his direction. Sometimes, he was convinced that she knew more about his feelings towards Dahlia than himself. "But what if it is parasitic? What if it only saved her so that it would continue to have a host?"

Genji doubted that, and he had a feeling that Angela did too. The wispy being that had formed from her wound reminded him all-too-well of the spiritual dragons that watched over his own family. His brother possessed two dragons that made their home in an intricate tattoo on his own arm. He felt as though somehow Dahlia's situation was quite similar.

"You must remember that I have experience with beings such as this," he reminded the doctor gently. "They are not parasites. Quite the opposite, actually."

Angela hummed agreement, stepping away from Dahlia to monitor her vitals once again. Though her gaze kept shifting back to the tattoo, her eyebrows furrowed and her blue eyes shining with concern. "Whatever it is, there are many questions that must be answered."

Genji agreed, though at that moment he didn't care. His Kitsune was alive, and that's all he could've asked for.

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