◾ Chapter - 19 ◾

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"Ring the bell Chloe." Ash whispers and I do as I am told.

No answer. 

I ring it a couple more times and hear footsteps inside. "He is coming." I tell them. 

"What do you want?" He sneers angrily at us. His eyes are bloodshot and the moisture lingers on his cheeks. Nevertheless, the messy hair and the black button down, still make him look like a Greek god.

Focus Chloe. Your are here to make him feel better, and not to check him out. 

Yeah of course. I wasn't checking him out, for the record.

Yeah that totally explains the drool on the corner of your lips.

Shut up... will you please.

"Uhhh... nothing, We... were just wondering if you wanted to see a movie with us?" I say with an innocent smile. Ashley and Blake nod from behind me.

"No thanks. I rather be alone." He is about to close the door when I stop him. 

"That wasn't a choice you see. Its mandatory." With that we all barge inside. 

He's got a nice place. The living room is cozy, with a fire place and a couch. The plasma screen is on the wall opposite to the couch and is surrounded by a couple of photos. Straight up to the left is the kitchen and the staircase to the first floor, adjacent to it.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Blake asks him as Ashley walks into the kitchen to prepare some snacks. 

"How about... The one where you guys pack your shit up and get the fuck out." 

"Oh... I'm sorry bud, that movie is still in the making and I don't think its gonna come out any time soon

." Blake and I laugh, making Jacob more angry. 

"Who's up for Cheetos and Cheez its." Ashley comes out with two bowls in her hand. 

"Whatever." He huffs and sits on the couch. "I'm not watching Tangled or Brave." He gives Ash a pointed look, making us laugh. 

"How about... The Maze runner?" I suggest and they all agree. 

The movie starts and we all enter the maze with Thomas while munching on our Cheez its and Cheetos. 

Why did you really agree to come Chloe?

What do you mean... Ashley's and Blake's friends are now my friends.

Okay... Lets try again, But this time with a little truth.

Fine. I was missing Reece and Tristen. Being alone would only end up with me being a crying mess. So sue me for not doing that. Okay...

You could have gone to the gym.

I didn't want to. Also... I need more than just that gym. I've seen people train in these 5 days and trust me its a blast. I wanna do that. I want to be a part of the gang. I am a Martinez after all. 

This gang has been there in my family for ages. Not knowing was a different thing, but now that I know who I really am, I can't help but be attracted to it.

Gun shots no longer haunt me, the fascinate me. I don't wanna fight to just for the sake of it or to just let out my rage. This life is all I wanted for so long. Where I can be who I am. 

Suddenly Jacob stands up, and walks out to the backyard. I look over Ashley and Blake and they both are asleep. Who falls asleep while watching Maze Runner. Shaking my head, I pull a blanket over both of them and then head outside to the backyard. 

The view is beautiful out here. The house is actually on the outskirts of the city, thus has a peaceful environment. The back wall of the yard is replaced with a fence, allowing me a magnificent view of the city. 

The sun is setting behind the buildings, scattering its orange rays all over the yard. Its warm and peaceful out here. A really good place to think, if you ask me. Or read a book perhaps. With a coffee mug in your hand while you sit reading on the patio and your dog is running around the entire place, chasing butterflies. 

Yeah... I just described my dream life. A none adventurous boring life. The one I can never have. 

I see him sitting near the fence, looking at the setting sun. I quietly go over and sit beside him, gazing the sun and sneakily, stealing glances at him. I mean, words can't define how sexy he looks right now. 

We sit there for a couple of minutes, before he breaks the comfortable silence.

"I'm not the arrogant type you know." He starts and I look at him, but his eyes stay fixed on the beauty right ahead. I stay quiet, as gesture for him to continue.

"We just met at the wrong time. And thanks for today. I use to think that I have to be alone. Guess that changes now." He smiles a charming smile. One that can make you fall head over heels for him. 

"I'm glad it does." I return the gesture. "Umm... if you don't mind me asking... What happened?" I say with uncertainty and his expressions change immediately. He stays silent for a couple of minutes before saying,

"My dad was bestfriends with your dad and uncle. The three of them grew up together and when the time came they joined the gang together. 

Before Gramps died... Andres was one of our Allies, but turned on us after his death. 19 years from today, our old mans went to Chicago, saying it was an important meeting and that Andres wanted to surrender. But the bastard betrayed us yet again. It was a trap, set to take down the Martinez leader. My dad got into the cross fire." He explains. Tears roll down his eyes as he remembers those memories. 

I put my hand around him and he instantly leans onto my shoulder. I let him cry, while I rub his back soothingly. "I know what it feels like to be there in your place J. I know its terrible." I tell him in a calm voice. But I feel this burning rage inside me. That murderous bastard will not get away. He will pay for what he's done. I'll make him pay for every bit of it. 

If I had a doubt about joining the gang before, its long gone now. There's no way I'm backing out this time.

"So..." He pulls back, wiping his tears and stands up. He extends a hand for me. 

"Hi... I'm Jacob Hood." 

"Hi... I'm Chloe Martinez." I shake his hand, with a bright smile playing on my lips. This is a good start. 


Well well well, people. Here's The teddy but a bit broken Jacob. I just hope you like him. Do tell me in the comments. 

P.S. Today I just realized that I'm OCD at a whole new level. Like the highest one. Why? Because I spent almost two hours cleaning my already cleaned room. 

▪ Peace ▪

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