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"Were you surprised? Because I was really surprised. Won't this turn all the world leaders against us?" Bolin asks as he paces the room.

I'm not surprised, but he can't know that. I am, however, worried. We're on the brink of war. It's been moderately peaceful since Avatar Aang defeated Ozai, and this is not good. We can't handle a war at that extent, not again- Especially without an Avatar. This is her battle, and yet she's nowhere to be found. That's probably why Kitty's powers are acting out.

"Yes, it will," I answer truthfully.

Bolin looks like he's going to throw up, and Kitty is probably over thinking like she always does. I'm worried, too, but this isn't the time to blow our cover. Kuvira is psychotic, and her patience is close to none. She's declared herself ruler of this 'new' nation, and she's ready to take it by force.

"You kids need to relax," Varrick tells the three of us. "What can they do? Kuvira controls the whole nation now, and Republic City is begging for the metal that we're mining. This train has left the station, and we own the track!"

I and Kitty eye him as Zhu Li walks in, followed by a spirit vine on a cart. I've never liked Varrick. He's a genius, yet he's somehow the biggest imbecile on the planet. His stories are ridiculously over exaggerated, and he treats Zhu Li like gum on the bottom of his shoe despite her being just as genius as he is, and I can tolerate her.

"Now that's a nice looking hunk of spirit vine! Let's take it back to the lab and get it stabilized immediately."

Zhu Li gestures the men pushing the cart to take it away again, and Varrick goes with them. At the same time, Kuvira enters the room and looks at the three of us. Bolin is a complete mess, but Kitty and I stay composed.

"You look worried, Bolin," Kuvira points out as he stands up from his chair.

"Yeah, well, we just have some misgivings about how you kind of ambushed Tenzin and the other leaders," he admits.

"You believe in the work that we've done for the people of the Earth Empire, right?" Kuvira asks us.

"We do, but ..." Kitty trails off, trying to save Bolin from the uneasiness.

"Then stick with me. I'm going to need your help now more than ever. Raiko and the other leaders want to bully us into accepting some idiot king who will serve them but neglect the people. We have to stand strong against them."

"We're just not sure about this whole 'Empire' thing. It seems pretty aggressive. And what was that part about the crushing?" I ask her.

'Let's see how she gets out of this one.'

Kuvira is the most manipulative person I've ever met. She acts like she cares about Earth Kingdom citizens and rebuilding the nation, and she comes with a confident approach that seems genuine, but when people don't give into it, she gets angry and well... It's not pretty, as we've all seen.

"That was just some ... tough rhetoric to let people know that we mean business. Believe me, conflict is the last thing I want. Will you three help me make history?"

Kitty and I eye each other. We're on the same page obviously. Bolin is of course oblivious because he is sadly being manipulated by her, just like everyone else.

"Sure," Kitty answers for the three of us.

"Thank you."

My heart begins to race when Suyin walks into the room, drawing our attention as she barges through the door. She is angry. Of course she is. kuvira is trying to take over the world and refuses to give up power. She should be angry, furious! I know I would.

Jade (LOK) (Book 2 of My Sister's Keeper)Where stories live. Discover now