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Author here, I hope you're all doing well, I've missed you all! I started a new job and it's been busy- but I love writing, and I love all of you who supported me through this journey, so thank you. Here's to a new chapter!



"I like when you stay the night," Sarai says.

I haven't known her long, but I like being at Sarai's house, too. It always smells like freshed baked goods, her mom is really nice and always feeds me, and I like Sarai. She's my best friend, but still, it's more than that I feel. I like her how my parents are suppose like each other, but they don't really.

"I like being here, too," I admit.

Sarai has this big tree in her back yard. Her uncle built her this platform that we like to have our sleepovers on. The stars here are really pretty and it's like another world. It makes me feel like nothing else matters. I have to go soon, but I'm glad I get to be with Sarai before that happens. It's like our own little world here.


"Hello, earth to Jade."

Oh. I must've drifted off... I can't believe this. Sarai is here, she's standing right in front of me. Is it hot in here? Oh wow, this is a lot. It's been so long! After that night, I never saw her again- well, until now. All I knew was that we were in trouble, and I was shipped back to Zaofu immediately. The next summer when I went back to Ba Sing Se, Sarai's cousin said that Sarai's mother got remarried and they moved away. My mother forbade me to ever speak to Sarai ever again. She ripped up my letter, and that was the end of that.

"Jadey, are you just going to stand there? Give me a hug," she says with a smile.

I stand there absolutely frozen, but she goes in for the hug anyway. Jadey, she called me Jadey, just like old times. She wraps her arms around me, and yes, I'm still standing here, absolutely stunned, not hugging her back. I must look absolutely ridiculous.

Come on, Jade. Do something!

"If you're not going to hug her, then I will," I hear a very annoying Prince Wu say.

I shoot him daggers, and he puts his hands up.

"I'm just saying," he says.

I breath in deeply and I finally have the courage to hug her back. Wow, Sarai is back, she's really here! Oh, and she smells amazing, and her hugs still make me melt. She finally pulls back to take a look at me. Her looking at me feels so strange, I just can't believe it.

"Ugh, look at us," she says happily. "All grown up."

"Um, um, yes. Sarai, it's been so long-"

"So, I take it you two know each other," Prince Wu interrupts. "I'm Prince Wu, heir to the throne after my great aunt- but you probably knew that."

"Oh, I'm well aware of who you are. My family lived under the ruling of the late Queen Hou Ting for years, and I have to say, she was absolutely... Repugnant."

I choke on my saliva. Even her insults are classy.

"But considering you called for this evacuation," she continues. "I'm guessing you're not as abhorrent as she."

Prince Wu just stands there with the same stupid, flirty grin he always has on his face, even after Sarai completely insulted him and his lineage. I wish Kitty were here, she'd love this. The best part is, I don't think Wu even understands what Sarai said to him at all.

Jade (LOK) (Book 2 of My Sister's Keeper)Where stories live. Discover now