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Today is 'suppose' to be the day; Prince Wu's coronation. How did we go from an awful Earth Queen who steals from their citizens, to a crazy dictator, to a guy like Prince Wu who is the embodiment of a 6 year old? I doubt Kuvira will give up her power, but I still have to waste my time and be here. I guess it's not so bad, Kitty is pretty happy to be back.

All day Kitty has been taking me to her old hanging grounds. I never realized how much bigger this place is than Zaofu. Kitty showed me around when we first met, and yet there's still so many places I haven't been. I actually sorta like it. Zaofu is home, but there's a world out there that I have yet to discover. I guess that's why all of my friends left to travel after we graduated. Maybe they were right, it's not so scary after all.

"And that over there is Air Temple Island. When Korra and I first arrived in the city, we stayed there with Tenzin and his family. We did everything there. And Pema use to make these rolls that were to die for, they were delicious!" Kitty exclaims happily. "Once Tenzin gave both Korra and I traditional airbending attire that we looked absolutely ridiculous in, it was so funny. And when we babysat the airbender kids, sometimes we use to reenact the One Hundred Year War. I was always Sokka.."

"You've really missed this place, huh?" I ask her.

I guess it's bittersweet. Sometimes you don't realize how much something means to you until it's just a memory. All Kitty wanted to do was to go to Republic City and live her life to the fullest. It wasn't easy, but she did it, and she's still doing it. People weren't always nice to her, but I hope she knows she's changed a lot of people's lives for the better. Inspiring, really.

"Yeah..." She trails off. "But even though I've had so many good times here, I'm still thankful for the memories we've made together! I know we didn't start out on the best foot, but now, you're one of my best friends."

'Best friends... It's definitely a start.'

"Yeah!" I agree genuinely. "I thought you were going to be an annoying brat who was given given every opportunity when it came to bending because of your title, but really, you're amazing at what you do and deserve all the credit."

"And I thought you were a pompous, overly confident, brat who couldn't stand the thought of someone possibly being better than you," she says with a laugh.

"I am," I admit, and we both laugh.

"Yeah, but you're still great."

We decided to walk around City Hall since the coronation is running late. I wonder if my grandmother is here. She'd usually be at things like this. You know her and her image, she has to keep up with her appearances.

Would it be crazy to say I miss her. She lacked a lot of things, but she was all I knew after my parents gave me up. Her and my grandfather. It's like after my grandfather, she wasnt the same. She would've never sent me away to the academy if he were around. As she always use to say, 'keep it in the family.' She changed, and I miss who she used to be. Even with the hours of grueling training and study sessions.

"Hey, who's that that?" I ask Kitty, referring to the tall male in the royal guards uniform.

He looks like Bolin if he were taller, slender, and  constipated. Oh, don't tell me- Kitty looks as though she's staring at a pot roast. And is that drool? I have to be supportive, I know, I just wish she'd get over him already. I am curious to know what's so special about him.

"Um, earth to Kitty."

"Oh, sorry! Yeah, um, that's Mako," she answers.

"Bolin's brother? The dude you had a crush on but dated your sister and best friend all while trying to dictate your dating life?"

Jade (LOK) (Book 2 of My Sister's Keeper)Where stories live. Discover now