Ⅴ: First date.

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"Yes, this is it," Dazai informed the taxi driver as the car stopped in front of your apartment complex. "Thank you very much! Could you just wait for a few minutes?" Dazai requested. "Sure thing. take your time," the driver replied, glancing at the flower bouquet that was in Dazai's hands.

Dazai couldn't contain his excitement for the date. He wanted to be the best boyfriend that you were going to have before you both died. He had a vague idea on where to take you but seeing you enjoying your time was his ultimate goal.

He walked in the apartment complex and looked back at his phone. "Second floor... room 16," he read your text.

It was time, and you were almost ready. Since you were raised in the Jackals, there was no such thing as dating. You didn't know what to expect exactly to happen, but you were not oblivious enough to not know how dates work.

You placed the final touches on your hair, wondering if Kenta found anything yet. A series of knocks later pulled you out of your state. "Yn-san! It's me!" his loud sharp voice echoed in the hallway. "One second, Osamu-san," you picked up some of the stuff and hid them in the wardrobe, hoping it would make the place look a bit tidier.

Dazai on the other side of the door, stood there with a wide contagious smile. He adjusted a rose in the bouquet as he could no longer be patient to see your reaction. You opened the door inviting him in, but then you noticed what he had in his arms.

"Surprise!" with both of his hands holding onto the bouquet, he offered it to you. "Oh... thank you," you managed to reply as you took the flowers from his hand. You went inside the room to place it somewhere suitable, and Dazai was watching you with loving eyes.

Although you tried to not to show it, he saw the faint spark in your eyes when he surprised you. phase one, success! Dazai sang in his mind.

As a gentleman, Dazai Opened the car's door for you to get in. "Where should I take you, young man?" the driver asked Dazai. "The park nearby," he answered. The park you thought. not bad.

As requested from the Jackals, Hina specifically, you had to record conversations that happened between you and Dazai. Since this was a 'date', you had to make sure it was recording as he might actually confesses valuable information.

The park was filled with people of all ages, yet it was very big; perfect for a walk of fresh air, thought Dazai.

Both of you started walking on the path. "Yn-san," Dazai called as he offered his hand. You held onto it without a second thought as you already got used to this kind of affection. You glanced at your intertwined hands. A thought roamed in your head.

normal life... with family... and love.

"I see that you're enjoying yourself, Yn-san," Dazai commented through a smile. You blinked out of your state and glanced up at him. "You were smiling... looking at our hands," Dazai pointed out. You looked away at the people around, not noticing that smile yourself.

He saw your change of mood and wondered whether it was best if he didn't mention it. He swung your intertwined hands back and forth, picking up a faster happy phase.

"This park sure is refreshing, isn't it?" you asked as you looked around, hoping to break the awkward atmosphere that the previous situation created. He hummed in agreement. "I thought about taking you to the cinemas for a first date, but I don't know what kind of genre you are into," he explained when you looked back at him. "Then I thought, it's not about the date, it's about us spending time together," he reasoned.

You definitely agreed. A movie would be a waste of time.

"Oh look!" he pointed, looking ahead. You followed his gaze. There stood a little carriage that sold sweets and other types of food. You both got closer to the carriage where people gathered. "Want some crepes? Strawberry ones?" he asked as he let go of your hand. You nodded and he pulled out his wallet.

People munching on these delicious crepes only made you eager to eat one already, and Dazai was ready to buy you one without any hesitation. There was only one problem.

He only had his credit card.

"I don't have any cash on me..." he mumbled.

"What's wrong?" you asked, clueless. He didn't answer you and made his way to the seller. "Do you take money with credit cards?" he asked as he waved his card. The seller shook his head conveying a no.

Dazai came back to you with a hunched posture. "Did you get the crepes?" you asked, searching his hands. "I'm sorry, Yn-san. They don't take money with credit cards," he explained. "Oh..." you replied.

You scanned the park for any other carriages, and this one seemed like it was the only one around. no wonder many people were gathering around this one. You thought about the idea of walking in the park while eating the delicious crepes.

"let's go Yn, we'll see if we can buy it somewhere else," he assured, scanning the park, and offering his hand again.

"Y/n-san?" He asked, glancing back at you. You stood there, looking at the carriage. You lingered like a little child wanting the crepes. You opened your little handbag and pulled out your wallet. "I can buy us some crepes, Osamu-san," you said, coming to a conclusion.

He gasped, so you froze midway when looking through your wallet. You looked up at him with a questioning gaze.

It was the moment that Dazai realized that you were paying for both of you when it was a date he offered.

I should be a gentleman, and this is not it! he thought. He walked up to you and placed your wallet into your bag. "I could never let you pay for both of us. I am your boyfriend, and I am the one treating you here," he explained with determination. You were baffled yet impressed.

He held your hand after you placed your handbag on your shoulder. "There is an ATM station nearby, let me get some cash and I'll buy you everything you wish to eat!" he grumbled, more at himself than at you.

It only took a three-minute walk and you both reached the ATM station. He didn't let go of your hand, so you entered inside with him. There was customer service where people stood in 3 lines, and there was self-service on the left side of the room. Dazai walked to the ATM machine to do it himself. You looked the other way around at the people, giving Dazai his privacy as he finished the transaction.

It was quiet. There were only the murmurs of the people talking with the staff at the reception. Some other people sat in the waiting section; one woman with her child that had her phone entertaining himself, an old man that looked to be in his mid-40s, and elderly couple that exchanged faint conversations.

Dazai let go of your hand. Then you heard him click his tongue. "Something's wrong?" you asked, not looking his way. "Just facing a little problem here... oh, got it!" he said, and you heard the cash coming out of the machine.

With his money almost ready, Dazai observed it coming out thinking about what you should try eating next.

The entrance door opened, making a loud noise indicating that it was opened with force. "Osamu?" you asked, your warning tone making Dazai's ears perk up. He glanced back at you, and as soon as he turned around, a bullet pierced through the roof.

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