XXVI: Serpent Eyes

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Her full red lips showed a heartwarming smile, yet it did not make you feel warm. Her cheeks were filled with freckles, reaching the bridge of her perfect nose. Then, her eyes, the forbidden.

They were surreal; purple pupils surrounded by icy blue irises. No wonder whoever looked at them stared for longer.

"There's one last thing that I need to do, then I wil let you go. You will then leave this place, and start new,"

you wanted to look away, but you couldn't.

"You have to stay here, in the Jackals building since your apartment is filled with police,"

her voice was becoming blurry, your breaths were faster, but shallower.

"Once Dazai falls for it, I will end him and you'll be free. Like what Hotaru wished for," she said, lowering her hand from your chin.

Your eyes fell to her shoes again, taking in a moment to process what just happened.

This is not right,

This is not what Hotaru wished for,

For the first time, you've realized that hiding all this was never the way to the answer. This is what you wanted, but never what you wanted as well. Killing one more person was not going to pay the debt of losing your close ones.

Osamu, I have to warn him,

"Take her to the room," she said, her voice neutral again. Two of men gripped your arms while three others were aiming at you. "Wait wait!" You yelled. She stopped in her tracks. "What about my stuff? The stuff they took. My phone?" You asked.

"They were all just one more piece of evidence to our place, I couldn't afford them to find it, so I ordered the Jackals to sneak into the police department, and... burn them," she said, ending the sentence with a smile.

Your phone, destroyed.

Your throat felt like it was punched. you resisted their grips and yelled, "let me go! Let me go you bastards!" But it was no use, as one brought the rifle closer to your head.

All the pictures, voice messages, videos of Kenta; gone, forever.

There sat the girl who pretended to be you. Dazai looked at her fragile body; she was shaking. He could tell it was not how their little plan should've gone. He chuckled.

They both sat in the room, alone. With everyone one in the other room, Dazai was ready to dig for answers,

Ready to grab the last piece of the puzzle.

"I'm not giving you any introductions. I'm not your therapist, you're not in a very good place right now. Laying out facts is what I'm accepting. After all, you are proven guilty." He said, fast and clear.

It was rare to see Dazai all serious about his job. Kunikida remembered what Ranpo had said; Dazai will solve it.

"I did what I was told to, I don't know anything else," the girl replied. She thought keeping it like it was all confidential even from her would save her, but it was nothing deceiving to the detective in front of her.

"Lying isn't going to help you," he said, standing up. He walked around the table to stand next to her. She didn't look up, but she felt his presence next to her.

He stamped on the table, making her jump. When she looked at him, his face was inches away from hers. His eyes didn't mean well. "Play around and I will start cutting your fingers one. By. One," he warned through a clenched jaw.

"I told you I don't know!" The girl yelled. Dazai stood up straight, looking away, and he started laughing. "You think I'm joking, right?" He said through his laugh.

He sat back on his chair again, making sure he kept his deadly gaze on her. To have the ability to torture people to get answers ... Dazai's mischievous side was sure having fun.

"Let me speak your language then," he said, raising his hand. It glowed, indicating that his nullifying skill was in action. "Lie again, and I will take that little skill of yours forever," he warned, smiling.

The girl widened her eyes. Dazai knew his threats were finally working from her paled face. So, he started reaching out for her.

The thing about threats is that you could always lie, Dazai cannot take away a skill, but nobody knows that, and nobody will.

"Jackals! The Jackals," she yelled when his hand was an inch away from her forearm. He paused, but the glow of his skill was there. "Who?" Dazai asked. "The organization who planned this attack," she answered. "Is that where Yamada had been taken?" He asked desperately. Only then, he noticed the slight confusion her eyes made. Did the family name catch her off guard?

With that, the final puzzle was complete.

He was right, he was right and Ranpo was wrong, and he knew why.

He then asked the final question.

"Where are they holding Yn hostage?"


The strong impact of them pushing you made it difficult to stand again quickly before they locked the door. "Open the door! Don't leave me here!" You yelled, pounding on the door.

"Hina's orders!" One of them yelled back. You heard a group of them chuckle. "Don't worry, you'll be out of here in no time. Just as soon as Dazai dies," he continued, and goosebumps ran up your spine.

It was the plan you were assigned all along. Two months ago, you would've been glad he was dead, but now...

You knew it was just another grave mistake that you're about to regret for the rest of your life.

You made it out of the Port Mafia, you can make it out of here.

You looked around the room; there was nothing but a vent and a window. Escaping from the vent would be impossible since it was so small. Your only choice was the window.

You walked to the window, it was pouring rain outside, not only that, but you were on the second floor. It was your only way out. The window was locked, meaning you had to find some way to open it.

You looked around the room again, as if wishing something would appear. There was only that vent.

The vent, the lid of the vent.

That was it, your way out. The lid opened and closed, being held off by only two nails. You had to pull it with all your will. you did, and it cracked open, echoing in the room.


You sat, hid it behind you, and waited. the door then burst open, the guy who threw you in looked for you. you played dumb, "is it time to go?" you pleaded. "sit there and don't move," he spat, then locked the door again.

it worked!

You had to be fast. you knew the window would make a lot of noise. if you would just get a bit far from the building, then maybe you will be fast enough to get to Dazai in the police station.

You took off your shirt, revealing only a tank top underneath. You stood ready to break the window with the lid. "three, two.." you whispered, throwing the lid at the count of one. The sound of window breaking was way louder than the lid. You placed your shirt on the broken glass and made your way out.

The place was slippery, and it didn't help that you were on the second floor. "Don't look down, don't look down," you mumbled to yourself. You made it to the window on the left. It was when you heard the door of your room open.

Fast take-ins of air took control of your lungs. You had to be calm, but you couldn't. You even almost slipped when looking back at the window that you broke. A head then peaked looking the other way, you stopped moving, then he peaked your way. "There she is!" he yelled. You crouched down and held firmly on to the window frame. Your legs let go. It was still far down there, but you had no choice.

You let go.

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