◾ Chapter - 43 ◾

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This is official the worst hangover, I've ever had. And the fun part is, that I haven't even touched alcohol in like forever. What ever these shit holes injected me with, really did a number on me.

My head hurts worse than my tied up hands and legs. My jaw is a bit sore from the punch I took and my knuckles are all bruised. 

"Finally. I thought you'd never wake up." A girly voice sounds from across me. My vision is still burred and the flickering bulb above my head is not helping either. However, there's one thing for sure, that she's not my Eve.

"How long have I been out?" My voice comes out cracked and husky because of the parched throat. 

"I don't know. More than an hour and a half." She shrugs. Now that I the dizziness and blur is no longer clouding my vision, I can see her more clearly. She's too tied up like me. "So you too owe them information?"

"Nah... they just abducted me for god knows what. Their boss wanted me. Who are these people anyway?" 

"The Rancor" She deadpans. Wait, as in Andres' gang? If that bastard is here too, then I need to get out of these ropes. What man kidnaps his own death. I try to jerk my hands out of the rope but only end up tightening them.

"Woah.... easy there Bruce Banner. Its no use." My brunette companion chuckles. 

"Yeah... I just found out." She is right. Its no use struggling. The room is so dimly lit that I can barely see the girl's face, let alone something to cut them out. "So, what do we do now?" 

"Wait, I guess." She snorts, making me chuckle.

"What's your name?"

"Veronica Anderson."

"Well, Ms. Anderson, its a pleasure meeting you. I'm Reece King." I smile at her, only to see her eyes go wide. Did I say something offensive?

"Reece King? As in the best fighter of the Crusaders?" Excitement and disbelief written all over her face. "No wonder they kidnapped you." 

"Yes, that's me. But I don't think they kidnapped me just because they were impressed with my fighting skills. They just wanna get back to my girl and her gang through me." Now that I know its Andres, its not hard to put two and two together. They must have found out about us planning against them.

"Your girl? You have a girlfriend?" Did I just catch hurt in her voice.

"Yeah. Chloe Evelin Martinez. She is-"

"The Martinez Princess." I was gonna say something else, but yeah, I can work with that. I mean she is my princess. Now that she's said it, I've really started to worry about her. She'd be devastated, and will blaming herself about this. I just hope Tris is able to calm her down.

"Entire underworld's been talking about her, since the day she came back. The long lost heir of Augustus Martinez." Veronica nods. "How'd you guys meet anyway."

"Its funny. We both grew up together." I smile. 

"What about you? Why are you here?"

"I'm an undercover spy for The Vipers. I have some information that these bastards want and I rather die than spill the beans." She shrugs her shoulders as if we are discussing today's weather.

"Your gang will be so proud of you. Don't worry, they are probably on their way to get you. And from what I've heard, Vipers never leave their own alone." I reassure her.

"They better do. Coz if I die today, they owe my family a whole lot of shit."

"Hey... No one's dying today. Not on my watch at least." I smile at the girl and she returns the gesture. She's not much older, probably as old as Eve and I. 

"She's lucky to have you." She says referring to Eve.

"Its actually the other way round."

"Said every whipped lover ever." She laughs and I join her. However, our chat is cut short by the door to the room being open with a bang. Two dudes with medium build enter, talking amongst themselves.

"Oh look! The sleeping beauty is up." The one with blonde hair says to me, making the other laugh. I resist the urge to roll my eyes as they both stand in front of Veronica.

"Time to fess up, senorita." The tattooed brunette says, cracking his knuckles.

"You wish." She laughs and he instantly lands a punch on her face, throwing her head in the opposite direction. 

I can't let this happen. She's done nothing to deserve their ruthless punches. And for god's sake she's a girl. I know she can take down their asses within minutes, but torturing her while her hands are tied, is just a low blow.

"What a shame." I say before they have a chance to touch her again.

"What ya say boy?" The blondie steps up to me with a murderous look.

"I said, Its a shame, that guys like you are torturing a girl, not to mention, whose hands are tied. While a boy, your size is sitting and watching."

"Look Pete, we got ourselves a gentleman." The brunette smirks viciously.

"We all know, she ain't telling you guys shit. So why hit the poor girl...-" Before I can say much, the Pete guy lands a punch on my jaw. 

I taste metal in my mouth. I spit the red liquid out and look at him, with a smirk. "Trust me. My dead grandma can punch harder than that." I tease. And then, they both rain, punches on my face until, my head hangs low and the dizziness takes over me once again.


"Take the boy back to the basement and tell the guards to keep and extra eye out." A familiar Spanish accent sounds in a muffles voice. I try to look up but my head just feels so heavy. A while later, I'm being dragged from the stairs and then tied to cold metal chains this time.

My entire body is sprawled on the floor while my hands are tied above my head. Its getting harder for me to keep my eyes open. My sore muscles are just giving up. All I wanna do is go to sleep and block the excruciating pain.

"Reece... Reece, please wake up. Reece can you hear me?" Veronica's voice calls and I finally muster the strength to look up at her. She gasps, probably at my colorful face. 

"I'm so sorry." She whispers with a timid voice. I can tell, she's holding back her tears.

"Hey... don't be. I couldn't have just sat there doing nothing while they hit you." I try to smile but the pain in my jaw makes me groan instead. "You okay?"

"I can't thank you enough Reece. You literally stand true to the image I had of you in my mind. I owe you for life." 

"I'm glad I did and you don't owe me anything. Now chika, I need some rest. Let me know if a tall blonde guy and a hazel eyed girl come looking for me." With that, I let my sore body relax and let the tiredness take over me. 


First of all, sorry for being MIA for the past days. I've been busy with some school shit. I literally haven't had a chance to even breath properly. But I promise, this week everything goes back to normal. Regular updates and on time. 

So here's Chapter 43. I hope everyone likes it. Don't forget to vote and comment of you do. 

▪ Peace ▪

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