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7 Days After the Fall of Kuvira

I quietly lace up my boots and pull my ski mask over my face. Wow, I actually look like a spy, dressed in all black, unlike the outfits we wore with Kuvira. I couldn't stand dressing like that, like Baatar Jr. every single day, it drove me crazy. I hated that people thought I was like him, like I was his follower, that I supported him and Kuvira and their ideals... I can't believe he's on house arrest, and after everything he's done. He should be in a cell like Kuvira awaiting trial. He almost killed us, Republic City and Zaofu are in shambles because of them, and now Kitty is missing. Unfortunately, I don't think Baatar Jr. will ever go to prison. He'll remain on house arrest, and the Beifong's will try to get the citizens of Zaofu to forgive him. Well I don't forgive him or Kuvira, especially now that Kitty is missing. I'll never forgive either one of them. I love Suyin, and I love her family, but we will never be the same as long as Baatar Jr. is free. I'm thankful for her, and I love Zaofu, but I'll always feel hurt knowing that Baatar Jr. only got a slap on the wrist for all the chaos and destruction he's caused. The only good thing that's come out of this situation is I met my best friends. Before traveling with Kuvira, I only heard of Kitty and Bolin through Suyin and the newspapers that reported on recent world news. I never cared about the Avatar or her friends. Life can be so funny, because now, they're the most important people in my life. I can't believe I underestimated them.

I swiftly make my way towards the portal. I hide behind a large piece of debris from the towns wreckage that hasn't been picked up yet.. Raiko is such an idiot. Really, only two men to guard the portal? Scrawny men at that. I need to sneak past them, get over that barrier, and into the Spirit World, should be easy.

... This is weird for me. For the past three years, I did everything with Kitty. I didn't even blink without her. Raiko was right about one thing, we work well together. Putting my feelings aside, we were still so in tune with each other. Not one time did Kuvira ever expect us. Traveling with Kuvira was my first mission as a spy, before that, I was in Suyin's guard. It's different without Kitty, even without Bolin. I didn't tell Bolin about this because he's at the wedding rehearsal. Varrick and Zhu Li's, not Asami and Korra's. And... I couldn't drag him into this. If Raiko were to find out, we'd get in a lot of trouble, and I can't do that to him.



I turn around slowly with an annoyed sigh. I guess Raiko is smarter than I thought- Oh, it's only Mako. I can tell because of the sling on his arm. He's dressed in all black, too. I chose tonight to sneak into the Spirit World because I thought everyone would be busy with the dress rehearsal. I guess it's not too shocking that Mako is sneaking around looking for Kitty. He is in love with her.

"What are you doing here?" He asks loudly.

I grab his good arm and pull him down to my level.

"Shut up, will you!"

"I'm sorry," he whispers back. "I wasn't really expecting to see anyone out here tonight."

"I didn't either," I admit honestly. "I thought everyone was busy with the rehearsal."

"What are you doing out here anyway?" He asks. "If Raiko catches you this close to the portal, he'll ship you back to Zaofu."

I look at him. Is he serious? I'm dressed in all black and I'm scoping out the portal. I'm obviously sneaking into the Spirit World to search for Kitty. I don't care what Raiko says. This portal doesn't belong to him, it belongs to the spirits, the universe!- G0d, I sound just like her.

"I can't just sit around and wait for her to show up. I'm going into the Spirit World and I'm bringing Kitty home."

"Wow..." He says quietly. "I was here to do the same thing."

Jade (LOK) (Book 2 of My Sister's Keeper)Where stories live. Discover now