ii | fear

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act three, chapter two.


WHEN SHE REGAINED CONSCIOUSNESS, the first thing she heard was a soft, repetitive beeping sound. Within seconds, it seemed to drill into her skull almost painfully, and she groaned quietly. Pain shot through her body as she tried to lift her hand, causing her to drop it back onto whatever she was laying on. The surface was soft and comfortable, like a mattress. Her eyes fluttered open, though they immediately squeezed shut once more as blinding fluorescent light filled her vision.

    Fuck, she inwardly groaned, numerous red dots floating across the back of her eyelids. Where am I?

    As soon as the thought crossed her mind, everything came back to her, washing over her like a tidal wave. She remembered the note left in her window from the ninja named Genji. She remembered the Reaper coming into her room that night with the fully loaded gun that she had been given to kill Genji with. She remembered his cold, demanding questions and the barrels of the guns his guards had pointed towards her. She remembered a flash of silver and green, followed by the sound of bullets ricocheting off of a metallic surface. Then, pain, and darkness.

She opened her eyes with a start, sucking in a breath of panicked air. Her eyes darted back and forth as she took in her surroundings. It didn't seem like the Talon base; the walls were too white and there was far too much lighting in the room. Tentatively, she sat up in the bed she was laying in. She glanced down towards her arm, noticing an IV pumping some unknown liquid into her veins. The heart monitor beside the bed continued to beep.

Her gaze was drawn to a reflective surface that hung on the far wall of the room. It was something that she hadn't used in nearly a decade: a mirror. Immediately, she stood to her feet, drawn to the object as if it were an oasis in the middle of a desert and she was dying of thirst. Her legs shook as she took the first step. She wondered how long she had been unconscious, for her muscles screamed in pain like they hadn't been used in weeks. The tube that connected the IV in her arm to the machine by her bed tugged against her skin uncomfortably, though she didn't stop. She didn't stop walking until she stood in front of the mirror. She looked up, and immediately a gasp fell from her chapped lips as she gazed at the reflection staring back at her.

Golden-brown skin, dark hair, and even darker eyes accompanied the unfamiliar woman. Bags shadowed the skin beneath her eyes, and her lips were pale compared to the rest of her features. She reached up, pushing the strands of hair that fell over her forehead to the side, and her eyes widened upon noticing several raised, dark scars on her temples. Her finger barely grazed over one when searing hot pain immediately shot through her skull. She cried out in agony, eyes squeezing shut as a single tear slipped down her cheek. She stole another glance towards the reflection in the mirror, and this time it was almost unbearable to look at. As she met the eyes that seemed so familiar yet so foreign, her mind spiraled into a dizzying fit of overwhelming thoughts. Images flashed through her mind, far too quickly for her to make out their contents. Voices swirled around her head, and memories that she had no recollection of but somehow knew belonged to her began to rush to the forefront of her mind.

She screamed again, her fist shooting out and striking the surface. Immediately, the glass shattered and fell to the floor, and she jumped back in fright. She stared down at her hand, blood pooling from several cuts in her knuckles. Pain shot through her skull once again, and she shook her head wildly as a chorus of voices echoed throughout her mind.

All must die. All must die.

Another cry fell from her lips, and she stumbled backwards as she clutched her bleeding hand to her chest. Her feet tripped over one another, causing her to lose her balance. She felt herself beginning to fall backwards, and she prepared herself for the impact of the hard floor beneath her, though it never game. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her, catching her and steadying her before she was able to hit the ground. Regaining her footing, she pulled herself out of the stranger's grip and whipped around to face them.

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