◾ Chapter - 42 ◾

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"But why didn't you tell me about Toni being my uncle." I shake my head. I should be mad at him. But for some reason, I'm not. Anything, I'm happy to know about him. 

"I just... I don't know why I did that." He says honestly. 

"Well its okay. Now, I gotta go meet the gang at the mall."

"Not so quick young lady. We're not done yet." He stops me, authority in his voice.

"What?" I ask, impatiently taping my foot on the ground. I have a boyfriend to get to you know.

"Next time, If Reece wants to meet you, ask him to come through the front door and within reasonable hours." He peers at me through his glasses.

"How. How'd you know?" By now, I know, I'm as red as the jacket I'm wearing. 

"They don't call me the Mafia king just for the sake of it honey." He laughs. Embarrassed, I just leave his office. Most of the days, Reece would sneak into my room after our work and then I'd somehow convince him to stay the night. At least the majority of them.

I wonder where he is right now. Coz he's not answering his phone. Maybe he's with the gang. 

"Hey guys..." I greet Ella, Mia, Blake and Jacob in the parking lot. "Where's Reece?" I ask them.

"He's not with you?" J asks.

"No. I left him at his place. I had to go to the warehouse." I swear to god if he's still sleeping. 

"Call him." Ella suggests and I comply, only to be greeted by his voice mail. 

"He's not answering." I shake my head. 

"Maybe he's with Tris and and Ash." Then why do I have a feeling that says other wise.

"Whose with me and Ash?" Tristen's voice echoes from behind me.

"Tris, Where's Reece?"

"What? I thought, you both would be making out in a dark corner of the parking lot right now. He left like an hour ago." 

"Well, clearly, we're not. Where the fuck is he?" Okay, I'm freaking out. Where is my boyfriend.

"Maybe he's back at the château. I'll call mom and ask." Ash starts to call Val, while I call Linda and Luke.

"He's not there." We both say at the same time. No no no no no. This is not happening. 

"Lets go check the basement. Maybe he snuck in there without Linda noticing." With that we all get into our cars and head for his place. 

When we get close to the house, black smoke can be seen in the sky, floating above the trees. An officer stops us before we have a chance to go anywhere near.

"What's going on Officer?" I ask the men in blue.

"Someone burned down a car. You might wanna take the other way round." 

"What car is it?" What the fuck Chloe? Why'd you ask that?

"Its an Audi R8." A what. Reece has an R8. I immediately step out of the car and my heart drops. The flames have entirely consumed the interior of the car and now its nothing but a piece of junk,

"Don't worry miss. We found no bodies inside." For some reason, that makes me sigh in relief. I mean, Half the population in this town owns an Audi R8. I step back inside, when I hear me phone ringing.


"Chloe? Come back to the ware house ASAP. There's something you need to see." Dad says in a worried/alarming tone and hangs up before I can ask what.

Oh god. Just let him be okay. I swear on everything, If this has anything to with Andres, then he's a  dead man walking. 

All our cars zoom through the roads and within minutes, we are parking into the lot of the gang house.

"What happened?" I ask, barging into his office. Without having to say a word, he motions towards the T.V screen.

"Is that...?" My eyes go wide and my heart sinks deeper in my chest. He is tied to a metal chair, with his head hung low. He's unconscious.

"Play it." I order in a monotone voice. The bastard himself steps in front of the camera and smirks in it.

"We meet again, eh Sebastian? How's little Chloe? Hope she's not missing her mom too much." He laughs and my hands curl into tight fists. Tears sting the back of my eye but I blink them away. 

"Well Seb, this one's actually for your little girl. I've got her boy toy you see. Quite a fighter I must say." He grabs Reece's hair and pulls his head up. A gasp of horror escapes my lips at his bloody face. 

"A little bird tells me you've been looking for me. Forging a plan to take me down." He laughs and my blood boils inside. I literally, wanna punch him through the screen.  "So its time we meet and have a little chat. Come find me and take your man. I'm waiting." And the video ends.

"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have made him stay. I should have LET HIM GO." Is sceram and punch through the cabinet glass. 

"Its not your fault Chlo." Tristen grabs me by my arm and makes me look in his eyes. "You did everything in you power to keep us safe. So don't you dare say that." I can see the layer of gloss covering his eyes, but he blinks it away.

"They hit him so bad Tris. He's unconscious." I sob, finally letting the tears fall. 

"No Chlo. This is not the time to cry. We have find him. We have to get Reece back home." He shakes my shoulders.

"You're right." I say, furiously wiping of the tears from my face. "We have to find that son of a bitch and bring Reece home." I look at gang and they all nod.

"Tell us what we can do" Blake says.

"J, I need you and Ella to get as much back up ready as possible." He nods and leaves.

"Blake, I need you to work on this video with me and Tris." 

"I got you." He instantly gets to work.

"I think its time for Toni to come back." I say looking at my dad, whose been weirdly silent the entire time.

"I'm sorry Chole. I'm so sorry." He pulls me in a hug.

"The only person, that should be sorry, is that bastard." I say pulling back. 

"Chloe... I got it on my laptop." Blake calls. 

"Zoom onto that window, behind Reece." He does as I say, but I see nothing but tall buildings and glass windows. "Just go through the entire thing again and let me know if you find anything. Tris, Ash, come with me. We gotta look for his hiding points on that map." He nods and we both head for Reece's house. 

Most of the time was spent consoling his parents. So, by the time we get back to the ware house with some information, its almost sundown. With every passing minute, anxiousness and adrenaline rises in my by blood, making me more fidgety and nervous. 

One minute, I want to cry my eyes out. The other I feel like smashing someone head through the wall. And god help me, If that motherfucker hurts as much as a hair on Reece's head. No one can stop me from braking loose hell on him, if he does.


Girl gotta get her man back. This part of the story always fascinates me. The adventure, the gang wars, guns blazing and stuff. The typical underworld fight.

 Anyways, I hope you guys like that too. If you do, then don't forget to drop a Vote and a comment. Love ya'll.

P.S. The 3rd season of Riverdale, just keeps getting better. I mean a mere game can lead to murders with a little, Fizzle Rocks. Just Insane. That series, is literally a must must watch if you are looking for something to watch. 

▪ Peace ▪

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