◾ Chapter -13 ◾

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Another week has passed since mom left us. A painful, tormenting week. But I have to admit... it brought me and dad close. Not close close, but now I understand him better. Though I still can't bring myself to call him dad out loud. 

I don't know why? We talk freely, like nothing ever happened, even then my brain just doesn't give in in calling him dad. 

Reece on the other hand hasn't talked to me since. Not like I gave him a chance, but he's been MIA again. I don't see him in his room even. Neither at the Arena. I wonder what he is up to? I have made up my mind about NYC and I just have to tell Tris and Reece and then I can talk to my dad. But first I need Reece to talk to me. He needs to clear stuff up, because I'm tiered of thinking and assuming things. I have decided to make the first move. I just hope he tells me the truth this time.

So here I am... getting ready for Scarlett's birthday party. I didn't wanna go but she urged. Tristen too. He said it would be nice fir a change.

After slapping on some makeup I flat iron my hair and then get into the dress I picked. Its not too fancy but a normal party dress. Sliding into my matching heels I look at my reflection. 

I really wish for my insides to have the calmness that resides on my face. But who am I kidding, the storm stirring inside me will only rest the day I see Andres' dead face. 

Sighing, I put on a fake smile and walk downstairs. Dad is in the kitchen talking business with someone over the phone. After informing him, I walk outside and wait for Tristen. Scarlett's party is at some fancy hotel which is like 20 minutes away from my house. Tris walks out of his house, looking breathtaking as ever.
       He is wearing a white jacket over a black button down shirt whose top buttons are undone, showing off his toned chest. He paired it with white jeans and Nike airs. His messy in a good way blonde hair making him look more attractive today. He totally looks like a chick magnet.

"You clean up really well Montgomery." I smirk at him and toss him the car keys. 

"I would say the same, but I'm not in a mood to lie today." He laughs and I smack his arm.

 "Kidding... You look beautiful Chlo." He kisses my cheek and I smile at him. The only person with who I don't have to fake a smile. Usually there are two of them but the other one is busy being a first rate jackass these days. And for real... I miss him. I miss my best friend.

20 minutes later we arrive at the venue. Tris parks the car and we both head inside. Scarlett immediately finds us, pulling both of us in a hug. Tristen's hug lasts longer than mine and I catch her cheeks turning red when she pulls away. 

"Happy Birthday Scarlett." I wish her and hand her the present Tris and I got for her. The hell I had to go through with him to find that little piece of sh- gift. Hehehehe.

"Thanks... but why are you guy late... Reece was here an hour ago." She smiles, but before I can reply, she is called away by someone else. "See ya guys around" She waves.

Tris and I look at each other and then around us. "The bastard didn't even tell us." Tris snarls with anger. I just don't want to think about it right now. I need answers and some serious explaining.

Tris and I take a seat at the bar and order two vodka martinis. "Did you make up your mind about NYC?" Tris asks out of the blue. 

"I wanted to discuss it with you guys today... but I guess its just you and me then." I smile sadly at him, sipping on my martini. 

"So you're leaving?" He asks. Sadness evident on his face and voice. 

"No dummy... you really think I have it in me to leave you two idiots." I smile brightly at him and his face lightens up instantly, mirroring my expression. "I know Reece is acting up lately but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up on him. Definitely not after all that we've been through." I hold his hand over the counter and smile reassuringly. 

"I'm so glad you're not leaving." He grins. "Here's to telling NYC to fuck itself. Coz my Chlo, is staying with me." Tris the drags me all the way from the bar and to the dance floor. We laugh and dance with each other on many songs. It's like I'm getting a hold of the old me again. Or at least a part of the old me. After what seemed like hours, my legs started to give up. And dude, my heels are killing me.
   So Tristen and I walk back to the bar and order another round of martini. "Chlo... you remember Stacy's party." Tris chuckles.

"Oh my god... that was a disaster." I laugh at the memory. "You and Reece were wasted, and the things you guys were saying." We both laugh. But my laughter is cut short by the sight in front of me. I stare at him as my eyes well up with tears. 

"What happened Ch-" Tristen cuts himself mid sentence as his eyes follow mine. "What the fuck is wrong with him." He swears and angrily walks up to him and the girl whose face he was just sucking. 

Tristen pats on his shoulder. He breaks them apart and the moment he turns Tris slams his fist on his jaw. Reese doesn't say anything and  just stands there. Tris says something to him and his eyes snap at me, but I look away... trying to blink back tears. 

I can't take this anymore. I'm done trying to be the one to understand. To be the one to make it write. I instantly hop off the seat and storm out of the place. Tristen follows shortly after.  I can feel the anger radiating off of him the entire way home. None of speak throughout drive. 

When I get home I instantly run to my room thinking I'm alone. But he follows me to my room. I just fall onto my bed and cry into my pillow. Tris just sits beside me, rubbing comforting circles on my back. 

A while later, when the room is no longer filled sobs but silence... he speaks up. "I think you should go with your dad Chloe." His voice breaks at the end and I sit up straight looking confused as hell. He must have noticed it because he continues. "There are too many bad memories for you handle on your own." A tear slips down his cheek.

"But Tristen... I can't leave you. I won't." 

"I can't sit back and watch you torcher yourself Chloe... First your mom and now Reece. I know you have feelings for him and I know its killing you. No matter how happy you pretend to be on the outside, I know that you are shattering piece by piece on the inside." Tris looks at me with teary eyes. 

"Reece is an asshole. He's got his own twisted ways of coping up... he'd come around eventually, but until then, I can't let those ways hurt you, you've already been through a lot. Its better I let you go now that to lose you forever." I immediately pull him into a hug, sobbing into his shoulder.  I'm so thankful to god for sending Tris into my life. He truly understands me and knows me inside out. 

"Now... fix your face... I don't want Nyc to get a wrong impression of my girl." He chuckles, but I know he's breaking. So for him, I pull my shit together and smile back. I can't make it anymore harder for him or me.

After changing into my jeans, halter neck top and boots, I grab my phone and my jacket and walk downstairs to talk to my dad. Tris stands by the stairs while I walk to him in the living room.

"I'm ready to go with you." I say straight up. For a moment he looks at me and then at Tris. He wants to ask something but decides against it after seeing the look on my face. "Also... is it possible for us to leave right now?" I ask.

"Right now?" I nod. "What about your stuff?" He asks standing up.

"I don't need anything. If its okay I can borrow some cloths from Ashley for some time" 

"No, not a problem at all. She'll be so happy to see you. I'll just call your uncle." He smiles and walks to the backyard. 

Tris smiles at me proudly and gives me a nod.


I love Tristen. I wish I had a friend like that. And please don't be mad at me for the Reece part. It was bound to happen for the story to grow. Tell me in the comments how you feel about this chapter. Did you feel mad at Reece or do you think he had his reasons. 

▪ Peace ▪

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