extra | claim

201 12 6

act four, extra.



A PUFF OF SMOKE rose into the chilly night air from the cigar that hung from Jesse McCree's lips. His lips puckered around the filter as he sucked in a taste of the foul drug. The rancid smell wafted through the air, filling Genji's helmet and nearly suffocating him. He sat beside his old friend just outside of the HQ; the pair sat in silence, though neither of them needed to speak in order to enjoy the other's company. It was something that they had done since their time in Blackwatch together, and Genji was somewhat grateful that the tradition continued upon their return to Overwatch.

McCree puffed on the cigar once more, then took it out from between his lips. He handed it towards Genji questioningly, who simply shook his head in objection. There had been a time where he would have accepted, a time where he once did everything in his power to damage the body that he once rejected, but not anymore. McCree shrugged, sticking the cigar back between his lips and blowing out a small cloud of smoke.

"I gotta be honest," the cowboy spoke, breaking the silence that had hung over the pair for several minutes. "It's real nice to have Dahlia back. I don't know how I didn't get to know her beforehand."

Genji grunted a response, his eyes slightly narrowed as he stole a glance in his friend's direction. He had a feeling where McCree was taking the conversation, and he wasn't exactly eager about it.

"I'm thinking about askin' her on a date."

This grabbed Genji's attention, confirming his suspicions. "You only just asked Sylvie out on a date last week," he pointed out. He hoped that McCree didn't catch the annoyance behind his words; he had no idea how he would explain the ill feelings he had towards the cowboy taking Dahlia out on a date. To be honest, he wasn't entirely sure why it bothered him so much.

"It didn't work out," McCree responded with a shrug and an odd look in Genji's direction. "Why? You claimin' Dahlia?"

"She is not something to be claimed, McCree," Genji said slowly, surprised by his friend's odd choice of words.

The cowboy seemed unbothered, however. He put out his cigar, then stood to his feet and dusted his hands off on his paints. "Then what's one date gonna hurt?"

Genji didn't answer, suddenly in a fowl mood. He was thankful that McCree was unable to see the frown that had spread across his face beneath his visor. Never would he admit to the jealousy that he was currently feeling, so he stayed quiet. McCree reached down and patted Genji on the shoulder.

"See you around, ninja. Put in a good word to Dahlia for me?"

Once again, he received no response. McCree shrugged, waving goodbye and turning to leave. The sound of his spurs rattling against his boots filled the night air as he walked away, leaving Genji alone to think of every possible way that he could prevent a date between McCree and his Kitsune.

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