ix | on the edge

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act six, chapter nine.
"on the edge"


LITTLE CONVERSATION CAME FROM the group of recruits as they dispersed after their training session. Exhaustion hung in the air like a thick fog, though no one was more ready to leave the training grounds than Dahlia. Because the recruits were so far into their training, those who were unwilling or unable to meet the requirements had already dropped out, and those that were left were the best of the best. This meant that Dahlia had little to nothing to report when it came to their training capabilities, leaving her to do nothing but sit on the bleachers in the heat of the sun all day. At least during the last few hours, Hana was kind enough to keep her company.

    Throughout the day, Dahlia often wondered if she should've been participating in any sort of training, as well. Watching the group of recruits made her realize just how hard they worked to even be cleared for field missions. Although she made it clear when she was brought to Overwatch that she didn't want to fight, for she wanted to help people by healing rather than fighting, she couldn't help but wonder if, come a real threat, her lack of combat practice would only bring her more harm.

    Now that the training session was over, however, Dahlia was more than ready to report back to Dr. Ziegler and have the rest of the evening off. As she made her way back to the HQ building, she was already thinking about which movie she wanted to pull up on the holovision after a warm bath. She would worry about her own combat training another time; after all, she'd managed to hold her own against Viper. Perhaps her knowledge on how one of Overwatch's biggest threats fought played to her advantage.

    When Dahlia reached the HQ, she suddenly felt something cool wrap tightly around her arm. She gasped in surprise, though had little time to react before she was tugged around the side of the building. Her back hit the brick, and a hand covered her mouth as her lips parted to let out a scream. Her eyes darted up to the person who attacked her, expecting to see an animalistic mask covering the face of an Assassin staring back at her. But there was no Assassin, only Genji. He stood so close to her that their chests almost touched, and the lights of his suit painted her skin green in the shadows.

    Dahlia narrowed her eyes at him. She did her best to push away the memories of his touch, swatting his hand away from her mouth. "You know, just because you're a trained ninja doesn't mean you have to act like one all the time!" She snapped at him. "A simple 'hey, Dahlia, can we talk now?' would have sufficed!"

    Genji's shoulders shook as he laughed. "I have more fun scaring you, Kitsune," he said.

    "Fuck you," she grumbled with a roll of her eyes. He said nothing, and as he looked up at him she could imagine him staring at her with his eyebrows raised. She groaned upon realizing what she said. "What do you want?"

    Genji suddenly grew serious. "Be with me."

    "What?" Dahlia blinked, surprised, then shook her head. "I told you-"

    She was cut off as Genji once again reached up to cover her mouth, silencing her. She looked up at him with wide eyes. "I do not care about the risks. I put my life in danger every day that I am here with Overwatch. I want you, and I do not mean as a come and go thing at my own pleasurable disposal. I want you, all of you, Kitsune."

    Although his words sent her chest into a fluttering fit, she did her best to ignore it. A small smile found its way onto her lips before it disappeared once more, replaced by a worrisome frown. "I don't want you to get hurt..." she mumbled. The raw terror she felt when she realized that Viper was only moments away from killing Genji was something she never wanted to feel again. But Viper knew how much she cared for Genji. The snake targeted him for that very reason, as nothing more than collateral damage in a desperate attempt to hurt her. While Viper remained loyal to the Reaper, Dahlia couldn't help but wonder if he now had his own mission- one that involved bringing as much harm to her as possible. She realized that no matter how much she tried to distance herself from Genji, she knew that it would all be in vain. Walking away from Genji now would change nothing. She cared for him deeply, and this alone painted a target on his back. Viper could've been watching the pair at that very moment, and the possibility terrified her. The closer to him that she was, the easier it would be for her to protect him.

    Dahlia jumped as Genji rested his hand on her cheek, pulling her out of her thoughts. She relaxed under his touch a moment later, and then his soft voice met her ears: "I do not care. I like to live life on the edge. Besides, if I can beat you, I can easily beat him," he said. Dahlia scowled in amusement and reached out to hit his arm playfully. The metallic armor that covered his body caused pain to shoot through her hand, and she cried out softly. Genji reached down to cup her aching hand in his own. "I want to be with you, Dahlia, if you will have me. What do you say?"

    A small smile grew on her face as she looked up at him. She could no longer ignore the feelings he gave her- the tightness of her chest and the feeling of pure bliss that made her feel weightless around him. He provided her with a happiness that she was convinced she would never feel again. She owed her life to him plus more, and she would be a fool if she walked away from him now. She looked down at his hand holding her own, and she squeezed it lightly. "Let's give it a shot, you stupid ninja."

    Dahlia had no time to react before she felt herself being pulled towards Genji. She felt an arm wrap around her, and then the cool metal of his faceplate rested against her forehead. Genji's suit whirred softly as he sighed. His actions caused a foreign feeling of warmth to spread throughout the entirety of her body, and she wrapped her arms tightly around his torso in an attempt to hold on to the feeling for as long as possible. Then, he pulled away. A soft hum rumbled through his metallic chest as he looked down at her before he spoke.

    "Where were you off to?"

    "You mean before you dramatically pulled me into a secluded area of the compound to pour your heart out to me?" Dahlia teased with a sly grin. She reached out to nudge him playfully. "I have to report to Dr. Ziegler before I head back to my dorm."

    "I will accompany you." Without giving her a chance to respond, Genji gestured for her to follow him. She didn't argue, for she didn't mind his company, and quickly followed after him. As the pair appeared from around the building and made their way through the entrance, Dahlia couldn't help but notice the countless stares that she was currently receiving from everyone they passed.

    "Genji?" She whispered to the ninja walking beside her. He hummed a response, glancing over at her, though said nothing. "Gossip travels fast around here, doesn't it?"

    Genji seemed to know exactly what she was referring to, even if she didn't say it. He reached out towards her, his metallic fingers brushing subtly over her hand in an attempt to comfort her. "You mustn't worry about that, Kitsune. Do not let it bother you."

    "But what about you? What will they think about you being involved with the traitor?" Dahlia asked. She spat out the last word as if it was laced with venom, her lips twisting into a scowl as she did so.

    Genji stopped walking and turned towards her. "It does not matter what they think. You are not a traitor, Dahlia."

    "I know that," she said with a frown, looking away.

    She felt another brush of his hand against her own. She glanced around, wondering if anyone nearby caught the momentary gesture. "Then that is all that matters, hm?" His soft voice met her ear. She only nodded, realizing he had a point. He gestured for her to follow him once more. "Come, Kitsune. The sooner you report to Angela, the sooner you can get that bath you are craving."

    "How'd you know I wanted a bath?" Dahlia asked him as she scurried after him, eyes narrowing suspiciously. Surely the ninja didn't have the ability to read minds amongst his other superhuman enhancements; she cringed as she imagined Genji being able to know exactly what she was thinking every time she was around him.

    Genji stole a glance in her direction. "Your shoulders are tense. A warm bath would help you feel better. Honestly, Kitsune, one would think you spent the entire day training rather than simply staring at my ass."

    Dahlia cursed the bright fluorescent lights that illuminated the reddening of her cheeks, as well as Hana for accusing her of staring at Genji's ass and boosting his already-inflated ego. "You wish I was staring at your ass, ninja."

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