◾ Chapter - 21 ◾

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"Good morning sleepy head." I hear someone whisper softly into my ear.

"Go away." I whine, not bothering to look who it is.

No one wants to be woken up when they literally went to bed at 3. Yeah... the three of us were up late playing games. And guess what? Jacob is treating us at the Sunny side today. 

Yup, that's right. I beat him in every game he challenged me in. That's the perk of having two best friends, who literally live for these games.

"C'mon little C. Do ya really wanna miss the chance of me treating. Trust me, that happens almost never." He smirks.

"What time is it?" 

"Quarter to 11." He chuckles, and I slowly open my eyes. 

"Its a lunch treat then." I turn around and see him lying next to me, looking at me with those hazel brown eyes. 

"Yes princess. Now get your ass out of this bed before I throw a bucket filled with ice water on you." He warns. 

Sighing in defeat, I  lazily crawl out of my bed and drag myself to the bathroom. Not making much effort to fix my look, I just pull on a hoodie with tights and tie my hair in a messy bun, after brushing my teeth and washing my face. 

After sliding on my slip-ons I walk back to see him still lying on the bed. "Lets go J." 

"With pleasure my lady." He smiles and follows me.

"You're in a good mood for someone who has lost all the challenges." I laugh and surprisingly he joins me. Someone's in a real good mood today.

"I don't know, I had fun last night. Like after a long time. So yeah... sue me for all you want." He shrugs as we both enter the kitchen together. 

"Oh good you're up. Now we can finally leave." Ash jumps off of her seat and sprints to the front door. Chuckling, I follow my cousins outside to the garage. 

To say I am shocked... would be an understatement of the millennia. There are like 20 cars lined up in here. But the one that catches my eyes is in the far back corner. 

"Is that..."I trail off and walk towards it. 

"An 8th gen Chevrolet Corvette? Yes ma'am." Blake finishes for me. That too in sparkling white exterior and matt black leather interior. I'm gonna pass out. Reece and Tristen would be freaking out by now if they saw her. 

"But... we are not driving today." Jacob waters down all my dreams of  taking this beauty for a spin.

"Why? Why did you bring me here then?" I whine, and he waves his phone and wallet in my face. 

"C'mon Princess, the diner is like 5 minutes away. Ashley is probably there by now." I huff and longingly look at my love. Maybe next time babe.

We walk through the daily bustling city of New York. People rushing for work, some walking there dogs, some just New York is just like I imagined it to be. 


And for sure, it holds true to its name, City that never sleeps. As promised, we reach the diner within 5 minutes and the smell of pancake and coffee fills my nostrils the moment I enter. 

Small booths are lined up on the either side, with red and white seats fixed in them. The barista greets us with a pleasant smile and we return the gesture. I see Ashley already sitting in one of the booth at the back, sipping her vanilla milkshake. 

"What took you so long?" She whines as we take our seats. Me next to her and J and B in the seat opposite to us. 

"Took our little sister, car gazing." Blake laughs. I'm about say something, but am cut off by the waitress. 

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