◾Chapter - 1◾

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The air around the ring fills with cheers as I throw my last punch at my opponent. The bloody mess falls to the floor with a thud. I try to control my ragged breathing but, Carlos' voice booming through out the stadium speakers make the adrenalin kick even harder.

"You did Chlo, you are yet again the undefeated." Both my bestfriends, Reece and Tristen shout from perimeter of the ring. I give them a huge smile as Carlos hoists my hand into the air which is now filled with screams and cheers.

He hands me my money and I step out. "Look at my champ." Tristen says and pulls me into a bear hug, spinning me around.

"You were phenomenal up there Eve." Reece smiles and hugs me. "That roundhouse kick was the end game for that douchebag. It was fucking insane." He continues appreciating my moves as we head to my greenroom. I mean I know Imma hell of a fighter, but words of appreciation are always accepted. Criticism too, but what happens next is totally on you. 

"Okay now shut up. I need to take a shower." I shoo them both and hop into the shower.

Oh, how stupid I am. My name is Chloe Evelin Martinez. I'm 18 and just graduated high school. Those two idiots sitting outside are my bestfriends, Reece King and Tristen Montgomery. We've been friends since our diaper days. We live in the same neighborhood, went to the same school had same classes and now plan on going to the same college.

Right now we are at The Arena. This is a basement of a abandoned hotel, now used as the underground fighting space. Reece and I as usual are a sucker for these things and thus are number one fighters of this town. Tristen, is more of a music loving guy. We all are, for that matter. But he is also not the outcast. He is tall, smart, charming, witty and good looking af. Above all those slightly long blonde hair are the cherry on the cake.

As for Reece, he is no less than a greek god. Tall, funny, intelligent, a guy with fascinating vocal cords and the cutest tooth gap. But guy's a player too. The only person he hasn't been able to work his charm on is me. He always teases me for being the Chloe from the Lucifer series and him being the devil.

I wouldn't deny that though. You should see him how merciless and ruthless he is in that ring. Fighting, is kinda our jam. It also helps us raise money for our college.

No Tris doesn't fight, but he is our manager. Its a 50-50 split for him from every cash price Reece and I win.

"What the fuck are you doing in there?" Tris knocks my door.

"Coming." I shout back, quickly pulling on my cloths and head outside.

"We thought you died in there." They laugh and I flip them off.

"Here you go buddy." I hand Tris his share and start packing up my stuff.

"Make it quick Eve. Its already 2 and good lord help us if mama Martinez finds out." Reece warns.

"Chill out King. We've been doing this since the sophomore year and she only caught us like what? twice..." I say somewhat proudly. I mean sneaking out is not easy if your mom's a cop. Sheriff to be precise. "Also, there's nothing this cute face can't fix." I point to my sore face. 

"Cute? More like bruised." Tris laughs and I take a peek into the mirror.

"Hmm, the bastard got a couple of hits." I look at Reece's troubles face and sigh. "C'mon scaredy-cat. Mom is probably asleep. I heard there's a lot at the station these days." I assure him.

He shrugs and we all head to the parking area discussing about the fight and planning some strategies for Reece. The Arena is like 30 minutes away from our places. Reece's house is next door to me and Tristen live across the street.

Tris slowly pulls into his driveway making sure his Wrangler does not wake anyone.

"Okay, you two take the tree I'll come through the front door. Gotta check up on mom." They both nod and walk to the backyard. I slowly pull out my keys and put them in the key hole, trying not make any noise. Key word trying.

After stepping in I close the door quietly, remove my shoes and tip toe to the kitchen to grab some snack and beverages for us. I grab the stuff and again tip toe back to the living room. Suddenly I'm blinded by the sudden flash of lights.

"What the fuck." I mutter under my breath.

"Wanna tell me what you are doing in your workout cloths at 3 in the morning." She asks. Her arms crossed over her chest.

"oh you know... just working out." I answer sheepishly, still hiding my face in my hood.

"With these many pack of chips and cans of coke." She raises her eyebrows.


"REECE...TRISTEN...COME DOWN THIS INSTANT." My mom shouts and a second later footsteps can be heard on the wooden staircase. They both stand next to me ready to hear the long lecture. "Look at me." She orders to me, and I better know than to defy that.

A gasp of horror escapes her lips when our eyes meet. Oh she's just being dramatic, trust me its not that bad. "How many time do I have to tell you to stop doing this to yourselves." She questions with gritted teeth.

"Mom...-" "No, don't you dare Mom me this time." She cuts me off and walks to the kitchen drawer to grab the first aid kit.

"What do you get out of this chika? huh?" She asks in her Spanish accent.

"We're sorry mom." Tris says.

"You say that every time." And then she goes on with her lecture, in Spanish. Like what do I get out of being the rebellious child, like how I'm so like my bastard father, while she patches me up.

"Are you two hurt as well?" She asks the boys to which, they politely shake their heads. She still has the angry look on her face, the one that she has when something is going on in her mind.

"So... forgiven?" I ask sweetly.

"Yes. But there will be punishment." She says, easing up on the anger a bit.

"Mom you know you can't ground us." I smirk, but she mirrors my expression.

"Oh I know that... but I sure can do this, No seeing Reece and Tristen for this week."

"What?" We shout in unison. "No... you can't do that." I protest and hug Tristen dramatically.

"Yes, you can't keep us apart." Reece joins us making it a group hug. She knows, she really can't keep us away.

"Oh I sure can and I will do it." She nods. "Now off to your room and you two, off to your houses." She dismisses us. I wave at my boys while wiping a fake tear off my cheek, making them laugh. "See ya tomorrow Chlo." They say that on purpose to tease my mom and this time its my turn to laugh.

"Go to your room Chloe..." She says while trying to look angry. But she can't hide the small smile that covers her face.


Hey people. I know 1st chapter is slightly boring. But I promise the rest of the story isn't. So please stick with me, Chloe, Reece and Tristen on this journey. 

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