iv | kindness

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act three, chapter four.


DAHLIA WAS OVERLY AWARE of the feeling of Dr. Ziegler's fingers wrapped gently around her arm. She was being led throughout the base, her movements slow despite her body begging for her to move after being stuck in bed for the past several days. Each time she tried to quicken her pace, however, the doctor would immediately tighten her grip to slow Dahlia once more. Every little movement of Dr. Ziegler's fingers against her dull skin would cause jolts of electricity to shoot up her arm; she wasn't used to physical contact, and she wanted nothing more than to yank herself away.

As they began their second lap around the base, Dahlia realized that she had yet to see another person roaming the halls. Not even a whisper could be heard through the countless doors that they passed. Judging by the way the sun shone brightly through the large windows that lined the wall, it was nearly noon, so she expected the base to be bustling with activity by now. She turned to look at Dr. Ziegler, eyebrows pulled together curiously. "Where is everyone?"

"The other agents have moved to a more secure location," the doctor responded, sounding as though she had expected the question. "This was only a temporary base while we investigated a possible Null Sector hub in the city. It's quite lucky that we were here, don't you think?"

Dahlia didn't respond. She pursed her lips, looking away. She still wasn't sure what to think about the entire situation. The last thing she remembered before she woke up in this foreign place surrounded by strangers was Genji picking her up and taking her away from the Reaper. But where was Genji now, and why did he leave her with this stranger? She wanted to trust him, she wanted to trust them, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. She was all alone with unfamiliar faces and no recollection of who she truly was; part of her wondered if she would've been better off staying with the Reaper.

"Your wound is healed-" Dr. Ziegler's accented voice pulled Dahlia from her thoughts. "-and you seem steady enough on your feet to fly. Would you like to join the others?"

Without hesitation, Dahlia nodded eagerly. Perhaps she would finally be able to get some answers once she joined the other remaining Overwatch agents. Dr. Ziegler smiled softly at her, sensing her anticipation, before she began to speak into a communication device in her ear that Dahlia hadn't noticed until then.

"Tracer, call in an airship. We're ready to join the others."

Dahlia perked up at the name. She had heard it several times before. Lena Oxton, also known as Tracer, was one of the former Overwatch agents that the Reaper seemed to show particular interest in. Her name was mentioned alongside Angela Ziegler's many times throughout the years. Dahlia's head spun as she realized that she was being brought to an Overwatch base, and soon enough she was going to be surrounded by people that she was once told to kill.




Within the next hour, the roar of a jet engine could be heard as a sleek airship approached the abandoned base. Dahlia stood beside Dr. Zielger, her eyes squinting against the bright sunlight, sensitive after spending several days cooped up inside the base. The doctor had a hand resting on her shoulder, helping keep Dahlia steady. Another woman stood on the other side of Dr. Ziegler, with short brown hair and dressed in an orange track suit and a brown vest. Dahlia recognized her as Lena Oxton, and she didn't miss the countless glances that the short-haired girl kept shooting in her direction. She seemed almost nervous; Dahlia wouldn't have been surprised if she saw distrust behind the glances, as well.

Every movement, from the waving of the branches of a nearby tree to Lena shifting impatiently on the balls of her feet, caused Dahlia to jump and look around her in fright. Now that she was no longer sheltered by the looming walls of the base, she expected the Reaper to leap out of the shadows and finish what he had originally started. She knew that he must have been watching her. He knew the location of every former Overwatch agent- surely he knew of their location, as well. The thought terrified her, and she found herself feeling more than thankful as the airship touched the ground a few hundred feet away from them. The sooner she boarded the ship and lifted into the air, the safer she would feel.

All must die. All must die.

Dahlia shuddered as the chorus of voices pushed their way to the forefront of her mind. Suddenly, the soft touch of Dr. Ziegler's fingers on her shoulder felt like fire, and she pulled away. The doctor sent her a look of concern, though Dahlia paid no attention to it. She reached up and clutched her temples, eyebrows pulling together as a searing pain shot through her skull.

"Dahlia?" Dr. Ziegler called out softly, her words echoing as though she was miles away. The voices continued to whisper, overlapping one another so that the three words they repeated over and over again began to jumble together.

Dahlia felt weak. Her knees buckled beneath her as another wave of pain overcame her, and she fell to the ground. Her vision spun, and she had to squeeze her eyes shut to stop herself from getting sick. She could barely hear Dr. Ziegler as she told Lena to board the ship. Dahlia opened her eyes to see the short-haired girl shoot her a worried look before obeying. Once Lena was gone, Dr. Ziegler kneeled down beside her, reaching out to rest a hand on her shoulder once again. Dahlia expected pain to follow the doctor's soft touch, but she was wrong.

"Are you okay, Dahlia?"

The voices were beginning to fade away once again, and the pain was beginning to subside. Dahlia swallowed, her throat suddenly dry as if she had been without water for days, though she then nodded. She allowed Dr. Ziegler to help her to her feet, and together the pair began to make their way towards the airship.

The interior of the airship was much roomier than Dahlia had expected. She caught only a quick glance of the being that sat in the cockpit, the pilot that would take them to their new destination. It was an omnic, its body slick and white. It spoke in a feminine robotic voice, greeting Dr. Ziegler as they boarded the ship. Lena was standing in the cockpit beside the omnic, and the pair spoke softly to one another. Dahlia felt a soft touch on her arm, and she turned her attention away from the cockpit and towards the doctor standing beside her. Dr. Ziegler motioned for her to follow, and she did. She was brought to a small compartment near the back of the airship, furnished with a small table as well as a bunk bed tucked into the corner of the room.

"The trip will only be a few hours long," Dr. Ziegler began. "You are welcome to stay in this compartment while we are flying. It is important that you continue to rest in order to regain your strength."

Dahlia nodded, feeling rather awkward. "Thank you," she said, though she wasn't sure if that was the correct response.

Dr. Ziegler smiled, causing an odd feeling of warmth to spread through Dahlia's body. The doctor's light eyes glistened in the artificial lighting, the corners crinkling slightly. "Would you like some company, dear?"

For a moment, Dahlia was tempted. Dr. Ziegler's kindness was something that she was not used to, yet she found herself desiring more despite her mind screaming at her to do the opposite. Before she was able to agree, however, she found herself shaking her head almost frantically.

She isn't being friendly. She only wants information from you, her subconscious hissed at her.

Dahlia wanted to trust these people, she truly did. The idea of escaping the Reaper and finding a safe and welcoming place to call home was tempting, though she knew better than to believe in such places. No matter how kind and trusting the Overwatch agents appeared to be, she knew that their kindness didn't come for free. The less she allowed herself to become attached to them, the better.

Thankfully, Dr. Ziegler didn't argue. She simply nodded, shooting Dahlia one last kind smile before she left the room. She slid the door shut, and Dahlia was alone with nothing but her wandering thoughts and the chorus of voices echoing through the back of her mind: All must die. All must die.

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