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A/n Just started a new job, so updates might be a tad slower.



I quietly make my way up the steps of the Beifong residence. I'm not sure what time it is, but I've been roaming Zaofu all day, and I'm exhausted. I just hope Suyin will let me stay in her home, just until I can move into my dorm at the Academy.

I knock on their door and stand there patiently. I couldn't take much with me, grandmother wouldn't allow it, so I have some clothes and a few personal items. I look a mess, I just know it. My once sleeked back ponytail is no longer sleek. My eyes are red and I have dry tears that stain my cheeks. This is the worst day of my life.

"Jade," the Beifong's security guard says as he opens the door. "What are you doing here?"


"Guard, who is at my door at this time of night?" I hear Suyin ask.

She comes to the door and her eyes grow wide when she spots me. She shoo's the guard away and now it's just us.

"Jade, what in the world! Get inside," she says as she leads me into the doorway. She locks the door behind us.

"What are you doing here? It's too late for you to be out at this time of night, you could've gotten hurt," she scolds me.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I didn't have anywhere else to go."

"Honey..." she trails off

Her face falls and her voice softens.

"Why aren't you in Ba Sing Se?" She continues. "I thought you were visiting your parents until the end of summer. And does your grandmother know where you are?"

"Jade?" I hear Baatar Sr. call as he walks down stairs. "What's going on? Is your grandmother ok?"

"Gramdmother is fine," I answer. "She kicked me out. I didn't know where else to go."

"Kicked you out?!" Suyin gasps. "Why on earth would she do that?"

I look down in shame. I don't understand why my parents or my grandmother are so upset with me. Grandmother use to kiss grandfather all the time, because they loved each other, well I love Sarai, so why is it so bad that we kissed? Sarai is the sweetest, most kindest girl in the world! She's done nothing to them!

"Well, back at home... Something happened," I start.

"It's ok," Baatar Sr. says gently. "Go on, we won't be upset with you."

"Well, there was this girl, Sarai. Her mom caught us kissing and she told my mom," I explain. "And my mom told my grandmother."

"Kissing?" Suyin says. "Well that's no reason to kick your 14 year old out on the streets."

"She didn't kick me out for kissing..." I tell her.

I find myself getting frustrated again. I've never seen my grandmother so upset with me. And my own mother looked at me like I was the grossest thing on the planet. I know how unhappy she is with my father, but does that mean I should be, too? I like Sarai, why couldn't they just let me have this one thing to be happy about?

"Then why is she doing this?" Suyin asks.

"Because Jade kissed a girl," Baatar Sr. answers.

He looks at me sadly. If I could hide right now, I would. I just want the world to swallow me whole. I love Sarai, and now she's gone.

"Jade, honey," Suyin says quietly. "Is that true? Your grandmother kicked you out because you like girls?"

Jade (LOK) (Book 2 of My Sister's Keeper)Where stories live. Discover now