◾ Epilogue ◾

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*6 years Later*


A soft knock on my door, stirs me awake. I glance at my phone and its 4 in the morning. Who might that be?

Dragging myself out of the warmth of my covers, I open the door to see my dad.

"Dad? Everything Okay?" I ask worriedly, sleep suddenly a thing of past.

"Yes honey. Everything's fine. I'm sorry I had to wake to up so early, but there's something you need to see." 

"What?" I smile slightly and follow him to his room.

If you guys are wondering, then, we are in Hawaii. Today, is a big day. A day that a girl dreams of her entire life. Or in my case, until she fell in love with a certain blue eyed blonde. 

Yup, you guessed it right. I'M GETTING MARRIED. Internal happy dance

And Yes, to Reece. He proposed me when we were on a trip to Bahamas last month. Its was on a beach. Cliché much, right? But trust me, it was the most beautiful moment of my life.

"Come in." Dad pulls me through the door and stands me in front of the TV screen. He takes the remote, and plays a video. 

My heart stops the moment the familiar face pops on the screen. "Chloe, my love. I can't believe you are getting married. And trust me, it kills me that I'm not with you right now." She smiles at me. Warm tears trickle down the cold skin of my cheeks. I can't believe its been so long. That I've come such a long way without her.

"And I'm guessing the lucky boy is none other than Reece." She chuckles, and I roll my eyes with a small smile. "Oh, how Linda and I've been planning both your wedding since the day you guys started to get along." She says dreamily.

"I'm so proud of you, my baby. I know you miss me and I'm sorry I can't be there. But I'm watching you from up there. And I love you so much, pumpkin. Have a great and happy life ahead. All my blessings are with you both. Always." She blows a kiss and the screen goes black. 

"She recorded this on your 17th birthday." Dad breaks the deafening silence after a while. Not in a state to say anything, I just hug my father and sob into his chest. 

"I'm so proud of you my little angel." He whispers and kisses the top of my head. 

"Thank you dad." I mumble.


"Wow Mommy, Aunty Choe, looks so pretty." Emily, Ashley's daughter smiles at me.

"Yes she does honey." Ash wipes of a tear from her eye as she picks her up in her arms. 

I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror. For a moment, the room goes silent. Only the soft sound of the waves, hitting the shore, can be heard in the background. 

Nervousness and excitement are never a good combination. I found out that today. But freaking out. I mean, I don't expect everything to be perfect, but I want it to be perfect.

"What if I trip while walking down the aisle." I think allowed, making Ashley, Ella and Mia roll their eyes. 

"For god's sake Chloe, we all have been there and nothing of that sort happened. So just shut up and fucking breath." Ash scolds. 

"But its me we are talking about." I whine.

"Its not like Reece will not marry you even if you do. Chill babe, everything's gonna be okay." 

"Where is your stupid husband. Call him right now." My hands are literally shaking. If anyone other than Reece is capable of calming me down, is my best friend.

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