◾ Chapter - 32 ◾

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"I don't feel like going inside." I say over the blasting music as my friends drag me through the front lawn.

"The hell you do." Ella snorts. The boys are already here and probably at a beer pong table. "Girls." Jacob hollers from one. 

What did I say. 

The house is packed with college kids. Music is booming off the walls of the house, while some dance to its beats. There's a hint of smoke in the air, mingling with the wafting smell of alcohol. 

As soon as we reach the table, my heart skips a beat, when my eyes fall on Reece. He's wearing a white button down, which is half undone, over a black jeans and converse. His hair are messy, yet they manage to make him look like an angel. 

His exposed abdomen, makes me wanna run a finger across his abs and chest. Suddenly I feel a nudge in my ribs. I look to my right to see Ash glaring at me.

"You're gawking." She whisper yells, earning an eye roll. 

"Chlo, get your ass here. We gotta kick there asses." Tris beacons me to play. I shrug and join him. On the opposite team, are Blake and Reece. Others just surround us. Ella and Mia stand next to Reece and Blake while, Jacob and Ashley next to us. 

I take the first shot and it directly lands into the cup. "Drink Bitch." Jacob, Tris and Ash shout together. Tris takes the next shot but misses, making me dawn the transparent liquid. 

"Is that tequila?" I ask with a cringed expression. Making the boys smirk.

The game goes on for a while and Tris and I end up winning. As the drinks kick in I start to enjoy myself and even do the weird happy dance with Tris.

Temperature inside the house was rising, so we decided to step into the backyard. Though Ella says its the entire college population in the house that is causing the heat, I still brleive Its just Reece. 

We all sit around the fire pit, with our drinks. Couple other kids are there too, but they are just caught up in their own conversations. From the corner of my eye I catch Mia nudging Blake and he looks at her pointedly. What's going on?

"Uhh... Chloe?" Why do I have this feeling that these guys have planned something and I'm not a part of it. 

"Yes Blake." 

"Reece told me you sing really well." He says. My head instantly snap in his direction. 

"Yeah... Reece too." Tris pushes. 

"That's great. My friends here have guitars if you guys play too." A blonde guy from behind me says.

Fucking great. 

"I don't think its a good idea." But before my protest is taken into consideration, an acoustic guitar is placed in my lap. I look over to Reece, only to see him already staring at me. He runs a hand through his messy hair and walks over to me. I scoot over to give him some room. 

"Just like old times huh?" Tris coos. 

Honestly, I miss that. I miss, just strumming those guitar strings whit him and singing our favorite songs. I miss him. 

And before I know, my fingers strum the cold metal wires in a familiar melody. 

"All I knew This morning when I woke,

Is I know something now, know something now; 

I didn't before. And all I've seen, since 18 hours ago Is green eyes

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