◾ Chapter - 47 ◾

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"Allison, honey please. Mommy will be late for work." Allison? Wait what? That's my sister's name and that's my mom's voice. Where am I? 

I slowly open my eyes to the familiar peach colored walls, with numerous photos of me and my best friends and my family. This is my room. From back in Texas. 

"Allison, don't trouble your mom, honey. Go wake Chloe up. She'll be late for school." Dad? He's here. He's with us. Not waiting for another minute I run down the stairs and into the kitchen. There they are. My mom flipping pancakes on the stove, my dad sipping coffee, while reading newspaper, and a little girl, around 3 playing with her toys on the kitchen island. 

"Good morning Honey. I made pancakes. Your favorite. C'mon grab a plate." Mom smiles at me. I stride over to her and pull her in a hug. 

"I missed you mom. I missed you so much." I sob into the material of her shirt. She rubs my back comfortingly, mumbling all sorts of worried words to me. 

"Chloe, baby what's wrong?" She asks, pulling back.

"Nothing. I had a really bad, bad nightmare. I thought I lost all of you." I look back at my dad and my sister. 

"We are right here. Right Alli." Dad smiles at me while picking up Allison in his arms. I take her from him.

"Hi there princess. I'm Chloe. Your sister." I smile at her and she grins back, flaunting her dimples. "I love you guys so much." I sob and then dad pulls us all in a group hug. I got my family back. All of them. My mom, my sister, My dad. 

"Chloe... darling, you need to go back." Mom says after a while, as I'm playing with Alli and her dolls. 

"Go where mom?" I ask. Why would I go anywhere else when I have all of it here. 

"Reece and Tristen need you. They are waiting for you." 

"I'll just ask them to come over." I smile at her and turn to pick up my phone, but instead, see both of them standing at the main door. 

"Oh there you are. C'mon in. Mom made pancakes. And did you guys meet Allison?" She waves at them but they just stand there like statues. 

"Guys what happened. Come in." 

"Come back to me Eve. I need you. Please." Reece sobs and I immediately cup his face in my hands. 

"Reece, you're scaring me. What happened?" 

"Don't leave us Chloe. You promised you'd come back. Come back." Tristen's eyes pool with tears and some slip out of his eyes. 

"Chloe." My mom calls. 

"Mom what are they talking about?" 

"You know this is not real." She smiles sadly.

"NO. All of it is real. I have you back. I got Allison back." I cry, but she shakes her head.

"We'll meet some day. But right now, its not the right time baby. Its gonna take long. But I want you to live your life. Go to college, travel the world just like you wanted to. Fall in love." She cries.

"I am in love mom. I 'm in love with this idiot." I nod towards Reece, who smiles sadly at me. 

"Now go, before I change my mind." I pull her in a hug for one last time. 

"I love you Mom." 

"I love you too munchkin. Always remember that." Her fingers run through my hair, like they use to. I breath in her scent, trying to remember every bit of it.

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