◾ Chapter - 36 ◾

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"That was quick." I sigh and plop on the bed, while Reece keeps the package back into the safe. Moments later, he lays next to me, staring at the ceiling.

"Reece?" I'm the first to break the deafening silence and he hums in response. "Do you hate me?" I finally ask the question that's been bugging since last night.

I avoid his gaze, cause I know, If I look at him, It'll be hard for me to hold back my tears. I've been barely keeping it together all night. One look from him and I'll end up a crying mess. I can feel his eyes studying the side of my face. 

Finally, he grabs my chin and makes me look into those serene blue eyes. And a thin glossy layer, clouds mine. Guilt and a hint of anger, swims in his oceanic orbs, making them turn a darker shade of blue.

"Why'd you say that?" His voice comes out husky and low. Even sad, it doesn't fail to set free thousands of fluttering butterflies in my stomach. 

"I don't know." I shrug weakly. "Every time I try to talk to you, You walk away, like you don't wanna hear my voice or see my face ever again." My voice breaks, but I continue anyway. 

"Its like no matter, for however long I wait; this time, you're not gonna show up to stop me from walking away. Like..." I swallow the lump forming in my throat. Tears sting my eyes, as they threaten to fall. I try to to blink them away, but a lone drop of salty water manages to trickles down the side of my face.

He wipes it off, with his thumb, making me lean into his touch. "It feels like you've finally given up on me." I hold his huge hand in my small ones, waiting for him to answer. Hurt flashes through his eyes and his lips slightly part. I know my words hurt him. But I had to get it off of my chest. The pain, the weight, it was crushing me. 

I want to know... No scratch that, I need to know what he feels. 

However, when he stays silent, I receive my answer loud and clear. My bottom lip quivers as I nod at him. I stand up from the bed and start to walk away. 

I can't believe I'm in love with a boy who can't even bare to talk to me. Yes, I'm in love with Reece King. And no, I don't regret it. It just hurts like a bitch. 

I'm only half way to the closet when he grabs my wrist and spins me around, only to be greeted by his lips. 

For a moment, I freeze. But when his cold hands touch my bare back, pulling me closer, I kiss him back. My heart just exploded with emotions I never knew it held. Electricity courses through my body, and it feels like my skin is on fire. While our lips move in sync, my fingers tangle themselves in his hair, giving them a light tug. 

His arms holds me so close to himself that even air cannot pernitrate between us.  This feels inexplicable, incredible, unbelievably and all the words that mean wonderous. 

He pulls back. Both of us breathless as our heads rest against each others. 

"I wouldn't be a fucking gang member, if I had given up on you, you stupid girl." I look deep into his eyes, however, find nothing but sincerity. "I wouldn't be here with you, if I wanted you to walk away from me." My heart swells at those words, nevertheless, my eyes seems to find this as a great opportunity to pour their salty content out. 

My blue eyed, idiot, continues as my hands rest on the base of his neck, while his securely stay around my waist, holding me close. "Yes, I was mad at you. Coz the moment I laid eyes on that pretty face, I wanted nothing more than to hold you in my arms and kiss you. 

I wanted to know how you were, but you being the drama queen, started yelling at me. Honestly, it hurt like a bitch. But after that trip down memory lane, at the party, I was fine. However, I was convinced that..." He hesitates to say. As if he was ashamed to say it out loud.

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