XXV: Back to the Dark corner

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Trying to remain silent and still wasn't enough. The lieutenant glanced at the suspect to see the same white shirt. Your hair on the girl impersonating you parted and placed on both of her shoulders, revealing the same purple threads laced to make a lavender flower.

He didn't hesitate to walk up to the girl impersonating you. Everyone looked up at him, following his action. "Look at me, young girl," he ordered.

You didn't raise your head up, and Dazai immediately knew what was wrong. "I said raise your head!" He yelled. Kunikida came up to you and pulled your hair aggressively to the back to force you to look at the lieutenant.

"There's no way," he faintly said, taking a few steps back. Kunikida let go of your hair, waiting for an explanation from the lieutenant. The old guy was speechless. Kunikida suspected that he could have a heart attack from how shocked he looked.

And just like that. Your memory manipulation on him broke, and he remembers.


"You... you were out there. But..." he trailed off. Everyone was silent, waiting patiently for the lieutenant to continue. "I remember now. I ... I never came here in the first place." He said. He looked at Kunikida, and continued, "I was unconscious. The last thing I remember was drinking my coffee, before the alarm went off..

"And then, when I woke up. It was those three people; a boy, and two women, including you," he said, pointing at the girl impersonating you.

"Dazai," Kunikida called, but Dazai was already going toward you. "I know, I know. I was gonna do it before all of you came and inturrupted me," he joked. However, his tone was neutral. Kunikida could tell he was fed up from all this; he was furious, but he didn't want to indimitate you.

Dazai placed his palm on your forearms, and a blue glow emerged.

And there it was, the truth, in front of everyone's eyes.

A girl with black hair that's shoulder length, pale white, green eyes, wearing a black tank-top. It wasn't you.

The cops collectively quietly gasped. The energy of the room changed, so did Dazai's aura. Kunikida took one look at Dazai's face, and knew he was up to no good. "I would like to be the detective to question the suspect," Dazai announced.

Kunikida walked up to Dazai, "Dazai, you're not yourself. Let me handle this," Kunikida said, hoping to convince him.

"I have never been this sure of being myself, Kunikida," Dazai replied, not looking his way.


The motorcycle came to a stop, echoing, in the empty parking garage of the building.

You got off the motorcycle, and a gun was quickly drawn to your face. You flinched. The boy looked at you with dead eyes that had no empathy. They were the eyes of being told what to do over and over again. You knew how that felt.

"No sudden moves, or running away. I was told to shoot you dead if you do so," he warned, and you nodded slowly.

You walked in front of him, the cold steel of the gun poking your back; guiding you where to go.

In the hallways, no one looked at you nor at the people with you. As soon as you passed them, the whispering began. It's when it hit you; the escape from the Port Mafia,

No one was ever known to be able to escape them, or stay alive after fleeing at least. You were not in your right mind the day before to realize what you actually did. Everyone in the jackals was finally aware of what you're capable of.

They're all scared of you, but at what cost?

You were led to the same place where a dear friend had met his fate.

The abandoned dining room.

The boy lifted the gun away from your back when you reached the door. "Go in," he said. You did as you were told. Eyes on the ground, neutral expression, careful wording, "I can do it," you whispered to yourself.

"Oh, dear. It has been so long," she sang, her voice echoing in the abandoned place.

You stood what was like 10 meters away from her. "Don't be shy, come closer," she said. You knew she wasn't assuring you; she was ordering you. You took five steps forward, you stopped when you were able to see her pointy heels in your vision field.

She then clapped, and everybody followed. You were caught off guard, so you looked at the jackals, careful not to look at her. There were at least what looked like fifteen people in the room.

You were confused, and she must've read your expression. Because she then raised a hand to stop all the clapping. It stopped immediately. Then she started,

"running away from the port mafia, and killing one of their men. I must say, yn. You did what all of the Jackals are not capable of,"

You looked back at her shoes and stayed silent, not knowing how to reply to her. She continued speaking.

"Let me lay things for you and for everyone in the room," her heels echoed as she walked around. "I made a bargain with the port Mafia. I let them do what they want with yn and in return... I get the information I need,"


Air became harder to intake. Your eyes searched up in the gazes of the jackals. Did they know? Were they in on it?

"Information about Dazai? But I was almost there. I almost had it," you reasoned. "You brought nothing back but more complicated feelings, useless girl!" She said, raising her voice slightly. "You said I had three months, only two had passed. I still-"

"There had been no improvement for two months, why shall I wait for one more?" She asked, and you didn't know what to say.

"As we have witnessed, she made it out alive," she continued. "I didn't expect you to stay alive even though you gave them no answers, ran away, and killed one of their assassins. I am impressed, yn. I think I have underestimated you, I think they all did," she confessed.

There was silence after, but the sound of her heels still echoed. She walked until she was in front of you.

She placed her hand under your chin, and raised your face, so you immediately closed your eyes. "Yn, would you please place trust in me just this time, please," she begged, which was nothing that came out of her mouth ever before. You hesitated.

"I shouldn't have made a bargain with the port mafia, and I should have placed trust in you," she reasoned, her voice begging. You were not buying it.

Silence lingered again. You felt as if your eyelids were going to betray you and open wide, so you shut them even tighter. She exhaled deeply. Then you heard the switch of the safety lock of some guns around you. Your body tensed, and she felt it. "Those guns are aimed at me, if I hypnotize you, they shoot," she declared. You thought about it.

"You could be lying. After all, you can change the orders anytime," you replied. "I'm sure you and all those in the Jackals would love to kill me. It's not difficult when I'm not looking you in the eyes. Isn't that right?" She spoke about her own death like it was planned a long time ago. "I still don't believe you," you said.

The faint rustle of the weapons around was still there. You felt Hina's warm breath against your face. Your muscles were exhausted from tensing, but you couldn't lower your guard.

"Yn, it's over, you're going to be free, now open your eyes and I will not disrespect my own promise,"

And you did, you opened your eyes, your inner child jumping to the word 'free'. There she was, Hina.

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