◾ Chapter - 40 ◾

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"But that's not possible. How can you just bring in huge trucks into the city, so frequently, without getting noticed." Ashley shakes her head, while looking at the pin board.

The eight of us have spent the entire day, surfing through the papers and files. Truthfully, we have gathered a significant amount of information. Now what's bothering us, is the shipments that Andres receives. 

They are huge trucks loaded with weapons and drugs. The question is, how does he manage to get them into the city, without having to be caught. 

"Wait, where did you say, the shipment is delivered?" I ask looking at Tristen. I think I know how he's doing that. 

"Here at Washington Square Park." He nods.

"J, bring me the map." I beacon him. "I think I cracked it." I smirk at them and they all surround the table I am at.

"We know that these shipments are from all over the world. So its hard to pinpoint a specific location. But, These trucks, they never enter NYC directly. Right? Because if they did, they would have been caught." They nod in understanding. 

I pull out my phone and open the list of the small gangs I learned about.

"Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Montgomery and Ridge field." I mark the places with a red X. "These are the places where the small branches of The Rancor are." 

"Yeah, still not connecting the dots." Jacob scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.

"They use these places as a hide out point. More like a storage warehouse. From there, everything is brought here." I explain and all of them look at me like I'm some outer space alien. 

Except for Reece and Tris. They just give me proud smirks. And I have this sudden urge to kiss Reece.

"You are a genius." Blake finally breaks the silence. 

"I know right." I say making us all laugh. 

After dinner we all head home, except for Ash. She offered to help Tris with some work. 

When I get home, I take a long hot shower. Today was tiering as hell. So much of mental work, that my head hurts. Though I got a little homework to do. So after getting dressed, I get back to my laptop. What can I say. Ain't no rest for the wicked. 

My 'work' lasted longer than expected and when looked up at the clock, it was half past 12. Suddenly, I hear, a knock on the sliding glass door of my balcony.

"What are you doing here?" I ask letting him in. A shiver runs down my as the chilly wind hits my bare legs and face.

"Kissing my girlfriend." Reece cups my face in his hands and pulls me in a kiss. 

"You shouldn't be wandering in the night all by yourself King. Its not safe." Even though, I've asked one of my bodyguard to escort him every where, Its still not safe.

"Not with the body guard, breathing down me neck." He rolls his eyes.

"How did you even know." I didn't tell him, because I knew he would never allow that. "I can protect myself Eve." He'd say.

"Its just for your safety." I smile and walk to my bed and he follows me. I sit resting my back against the head board, while Reece rests his head on my lap. My hands instantly get lost his blonde hair, playing with them. A serine smile takes over his face as he closes his eyes. 

"What were you doing up so late?" His sleepy voice breaks the comfortable silence.

"Checking on some stuff for my father."  

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