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I like girls.

Are we shocked? I told you from the beginning that I'm in love with Kitty. I've never loved anyone like I've loved her before, but she isn't the first girl I've been interested in either.

I never imagined myself with a man. Most girls I've known wanted that perfect love story. You know, meeting a guy, falling in love, getting married, starting a family, growing old together. That sounds nice and all, but I've never wanted that, ever.

As a kid, I didn't think much of it. When people looked at my grandparents or Suyin and Baatar Sr, they marveled at them. They were what people wanted to be. They wanted that perfect love story. I could care less. The idea of a man wasn't that exciting to me, if ya know what I mean.

As a child, I was always sure of myself. I knew what I wanted, and I didn't see anything wrong with it. It wasn't a big deal to me, and I thought that's how everyone felt... Of course I was wrong. The only thing my parents and I ever talked about were my lessons, I didn't think they'd care to know about- well, anything that has to do with me! So my parents didn't know for a long time.

The first girl I was ever interested in was a girl named Sarai. I remember everything about her. How her long hair was always brushed back into a sleek braid that trailed down her back. How she had 4 freckles on her nose, how she only wore dresses because she dreamed of being a princess one day, and how everyday she'd pick a flower and stick it in her hair because she loved flowers so so much. She was the opposite of me, and I was fascinated by her. I remember the moment we first met, I remember how I felt, I remember everything.

It was the summer before I was shipped off to boarding school. I had just arrived in Ba Sing Se, and my mother told me to go introduce myself to the new neighbors. She didn't really care about the neighbors. She really wanted me out of the house and away from her. Summers in Ba Sing were almost always spent with my friends families. I never had an 'unforgettable' summer, and I wanted that experience, especially since that was the summer before everything was suppose to change... Again.


"I got a perfect score on my last exam, and-"

"Jade, please," my mother says frustratingly. "I'm trying to cook dinner for your father."

"Oh, sorry. I can help if-"

I grab for the knife to chop some of the veggies, but I quickly extract my hand as I accidentally slice my finger. Ouch! I watch as the blood slowly leaks from my finger tips onto the counter tops.

"Dammit, Jade!" my mother snaps.

"I didn't- I'm sorry, I-" I try to apologize.

"Just- why don't you go play? Or go introduce yourself to the new neighbors? I'm sure they'd love to meet you."

"Yes, mother."

I sigh and make my way outside. It's my first day back in the city, and my mother has barely said anything to me. I know she's not use to me being around, but I only wanted to tell her about my life in Zaofu.

I stop when I notice my father coming home from work. Oh yay... Just kidding. I haven't seen him in a year. I didn't really miss him. Is that mean? Maybe, but grandfather always said it's ok to be honest. Besides, it's not like I'd ever get the chance to tell him that. I've never been close with my 'dad,' and we haven't had many conversations.

"Father," I greet him.

"Jade. How was your trip?" He asks.

"Good," I answer.


And that's it, that's always it. He left to go into the house, and I head next door. I'm greeted by a lady who looks the same age as my mom. She's of average height and she wears- Fire Nation clothing?

"Hi, I'm-"

"Jade!" She interrupts me.

She startles me as she wraps me in her arms, my face in her chest- Ugh, I feel like I'm suffocating. What do I do? Do I hug back? I'm gonna hug back- No, I'm not gonna hug back. I don't know this woman- Wait, no, I have to! It'll only be polite.

"You look just like your mother!"

I didn't hug back.

"I just wanted to introduce myself. I-"

"Come, come," she says as she directs me into her home. "Your mother has told me all about you and the fancy school you go to in Zaofu. I've never met a metalbender before."

"Oh, yeah. I'm a metalbender," I state awkwardly.

"You should meet my daughter. You'd get along fabulously. Sarai!" She calls for her daughter.


I turn around to see a girl my age. She has long dark hair, freckles, and brown eyes that are almost golden. She has a flower placed in her hair, and she's dressed like earth Kingdom, but they're definitely Fire Nation.

"This is my daughter, Sarai. We just moved here from the Fire Nation. Sarai, say hello."

I'm again startled as the girl wraps me in a very tight hug. They sure like to hug.

"Hi, there!" She greets me.

'She sure is loud.'

"Hi, I'm-"

"Jade! I know, you look just like your mother."

"Oh, um-"

"Whoa, what happened to your hand?" She asks me.

I look down at my fingers that were sliced earlier while trying to help my mother with dinner. They're stained with the color of crimson. It makes it look much worse than it actually is.


"Come on, let me help you."

Are these people ever going to let me talk?


She whisked me away to her room and she bandaged my hand. Not my finger, but my entire hand. Then she told me I needed to be careful. It was a bit excessive, but so was she. I was annoyed by her, I hated how whenever she'd get excited I couldn't get a word in, I hated the way she dressed, I thought she was incredibly childish for wanting to be a princess despite not even being related to the Royal Family. She was the complete opposite of me... And yet, I couldn't resist her.


A/N Are y'all ready for Kitty? I hope you're enjoying the story, there's more to come!

Jade (LOK) (Book 2 of My Sister's Keeper)Where stories live. Discover now